Be honest, Sup Forums. How much time do you spend playing, watching, reading, and discussing vidya each week?

Be honest, Sup Forums. How much time do you spend playing, watching, reading, and discussing vidya each week?

What game is that?

dat balding doe

How did you get this picture of me?

5 hours a day
on weekends, anywhere from 6 - 12 probably

>that bald spot

>5-8 hours watching youtubers/streamers
>5-10 hours on Sup Forums
>2-3 hours playing vidya

1-3 hours

0 hours

>reading, and discussing
.5 hours

Being bald is a sign of virility you blank shooting shitposter

im fucking tired all the time now.

>get job
>work four 12 hour shifts mon-thurs
>sleep all day friday
>try to play games on the weekend but anxiety for the new week starts making it hard to focus

getting close to the trigger

Maybe an hour before bed.
Can't really bring myself to play vidya too much these days.

There's literaly nothing wrong with being bald!

I spend probably 5 of my eight hours of work each day browsing Sup Forums or video game related stuff. And then another hour or two after I get off.

I start playing games shortly I get off work and until I go to sleep, unless I have something special planned with my gf or family.

Not really.

Each week? I probably play like 12 hours a day, with a stream in the background for half of that. And about 2 hours every day read the shitposting here.

He's not bald, he just has really intense dreams


Seriously. You will have more energy and feel a lot better.


It helps bring energy back. Really.

Twenty minute run before work.

Honestly you should just drink on the weekend, Saturday actually considering your schedule. It'll help your anxiety for the moment and make shit a lot more fun.

i did that for 12 years. Was close to necking myself. Now i've been neeting for 5. Best decision of my life.

I've been a neet for 8 years. Because I get autism bucks I'm able to live life at my own pace. If you don't get autism bucks then I wouldn't recommend it.

Try getting up early on Fridays, then have a shower and put fresh clothes on. Fill your day how you please, it's a day off after all, and when your body orders you to sleep do it. The important part is that you got up and did something on Friday, and if you make that your routine you'll have a lot more energy because your body is prepared for it. Eat well and rest when your body really needs it, that's the key to having the energy to enjoy your days off.

Basically, make your routine work in your favour user. You've got to make a living right? That doesn't mean it should affect your days off when you're already pulling long shifts for 48 hours a week.

playing vidya, probably an average of 3 hours each day of the week after getting home from work, and 6 hours on the weekends/days off

watching/reading/discussing vidya, around 15 hours spread throughout the week at work and when lounging at home

I fucking laughed too hard

>Get a really good paying job
>Problem is hours suck ass
>Work 2 days a week, 14 hour shifts.
>End up making 60k a year
>I am not full time I don't get benefits
>Obamacare fine is raping me

Can't wait for trump to repeal obamacare. Also I wish I could find more work. Problem is most jobs have shit pay.

I'm unfortunately addicted to Sup Forums, so a lot.

whatever helps you sleep at night, baldy

I get the feeling that if I were a faulty man who gets tits, that's exactly how I would dress myself.

Someone get that man some finasteride

>not just shaving his head



>still rockin' the visor

This is my only free night until Monday and it looks like i'm going to blow it on Sup Forums
I wish I had some alcohol

No that is a syllogistic fallacy, high testosterone *can* lead to baldness, but so can a million other things, so baldness =/= high virility.

You don't need alcohol. Just drink some nice black tea or coffee.

His bad posture and the cap he is wearing leading to bad circulation and especially poor blood flow to the top of his head is a much more likely cause.

Alcohol makes me lose my headache and makes me more productive though.
I need the booze user.

>work 8 hour days, 5 days a week
>I also work from home
>play games while working since no one can "monitor" me
>also play games when I get off work
>job pays decent and get full benefits
pretty fucking sweet gig I have

I've never minded people getting autismbux because of how little they get but you are earning that money my friend. How retarded do you have to be that you can't find a good job, and not a fucking mcjob, that you can play vidya in.

Phone support line?

On weekdays after work I'll intermently play vidya or watch/read/discuss vidya for 4-5 hours

Sure it does, druggie.

Reminder that Minoxidil works

Why isn't Chad balding then?

