The leafy character has a gun

>the leafy character has a gun

I don't get it. How's she leafy? Link is more leafy because he grew up with the Dekus. Terra/Zelda is like oceany, like a pirate.

But, user, this is the leafy character. He lives in a forest!

what is so leafy about her?

post yfw you realize you haven't seen a leafy thread in months

The fuck does that even mean

What the fuck is an leafy


>idubbz rekt him so hard he just left the internet
But fuck your nonvidya thread,fag.


Love how the first few replies don't know a thing about YouTube drama

>tfw his channel is fucking dead

It's almost as if there are people who value their intelligence enough not to bother with that stupid bullshit.



Oh this was another eceleb thread, fuck off

you say that like it is a bad thing, underage faggot

I really like Tetra but fucking hated how her personality did a 180 when she became Zelda.

These are the treads the Mods should shut down.
My favorite companion in Zeldo will always be Midna and the bottom a tie between Sword mannequin and Navi.

I feel she was more kinda stunned about what was going on but she still had attitude; when fighting ganon for instance

And that's bad?

Same and I was a lot more indignant about it around the time it came out. In retrospect, she got a lot of stuff dumped on her in the span of an afternoon.

She actively participated in the final battle and that redeemed her a good bit.

>dressed as a swashbuckler
>has a curved sword
>flintlock pistol

I fail to see how the pistol doesn't fit.

Please tell me this is real. He's the most cancerous thing I've seen on the internet in years. Even worse, he's malignant.

I always thought they were two different characters