what should Sup Forums ask him?
what should Sup Forums ask him?
>hes only answering easy, stupid questions
lets go home boys, maybe next time
What do you think of the potential of Steam running on homebrew PlayStation 4 systems? (Under Linux, and Vulkan optimization with that is on the way as well.)
~sips le cofferino, d-dear gabe new wells where is le halfliferino episoderino three? xd
>having a reddit account
Why dont you fucking stay there
Ask him to tell Sony to make Ape Escape 4
This. So fucking dull. Why even bother?
ask him about half-life 3 XD
ask him why he decided to rape tf2's corpse with meet your match
like mannconomy wasnt enough? fucking piece of shit won't make new games and ruins the old ones
>advertising reddit
I'm gonna get one day one and not update so I can wait for hacks and emulators/roms on it. It'd be the PERFECT gaming on the go handheld.
>genuine questions about when Source 2 is going to be a thing and VAC
>no answer
>lol do ppl recognize you in public Gaben?? :D
>yea im pretty popular haha download Steam today
>unannounced products
It literally just started you sperg, give him time to answer.
Time to switch threads buddy
>linking reddit unironically
>give him time to answer
>>Just give them time to make Half Life 3!
Gabe: Any Questions?
Redditor: When's Half Life 3?
AMA Redditor: What influence do you think VR will play in the future? I'm totally for buying an $800 piece of junk.
Game: I'm glad you asked that. I feel VR...
I just want him to confirm all their old series are dead. Just give me a clean break from this shitty company.
what is your weight in kilogrammes
>Steam Machines
>Steam OS
What the fuck, Gabe?
Ask if he eats tendies and uses poopy/peepee bottles
Due to Valve's company culture, he will just give the usual BS answer of "if enough employees feel that a new game is worth working on..."
>what is your weight in kilogrammes
I'm pretty sure reddit has a letter limit of, like, 4000
>I think Portal 2 is our best single-player game
You know, part of me wishes these people would just flood the section with "HL3 WHEN," instead of the dull questions that he actually answers. The stuff he answers gives no real insight to anything they're doing over there, if anything. It's just so dull and pointless.
Like, what if nobody asked anything besides HL3? What would they do? Cancel the AMA??
I know HL3 is dead, I just want them to feel bad for not making it. hold me Sup Forums ;_;
Well Gaben nor anyone else important in the industry is ever going to AMA on Sup Forums so we don't have much of a choice here.
When will japanese Visual Novels be sold on the steam store uncensored and with their adult content??? Its already 2017 and I'm tired of waiting!
Hey man, don't be salty. Sometimes reddit has active threads for games /vg/ doesn't.
And their tech board doesn't go full assblasted autism mode if you ask about pc build recommendations.
>implying anything remotely important is going to be revealed here
>implying this isn't Gabe "Fat Jew" Newell currying favor with the plebs
>people in the thread complaining about MUH TF2 COMPETITIVE
Maybe one millionth of the TF2 community is interested in playing the game competitively. I want to shoot people, and I want it to be fun.
I wish every single question was related to HL3. He is avoiding anything pertaining to it or new releases of their major games. He'd HAVE to answer some of them, r-right?
Reddit's point system (most significantly the downvote) is cancerous and most of its users are flaming homos, everything on that site is dull and pointless because they have a phobia of edges.
>We think VR is pretty important as a tool for interesting games.
just fucking stop dude
>ignoring literally every question about half life
the tech demo from Valve for Vive is pretty impressive shame their work force is so shit we will never get a real game.
I don't think he has an answer though
the little rumors we've heard over the years suggest multiple attempts at making the game failed spectacularly
>linking to reddit
If you've never seen an AMA before, that's how literally all of them go. They're just advertising tools for whatever the subject in question is shilling at the moment.
Reddit is great for these kinds of things thanks to the upvote system. People THINK it's all user asked questions and they're reaching out to the community, but they're free to downvote any actual issues people bring up so they get buried under the usual marketing topics and "when does the narwhal bacon lol he's one of us."
>Gaben wants to make full drop a reality.
>Open the page.
