ITT: Useless party members
ITT: Useless party members
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Hes only the characters besides the hero that doesnt leave the party making him very impotrant
Hes also very fast making him a great healer
Vincent Valentine, unless you bothered to kill a shit ton of enemies to max his final weapon's damage.
Most useless Limit.
outside his "sacrifice" to get the black materia, he was pretty underwhelming and underdeveloped, moreso than RedXIII
And as a party member he sucks
>It's "that" final fantasy character thread
Top tier bonermancer
bottom tier character
I love her but fucking hell she is useless in combat.
What's that? You're the slowest, weakest character, with no good offensive psyenergy? Your only usefulness is a heal spell? Other characters can have similar heal spells?
Literal garbage tier in combat, and a huge faggot outside of combat. Fuck your hand wringing and your constant sucking of Kraden's cock. Hell, even Kraden is getting tired of your shit by the end of the game.
coolest portrait though, I always used his portrait for my ranger character.
this is just wrong though
God awful. Hate when they rearrange the party at certain points and try to sneak her into a battle slot.
>Jogurt does not posses the ability to gain levels nor does he posses any abilities that are beneficial for direct and indirect combat. This makes him almost completely useless and overall the weakest member of the Shining Force. Earning 100 XP will let him level up to 1, from 1.
Nah, Quina is useful.
But he's one of the party members you use if you want a bit of a challenge and don't just want to steamroll the game with Emma, Jusis, and Alisa.
Pretty much this. Kanji's a better Chie in every single way.
>Kanji better for physical damage
>Teddie better for ice damage
I don't know what they were thinking. Chie's only really useful for dragon hustle and that's kind of unfortunate.
Best bro right there
>Not making him a Monster Masher or Hero
Only Maribel was garbage but that was only in the PS1 version.
>great healer
Well except for the low MP. That sucks. But in a game with five max. playable characters with a party of only four, by definition he is not a useless party member. Just not as good as the Hero, Melvin, Aira or arguably Maribell.
He exists solely to pad out your team to eight if you fuck up along the way, I'm sure of it
He's just another shitty mage in a game where every spell makes you stop playing and watch a cheap effect
4 melee is the only team to run
>the only party member that doesn't leave after they join
okay bro
Came here to post this. Jogurt also can give the Jogurt ring which turns your party members into him with identical stats. No one else can possibly be this useless.
Should be pic instead
They're only really good to have if you're desperately short on funds, and even then it's hard to take them on anything but short dungeons. The Guard Me skill is pretty fun, though
Switched his ass out immediately after getting the 5th character.
Yeah but among the shitty mages in the game is is absolutely the worst
What do all these creatures have in common?
Every single one of them are fucking useless except for furry waifubait.
Alisa is a good character?
Never used her unless I had to.
besides Laura + Tauros = rape
Jolteon was furry waifubait?
>level your buddies to max level
>his HP is permanently bugged every time you switch areas
>no innate regen
fuck, i even went through all that fucking trouble to get this dildo. he was the most useful of the shit tier buddies that are your allies, but becomes absolute shit the second you max his level. an inevitability.
Nigga, Vaporeon is still a champ in Go
Umbreon and Espeon are good in lower tiers
That's not Aishe.
>comes like 60% through the game
>has one and a half jobs mastered
AoE healing is pretty handy. I hate Alisa as a character, but she's a top tier party member.
I dunno, I remember having an umbreon With a macho brace and payback that was pretty sweet.
Espeon gets Magic Bounce + dual screens at least so it's not completely useless.
The problem with eeveelutions is that they all share the same moveset with few exceptions, and the same egg moves too so anyone who COULD be decent, won't be because it won't have any moves.
Any partner that lacks a heal or MP Gift in any kingdom hearts game.
he's super fast so you make him useful by giving all the healing and attacking items to him.
but once you ran out, he can't do much, yeah.
Well,his speed Is pretty good for emergency healing.
Now Salsa tho...
>Focuses on strength in a game where magic is king
>Chances are the strength fighters you already have are better than her by the time she joins
>Not making him a monster masher immediately and raping everything with Scorch.
The guy has low MP, sure, but at least you can take advantage of it a bit.
Boney would have been so awesome if he had PSI powers
He was okay as a tank early on.
Seriously, I'm level 21, I just beat the weird art tower place, and this guy instakills anything that isnt a metal slime with scorch.
It even does like 100 damage on bosses too consistently.
Hes doing more damage than the fucking dedicated mage.
HP boosting accessories solve his survivability issues and his techs hit more reliably than Gladio's. He's no Ignis, but Ignis was literally designed to be Noct's perfect support.
>literally zero story value or characterization
>second-rate in battle unless you play a shitty minigame for hours
Quina is shit. Not as shit as Amarant or Eiko, but still pretty shit.
He always wrecked shit with a boomerang, which is more than I can say about Mervyn. Too bad Ruff's boring as hell.
Shit taste confirmed. Dog is bro-tier.
except Machias can meme your party to infinite turns in CSI, though that game is still best when using your favorites as a party
delete this
Candy Corn is finally overwhelmed by the sweet taste of death as the rope tightens with every squirm he gives.
Last thing I remember about him is that he did a lot of damage.