>You have been invaded by dark spi-
You have been invaded by dark spi-
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is there anyone who doesnt do this?
i wanna play the game just fucking leave me alone
epic thread ;)
I just wanted to be friends
There are options for that in every game puss-puss.
dark spider? how hoorfiying xfdd
>is there anyone who doesnt do this?
Most people don't do that.
>playing on a laptop
This must not be Dark Souls 3: Ganking Boogaloo
>sitting at bonfire waiting to be summoned in anor londo
>suddenly stand up front bonfire and the flames around it disappear
>exit to menu and then back into game
sorry niggers i just wanted some jolly cooperation not to get ganked by xX_n0$c0peF@gg0t420_Xx
>Mы гoтoвы вcю нoчь EXP вы гoтoвы user?
>get invaded in the swamp looking area in DS3
>hide behind trees for an hour
>read hate mail after they disconnect
>you have been invaded by trapgirl69
man I hope I just got baited
>Not booting up the trainer and turning on infinite HP
>wanna have some co-op fun against Abyss Watchers
>summon dude
>someone invades
>co-op dude decides to run around the swamp for 10 minutes chasing him
>softbanned off the server
do these games seriously not have some sort of checkbox you can click in options to play by yourself?
>Accidentally get up from bonfire before you finish
>Bonfire cannot be used
>wait for a bit
>walk around
>fog doors everywhere with no invader
>more time passes and still no invader
>forced to alt f4
Why not just kill the invader? 99% of invaders are scrubs anyways.
I dont - I just jump off the nearest wall
Can only play without being invaded if your hollowed which means health and stats are decreased.
I just use the white tree branch and hide my ass off makes it better if they run past me a few times
>try to play dark souls
>get invaded by minmaxed twinks 24/7
Zero fun allowed.
>get invaded
>get the drop on them
>takes no damage
>hits you once
>instantly curses you
>taunts as you're dying
>invade darkroot garden
>drop down into the basin and climb up all the way past the Moonlight Butterfly to the Blacksmith
>disconnect ethernet
>wi-fi connects instantly
>Dark Souls on PC
serves you right
Pic name killed my sides
>go to swamp area hoping to get invaded
>just hide by using white branch
>they search forever
>leave and send hate mail
>be min/max twink
>invade the church constantly
>kill anyone who uses the drake sword or is ganking constantly
>leave solo players alone
feels good
DS1 you can stay hollow which has no impact at all on your stats. Human status is literally just an on/off switch for online play.
DS2 you can burn effigies at bonfires to be safe from invasions for a limited time. You aren't safe from invasions while hollow, but you are lower priority than human targets.
DS3 is like DS1, except being embered gives you a 30% health bonus. Invaders don't get that bonus so the odds are already against them before you even start summoning your private army of phantoms.
>play DaS on PC
>decide to invade others in Anor Londo where you need to run over the roofs
>keep my level low for maximum fun
>Simple sword and target shield combo with no armor or magic
>spend almost a week doing this during some steam sale and having fun seeing others shit themselves as soon as i invade
>imagine during some disconnects they simply throw their tower out of the window
>get tons of hate mail for exploiting the spot
Invading on PC is fun, on consoles not so much because they cry less about it.
You can avoid being invaded for the whole game, but it means you don't get 3 phantom butt-buddies to carry your pussy ass through the whole playthrough.
There are two possible solutions: Get good at playing without phantoms, or get good at pvp.
I don't, normally. I'll keep playing through the level but if an Invader keeps running into groups of enemies, THEN I disconnect.
fucking faggots like this man, fuck them.
Just man the fuck up and take a death. You already summoned to try and be a filthy fucking ganker, I'm sorry you're so shit you can't win a 2 v 1.
>he doesn't enjoy savagely bodying twink faggots and min/maxing cunts with the great club in every iteration of the series
Pussies, the lot of you.
>invade in swamp
>constantly ruin peoples' day, chase them into giant faggot crabs, poisonous muck, etc etc
i always play in offline mode for nightmare frontier and nightmare of mensis, even if i'm overleveled
>i play souls games exclusively with my buddy
>we don't purposely lure people into our worlds, but when someone invades while we have a co-op session running, we just smack them around like the bitches they are
>when I have to play solo I'll disconnect my router so I'm in offline mode
you are not allowed to be angry if you're interrupting someones game
what a fucking pussy
bet you never did a sinister bell run too
If they don't want their game interrupted, they should stay hollow.
>bet you never did a sinister bell run too
as in i've never invaded someone, or is a "sinister bell run" something more specific
how can I play with my friend then you fucking idiot?
it's part of the game you stupid faggot. "interrupting" my ass.
>get invaded at level 15
>invader drops chaos great scythe +5
>points at it
>pick it up
>thank profusely
>get murdered
fun times
>not trying to solo kill gank squads just for fun
>getting salty over lost souls you dont even need
I don't get this.
What's the latest hate mail you got?
Mine was from Dark Souls 1 and some guy talking shit to me because I was using the butterfly horn spear (even though it only does 330 magic damage)
Someone post the DSP one
>using a big ass weapon in PVP
i have to admit I'm a VERY casual pvp'er in dark souls, meaning the only time I get PVP action is when I'm the one getting invaded, but so far I've not seen anyone do good with an xbox hueg weapon like that (not me, nor my enemy) can you actually find success with these?
To be fair in this case, maybe the guy actually dropped connection. He lagged, then hit you then disconnected. Or am I being stupid?
With DS3's multiple phantom invasions, it's pretty common to see people disconnect when their buddies die/heals run out.