>It's almost entirely white.
>Can't find any options to switch it to a darker color.
Pretty shit webpage desu senpai.
>Implying he isn't going to answer anything besides non-vidya or meme related questions
That's...ambitious. Christ almighty.
>that's how all of them go
I take it you don't know about the Woody Harrelson one.
there's a whole subreddit dedicated to AMA ''disasters'' actually
>linking to reddit is perfectly fine now
Make me goy
report for advertising
>The issue with Half-Life for me is that I was involved in a much higher percentage of the decisions about the games, so it's hard for me to look at them as anything other than a series of things I regret. There's no information in my response about what we'll do in the future. It's simply easier for me to be a fan of things that in which I was less directive.
>Half-Life was a mistake - Gabe Newell
Literally no other option in this case, calm your autism.
How does this man even sleep at night?
I wanna Hand hold that wolf
Seing those pompous questions being disregarded is a bliss.
Don't trust his fucking lies.
Someone ask him how many hams he eats in a day!
screenshot that shit.
This is actually infuriating me to read
His opinion on the future of Valve, the dicksucking ledditors, the actual questions going unanswered, and to top it all off all these fucking wannabe journos trying to get an interview. Christ it's so upsetting
Not always. I heard when Tom Hardy did his he admitted to hamming it up in TDKR for fun and even did some baneposting.
we really are reddit now aren't we
>giving short uninteresting answers
>avoiding answering about Half-Life 3 completely
>"VR is the future!"
>"we're still working on our games and on Source 2" default answers
No surprises here. Move along.
not even the best portal game
The issue with Half-Life for me is that I was involved in a much higher percentage of the decisions about the games, so it's hard for me to look at them as anything other than a series of things I regret. There's no information in my response about what we'll do in the future. It's simply easier for me to be a fan of things that in which I was less directive.
Fuck this fat retard
Sounds perfect for Sup Forums
someone ask him what kind of rope it would take to hang his fat ass
i wonder if the knuckles controller flex his muscles
That's not a ham though, why did you post that picture?
>>Half-Life was a mistake - Gabe Newell
That's not what he's saying though.
Gabe said Portal 2 is the best singleplayer game Valve has made
He's not wrong
Does it make you chuckle?
>it's hard for me to look at them as anything other than a series of things I regret
Are you sure?
>"As someone who is legitimately a fan of the game Ricochet, can you tell us if we will see more of this hidden gem of a franchise in Valve's future, especially with the popularization of VR?"
>"Robin, we found the Ricochet fan."
Portal 3 confirmed.
>"The issue with Half-Life for me is that I was involved in a much higher percentage of the decisions about the games, so it's hard for me to look at them as anything other than a series of things I regret. There's no information in my response about what we'll do in the future. It's simply easier for me to be a fan of things that in which I was less directive."
>"it's hard for me to look at them as anything other than a series of things I regret."
W-why would he regret half-life?
what a fucking dickhead
>he doesn't know what ham looks like
Half-Life 1 is way better. Portal 2 is far too short.
so i should play portal 2? I only played portal 1 when they gave it out for free. finished it pretty quick too.
it's the same feeling when an artist has a hard time fapping to their own porn
It actually is really enjoyable, only complaints I ever see about it are about the space core
Goddamn reddit is a fucking pain to browse
If anyone has a reddit account:
1. Do you still work as an FBI informant and what are recent examples of your work?
2. Looking back, was trying to entrap a minor from a foreign country in order to get him into a penitentiary for looking at some code too harsh or justified?
3. Now that conduct of people like tmartn and Syndicate drew too much spotlight over very lucrative and unsupervised kiddie gambling industry that you're the most prominent figure of, what is the next line of approach for Valve?
4. Did you ever discuss politics with your former employee that went to work for Syriza?
5. How will you try to implement paid online for PC gamers? Steam Premium section or some other version of superior content for low, low price?
6. Share an anecdote from Win 3.1 development.
They are both tech demos its just Portal 2 is more than an hour long
I literally still have no idea how to read reddit.
Where's the most recent posts?
Fucking a.