I truly feel bad for balding white people and Asians. There's no recourse for them. Atleast blacks and Latinos can get their heads shaved and nobody will think they look like recovering chemo victims. Only other option is getting jacked and then shaving their heads in which case they look like a NeoNazi Subboss.
Side effects? Does it work on beards?

About 2-3 hours a day on week days, 3-4 if it's my day off, and like 8 if it's my day off and I haven't planned anything with friends
Roughly like 30 mins per day. I always watch twitch while eating on my desk.
>reading and discussing
Will group this togheter since they both count as Sup Forums, but it varies wildly. Some days I don't even visit this place, sometimes I stay for like 2 hours

I read this post and somehow thought you were talking about a medication that works for suicide. Was disappointed.

It might not seem like a lot of money but so many people are on it that it's destroying the economy.

Because that shit's SLICK.

It's toxic for cats, but then again they'll need to lick it off your head.
Washing your hands after using it, is a given.

There are shitload of ways to kill yourself.
Just think about it. I mean, I wouldn't want to shoot my head with a low caliber, I'd rather go for the heart in that case.

You could also try therapy and getting your life back on track so you can enjoy life again

I thought it was something for anti-anxiety. Was disappointed.

Im in the same boat with the obama care fine.

>There are shitload of ways to kill yourself.
Yeah but I'm too lazy for most of them. Shit. Guess I'll just have to keep on living while using vidya as a crutch to stave off existential dread.


It only prevents hair loss, doesn't reverse it.
It causes advanced aging in your skin.
It smells bad and there is just as much astigmatism attached to using it as being bald.

If you use minoxidil plus finesteride you'll reverse the hair loss, but you'll also grow boobs, have thinner bones, and be more likely to develop cancer.

Some times I would think of killing myself but then you know I realize life has it's ups and downs. If I have to go through 2 weeks a year of feeling like shit then that's fine because I'll enjoy the rest of the 52 that I have.

>but so many people are on it that it's destroying the economy.

Actually the economy is being destroyed by economic stagnation caused by 80% of the money being locked down by 1% of the people.

Too fucking long for the past 6 months because lymphoma keeps me home while I'm not getting treatment

it ends soon so I can go back to a reasonable schedule, I hope

I haven't been sick in 3 years. I'm healthy as fuck.
The fine last year was $375 for me. It raped me. Not to mention getting fired and being unemployed and hoping to rely on that money for living..

>Does it work on beards?
>wanting a beard


or you can just not act like an agoraphobic george costanza and set realistic expectations for yourself

I am tired of looking like a child or a child with pubes glued to his face. I'm fucking 35.

>Does it work on beards?

Worked for me. I only ever applied it to my cheeks and sideburns, but within two months I was getting thick hairs with some patches here and there, and within 4 months I had a fullgrown beard

Side effects included dry skin on the face during the first two months, thats about it

>Not to mention getting fired and being unemployed and hoping to rely on that money for living..
don't get fired then fucking idiot

I'm 28 in a couple weeks. People assume I'm in high school. I don't care though. At least I don't look old.

Is that the drug that was killing peoples sex drive?

About 20-24 hours.

Probably the same as playing or more mixed with writing because of studies.

>Discussing with Sup Forumsirgins
Probably less than 16 or 18 hours a week. I love to lurk more than discuss, really.


I think finasteride stops the loss and is the one responsible for those side effects you mentioned.

It helps the growth, I don't know the exact numbers and since it's fairly new, there aren't many figures, but most people got at least some hair "back".

>It smells bad
Isn't it solved in alcohol?

propecia can potentially do that if you're on the 5mg dosage. rogaine shampoo won't

No, it doesn't. There is no real hair loss treatment. Unless you're willing to shell out for shitty looking plugs that everyone knows is fake anyway.

The only real choice is to embrace your baldness and shave your fucking head like a man. Men aren't supposed to hide behind shit. It makes them seem weak and effeminate.

Women hide behind make up and hair extensions and fancy tricks. Men embrace what they are. There's a reason women hate men that try to hide the fact they're losing their hair, it reminds them of themselves.

You're not a woman. You're a fucking man. Embrace the suck, like a fucking man.

I hate those sandals. I hate those sandals on any girl and I hate that they're so goddamn popular.

