>It's a good game comes out and Sup Forums has to be edgy and say it sucks episode
It's a good game comes out and Sup Forums has to be edgy and say it sucks episode
It does suck though. It is looking like the worst RE of all time. Nothing about it is "back to the roots" of the series. It's just a whole new spin of whacky wonky garbage that no one wanted.
>Whacky wonky
10/10 review
Anyone have a stream link?
Haven't played it yet, but from the leaks i've seen, it doesn't seem fun at all.
So I won't be buying it.
why does it matter if it's fun? wtf?
>Capcom knows the game sucks
>hence all the marketing here over the past month or so
Might play 1 hour 55min of it and refund.
>Game isn't out yet
>"It sucks"
There are actual human beings that gave this mentality
Sup Forums is notorious for having shit taste, why do you think there are so many pcucks here
>Game isn't out yet
>Except for all the leaked gameplay footage of THE WHOLE GAME we've seen
>not allowed to critique it
Let me show you how stupid you are:
>Shit in a box isn't released yet
>Some people in 3rd world countries got hold of the shit and are eating it
>We watch them eat it and it looks like shit, tastes like shit, smells like shit
I'm just saying that I'm setting up a timer that lets me play exactly the amount I have been offered just in case it sucks. I liked everything about the demo, except the ridiculous hype machine puzzle, but that was obviously not going to be part of the final product. The gameplay is just like RE1 except with controls made for human beings.
It's just that the leaked footage of the final game isn't looking all that promising. Some parts unrelated to the gameplay look like it's not even going to be lore-friendly.
You really aren't allowed to critique it until you've played it yourself
People saying this series is 'going back to its roots' are not entirely wrong. What I think a lot of people miss is the tense atmosphere and resource/item management of the classic Resident Evils. RE7 seems to be bringing that back, while putting a new spin on it with the first-person view which I'm really on the fence about.
I'm wondering if this was a PT clone that Capcom was making before they decided to slap the Resident Evil logo on it.
>i can't know if its shit from vids
there are actual humans this stupid
this happens with every game newfag
what the fuck is up with Sup Forums's obsession with shit related analogies? Or food analogies, or both combined.
social retardation. leave them be. it's the only way they know how to communicate.
>It's a bad game comes out and Sup Forums has to be contrarian and defend it episode
I like it; ridiculous monsters, inventory management, over-the-top weaponry and a vintage storyline makes for classic Resident Evil.
It looks uglier than 6, enough said
I'm not one to usually go for chan post number memes but you just listed 4 things while getting quads.
Game of the year confirmed?
>Sup Forums bitching about everything episode again
A day like other days.
try out 9gag you will like it there
>Sup Forums is bitching about game I kinda like again
>ridiculous monsters
Monster you suppose to say
Where the guy workiworking on the .zip? Is it almost done ?
whoa geez, two enemies on screen at once
eat shit
>triggered autist who can't even create a proper thread
>that image
Is it really Outlast 2 with guns?
>turned Chris into an ugly fuck
>good game
>generic first person horror game with title of famous franchise
best bosses na tho
Outlast doesn't have game mechanics to my knowledge. Walking forward until you hit static animation sequence triggers doesn't count.
It's not what I am looking for in a Resident Evil game, I want Over the top, I just more co-op good times, Capcom pls.
I'll play it and decide if I like it or not. If I don't, oh well, I'll play something else. Vidya is taken far too seriously.
well no one really knows who it is
given the huge amount of bad decisions there is a chance it still is chris
It's not Chris, jesus
Chris wouldn't go from beefcake to twink within months of Vendetta
unless capcom made a bad decision about chris and the RE franchise
Name 5 games that Sup Forums didnt do this
You know a game is meant to be played and not watched, i mean you can watch but you have no right to judge a game based on it
dude, I found a render of Leon in RE7's DLC
fuck this thread
creating tomorrow new leak threads for anons who missed out on it
shoutouts to spicbro for providing heterosexual horror content
Anyone have that pic of "Chris"
keep pretending its not a possibility
its about as plausible as it being hunk
Any video with the magnum?
whart was the last game tofu was in
You're aware muscles don't show up if you're clothed right? Which is why Chris in RE5 is clearly roided, dude is bigger than Schwarzenegger.
>Multiple Mr.X
hunk looked pretty old in 1998.
Darkside Chronicles
its not good, shill
Quads confirm.
I want to be Redfield
>generic early 2000 era horror fps. GUD!
Why do they all look so uncanny.
Can you prove that it is the others who are blindly stating falsehoods?
That scene was fucking dumb
She was laughing but her face was not moving at all.
Literally neanderthal.
>Those teeth
She's cute >.
looks like one of my exs
A game is more than just the gameplay, there are lost of factors that do not change from a purely observational perspective to a playing perspective, most of them in fact.
And if videos are not permissable for critique, why are there trailers and streams?
Those are solely released for people to critique the things they see positively and instill the desire to buy the game.
Or is it only okay to judge something if you judge is positively?
Where's the footage?
Looks like the girl that I raped and murdered.
in my dreams
you had 1 fucking job user.
Not sure about the rest, but I will guess the other one because he's Redfield.
I'm Redfield.
I think the reason why Redfield looks nothing like Redfield and also why he looks weird is that they're using some new face capturing tech. Something that is easy to use but requires the ingame character's face to be identical to the motion actor's.
Time to spice up this shitty thread
>any resident evil after 4
no way fag
let go of me fag
The face models aren't the voice actors.
Redfield's face model is: George Dandy(pic related)
Redfield's voice actor is: David Vaughn
You liked it back at stars
the whole game was leaked you fucking retard
What if the Redfield in this game is actually Tofu in disguise? He could be like some kind of Decoy Octopus.
>muh originality
the boomer is pushing it really hard
Whoever doesn't remember wesker being protective of Chris is a fucking new fag.
Wasn't there a Boomer-like enemy on RE6?