And then you invade them again, again and again.
I used to do something like this when DaS was released on steam
drop items for people, let them collect them and then remind them what kind of game they are playing
did he died
>he still stuck at gundyr
He obviously tried to lagswitch, failed at that, and then cut his losses and d/c'd.
Basically, a shitter squared.
You can literally select offline play on ds3.
>"I wanna be able to use the online services for dark souls!"
>Invader appears
tbats a dropped connection
I kill invaders when they come, get this scrub-ass shit out of here.
ugs are complete garbage past des
you're not wrong, no good pvper uses them and they never win tourneys
Learn to do this.
>invade the nightmare
>faglord and his two merry gay men
>pop lead elixir and charged untricked amy arm
>merry gay men are dead
>lead walk up to faglord
>connection error
I don't need the kill, the satisfaction you get from someone pussying out is too good.
You have to pay the price to play online. I seriously don't understand you people, though I've long since convinced myself that it's all ironic.
you have an asshole for shitting. you shit. ok?
you could also get reamed in the ass though, right? do you do it? no. because you actively choose NOT to. same with dark souls. i have online, I want co op. I choose to not get invaded, progress lost and reamed in the ass however
Have you tried getting good? Are you saying two of you aren't enough to easily kill one enemy with less life than you and half his estus locked?
Maybe you should play something more your speed, like candy crush?
Fuck you and your friend. You're ruining your own experience by ganging up on the enemies, invaders are there to restore the balance.
Invasion is a natural part of the game. By actively avoiding it you are simply showing you can't actually play the game the way it's meant to be played.
I already pay for PS+ though, no need to also give up my soul for these fucking jews
Man the fuck up you stupid faggot. Fucking put on your big boy pants and challenge yourself.
Dark Souls 2, some havelscrub called me a backstabbing noob and was mad as fuck. I was fighting him with mundane ladles and it took a really long time to kill him. Broke his armor with corrosive urns when he started healing.
Best part is he summoned me with the red sign stone.
Haven't gotten any mail in DS3, too many phantoms so people don't know for sure who is who.
I meant the figurative price, not literal. Jeez.
This is the case in BB because you're not collecting covenant materials for weapons/spells.
DaSIII is the fucking worst when it comes to invasions. Especially in the fucking woods.
Most people won't care/won't do it enough times to even matter. But this can get you put in a blacklist server if you do it too many times.
Not even so much as that, I think when you skip out on invasions you miss a big part of what makes these games exciting. Old Monk fight from DeS is prime example imo, was such a fun/good idea making one of the bosses PvP.
It's tacked on bullet-point garbage, if you can't see that because of "b-but muh lore" then you're the king of being shilled to.
Well no you are quiting the game to avoid part of the game. That's what you are doing you huge faggot, if it was "choosing" like you said there would be a coop no pvp mode not turning off the game to avoid it. Just admit you are a shitter who needs help to beat bosses and are scared and triggered by dying to invaders and having to take 3 minutes to get back to where your souls are.
>DaSIII is the fucking worst when it comes to invasions. Especially in the fucking woods.
nah, ds2 is way worse
basically all the worst aspects of ds3 but with no full orb and npc phantoms with 5k hp
You're literally trying to defend not fighting in a game ABOUT FIGHTING because your bitch ass can't handle the extra challenge.
>people would leave if they tried to do that fight again
Reading this thread could kill a man. Also, didn't it make people trying to do coop the boss too? That would get so many complaints today.
>Faggot ass host and his two little cucks keep trying to gang up on me
>Use surroundings and just their general r1 mashing retardation to kill both of them
>Host dies from 3 minutes of running attacks trying to summon people back
>He never once turned around and tried to fight me
Do people think invaders are immortal? I die quickly at that level to any plus 5/10 weapon like anyone else. Just turn around and take your chance.
Cowardly normies who just wanna beat the game with summons to say they beat it.
>brother has Bloodborne
>he's younger than me and thinks he'll suck at it
>want to play it with him
>he's been gone forever and I've been going through radiotherapy for lymphoma
>refuse to touch it because I want to play it with him and we can go through it first time together
i just want to play with my bro, everything is eliminating splitscreen and BB is the only game I can imagine sitting aside and still having fun with
>tfw no new bloodborne content
how do you cope, boys?
there's some fun to be had with huge weapons. in DS3 there's the dragonslayer greataxe which can one shot players after a huge windup, you can sometimes surprise people with it
I remember when I made this thread.
Kill yourself you autistic mongoloid.
>ethernet cable
what the FUCK are you doing?
If anything DaS3 finally did what both games before it did wrong.
>Have to join a covenant you won't know how the first time and will probably talk to Frampt
>No full orb in the second game and nowhere that infinitely sells it.
The only garbage is now because it treats phantoms like hosts you have a much higher chance to get a 3-4 phantom world then a random chance world.
>want to help a friend of mine play DS1 for the first time
>jolly cooperation in undead parish
>get invaded by a guy in full havel set with a lightning washing pole
I understand invasions and all but this kinda shit is what makes people hate pvp
I never fight, I just dick around with them
>Hide in a corner
>20 minutes later
>Finds me
>Run with no intention of fighting
>Jump off a cliff
>Fucker follows me
>We both die
Was that worth 25 minutes of your time, FAGGOT?
I certainly finished with a smile on my face.
>Dark Sword
that thing doesn't still hit like a fucking truck, does it? seems that way from the webm.
Is the DLC worth it or do I wait for the next one to see if the season pass is worth?