I hate denim jackets.
I was raped by a cowboy

Easy there faggio

I'm going to reduce what I do to a schedule. Found out I've been wasting so much time fucking around browsing the web. Now I'll just look at the important shit, read, play video and go to gym, sick and tired of spending time in this waste of a life board.

>not wanting a beard

I swear, baby faced men are like manlets in a way.

"Ye-yeah man, I like didn't want to grow a beard anyway! It's like, gross! And girls totally don't like them!"

Not really no it's because 60% of the population is receiving aid due to a loss of blue collar jobs. The 1% having more money is a result of an economy that hasn't recovered, not the cause of it.

The only men who want beards are fucks with no self awareness to realize they look unkept, dirty and like shit overall. Very few men can make the beard look good
>inb4 you just say that because you don't have a beard
I could grow a full beard since I was 17 and I hate it. It's a pain

All you have to do is give a little daily attention. Oil and Balms are important as fuck, as are daily trims and combing.

>A man is supposed to be [stuff I do/did]

I mean you can be concerned with your appearance but it doesn't make you vain.

Also men always were vain, I mean look at Putin.

That is another reason why I don't have one. I am not bothering with that shit, I'll just shave

It changes drastically depending on what I'm playing and how much NEET time I have.

Anywhere from 0 to 15hrs of playing video games/day. My only real source of info for vidya is Sup Forums and I tend not to browse as much as I used to.

As for "watching" video games I never ever watched LPers/streamers and never ever will. Worst I've done is those commentary videos of mathewmatosis which are actually really good background noise.

who is this semen demon?

5 minutes of beard touchups >>>>>> 10 minutes of shaving

About an hour after work every day, and on weekends about eight at most all together. That number goes up or down depending on holiday/vacation, I'm given about 120 hours of vacation and about 80 mandatory. So I take off for big games I wait for. Like BotW, I took off the Friday it comes out and the Monday/Tuesday after. Plan on just grinding the shit out of that game while listening to podcast.

I watch a few youtube videos in the morning before I roll off to work. Mostly Funhause or Achievement Hunters.

I don't read that much news besides the basic shit so I know whats coming out.

>and discussing
Every day with a handful of people. I prefer talking about books or movies/tv. Video games are my alone time, same with coming here.

more time spent watchan, readan, and shitpostan about vidya than i do playan it.
i hate college, but who the fuck am i kidding, i do the same thing in the summers when i go to work anyway./spoiler]

Jay Bailey

Early balding white man detected.

>Beliving hair transplants don't work

Its a lot of money though, but unless you are super bald, it fucking works as long as you pay a good surgeon.

>in dire need of a haircut and a shave

Who else rocks "the depressed" look?

I doubt very much that mother fucker was waiting for 5 minutes.

>Oil and Balms are important as fuck, as are daily trims and combing
Just fucking shampoo it, its hair. That's what I do with my pubes and they're fucking glorious.

Baldness is caused mainly by genetics. There's literally a gen that determines whether you'll go bald or not.

That's ignorant. If you want a good looking beard, you need to put in the work.

Balms help you maintain an organized and well defined "grain" to your beard which helps with styling and trimming and oils keep the hair healthy and flexible, which helps your balms and combs at doing their jobs.

Pubes aren't the same as beard hair. No way in hell your pubes are as thick and wiry as proper facial hair.

t. Beard since 2010

>5 minutes of beard touchups
Every day+ all the extra shit you have to pay in products to keep it from looking like total shit
Fuck that

This guy is a fag.
Just grow your beard and wash it regularly. Or not. It doesn't fucking matter because you are a man, and literally everything can look good on a man.

Are you implying that shaving products aren't a crazy racket? I just keep an electric trimmer and pickup a 20$ beard care package from the store every couple months.

Razors and creams and whatnot are the same thing if not worse.

It's usually men who are trying to actively look manly who end up growing full beards. Then it's just one more thing to groom, along with their girly eyelashes, their silly modern haircuts and their vagina hair.

Honestly, I'd rather be bald than a shit skinned.

>Just grow your beard and wash it regularly.
Regular washing is only half the battle. Wearing a beard without doing maintenance is fucking disgusting. It's like you WANT to look like a hobo.