Why don't you exercise Sup Forums?
At least go for a walk
Why don't you exercise Sup Forums?
At least go for a walk
Other urls found in this thread:
>talks about exercise
>post pictures of weight lifting
Weight lifting isn't "exercise." That's like calling vitamins "food." You can't get healthy from weight lifting alone.
Stop spreading misinformation about how to get healthy to unhealthy people.
>going for a walk in -2 weather
t's too fucking cold out right now
are you implying weight lifting has no health benefits?
I lift for 1:30-2 hours a day five days a week. I honestly barely play games ever idk why I come here
I walk to and from work nearly every day (about 20 mins one-way) and stretch regularly. Rarely do I sit still for more than 90 minutes.
No, just that, on its own (as it's often presented), it is not enough to get people to a healthy state.
I do OP.
I literally said to go for a walk.
So you have proven to be clinically retarded.
>-2°C is cold
What are you, a fucking nigger?
I do
I still eat too much though so instead of being fat at least now im builtfat
post arms
-2 farenheit
bruh lateral raises are the GOAT accessory to OHP for shoulders
never need anything else
I do, I lift 4-5 days a week. The only reason for the variance is if I have access to an indoor court to play basketball.
Oregon Health Plan?
They call me the monster
I smoke cigarettes to stay thin. Im not a fatty.
Nigger what would you prefer he posts? 50 pics of various exercises? Neck yourself
" 'At least' go for a walk" stated alongside an image of weightlifting carries with it the implication that walking is a lesser a form of exercise than weight lifting. The exact opposite is true.
Already do, lifting and biking to work and back
you're not healthy either
I want to exercise so I can wear shirts like this
This is false and you're retarded. You should feel bad.
t. Person who has never exercised before
Because i have a real job, and i'm already healthy, got bitches, and don't care about getting rekt.
Fuck off back to fit faggot.
Yeah I started a few months ago. Gained like 25kg (no idea about pounds) and it really hurt my social life as well as my performance in any sort of sports
I'm 10kg down so far and I've been doing 5 hours a day because holidays. Lifting too, even though I don't like to show my fat body at the gym
I'm jealous, winter is already gone here in Germany.
I can see that if you have autism
And this
i do.
checkmate, atheists.
It's been 3 weeks since I've gone to the gym.
One week due to holidays, another due to pure laziness, and then one more because of military duty
Am I beyond redemption, should I just give up?
depends what you mean by healthy. weight lifting does wonders for your body, it's increased strength so why wouldn't it. if you're talking about cardiovascular health then of course it won't improve that side of your health because it isn't a cardio exercise.
sprinting is the best of both worlds because it bumps up your heart rate keeping it healthy whilst also training your fast twitch muscles, that's why sprinters are ripped.
in contrast to ripped sprinters you get skeletal looking cardio bunnies who suffer from a number of joint conditions in later life. sure are healthy aren't they?
Close, I have an English degree
In deinem Loch vielleicht.
>cardio is not needed
>only weightlifting
All it took for me to disregard /fit/ and their advice as a whole.
Lucky bastard. We're currently in the worst winter we've had in decades. There's like 4 feet of snow piled up in front of my place, ice is thick everywhere, buildings have collapsed from the snow, and my fucking car keeps dying from the goddamn cold.
You do realize that lifting keeps you burning calories long after you're done, correct? It's far better than walking.
1.5-2 hours a day. Nigger that's a waste. Keep it under an hour
>make yourself look like an alpha just to look like a faggot again
for what purpose?
they never said that. read the sticky.
lol name one type of athlete that doesn't lift. For every lb of muscle you burn an extra hundred calories of day doing nothing. Gtfo cardio bunny
Got a Fitbit for Christmas and now I spend my vidya time taking breaks in between jogging in place to walk at least 250 steps an hour, trying to total 10,000, 5 miles, and 30 active minutes. It's pretty fun. My feet are red and swollen and my belly fat hasn't decreased too much. People tell me 159 is alright, but I still feel like a fatty.
i do. one of the ways to try to keep depression at bay...
But I do lift
I hope you didn't fall for the long distance running/jogging trickery. HIIT actually confers more health benefits and can be done faster
to be an alpha faggot
How the fuck do you do these raises? I have no problems doing curls or bench presses, but I can't do these for shit.
That's a genuinely good way to do it, user. Excersize takes your mind off shit and releases endorphins to make you feel good. Keep doing that
fitness professional here. You shouldn't lift the weights with your arms in that position.
If you are going to do that exercise you should hold the weights vertically so your thumbs are facing the ceiling.
#1 it allows for a greater range of motion and thus more effective exercise
#2 it's a bit of a biological misstep, but you need to rotate the humerus slightly if you are going to be doing lots of repetitive motions. If you have your arms the way they are in picture it actually grinds in the socket a little bit, and while normally it isn't an issue, if you are continuously doing it like that you may develop impingement in your shoulder
my pick? get a suspension trainer. It's the best tool you could buy for home fitness needs
I'm 5'6
is lifting really better for burning calories than cardio?
i'm doing both regardless, just wondering
no. you do cardio to lose weight and lift to build muscle.
Constant high heart rate with steady speed > DURR QUICK DEN SLOW XD
so do you just walk the yellow brick road every day before your lollipop guild meetings?
This thread isn't aimed at athletes you nignog
I'm this retard
Before gaining all that weight I was just lifting with no cardio. I got swollen as fuck and never lost a single kg
I don't know shit but that's my experience. I'm doing all the cardio in the world now and I feel like a million bucks even though I have at least 15kg left
Not gonna make it
are you changing your eating habits?
>no skateboard squats
>making it
pick 1
>that feel when you train in boxing so get the best of both worlds
The only downside is I get punched in the face a lot.
I do that 8 hours a day five days a week, not doing it during my free time too.
Lower the weight. You definitely shouldn't be going heavy for laterals, your shoulders are very small, easily injured muscles.
The point is that athletes are the peak of fitness. You want to be skinny fat? You need muscle you dumb fuck. You should be balancing your workouts but saying "hurr durr lifting sucks" is the dumbest fucking thing ever.
I miss Scooby
>grinds in the socket
I don't believe you
My uncle was Chinese so he got me into martial arts as a kid. Told me straight up is was useless for fighting though since most people are gay and like to grope each other on the ground. It's kept me in shape forever though.
retard. cardio doesn't really burn all that many calories. weight loss primarily comes from diet, then whatever exercise you do on top of that will contribute to further weight loss.
the thing is, how do you want to transition to a fit body? because if you lift you will go from fat to bear mode quite seamlessly. if you cardio your way down to a lower weight you will be skinnyfat for a long ass time.
I lost 115 goddamn fucking pounds this past year fuck off i'm done.
Nigga you're at the maintenance period. You can't give up.
Trying to give myself a heart attack
My groin/ass hurts from sitting all of the time. Does cardio help?
I never said lifting sucks. Just that it's importance shouldn't be overstretched. You think those athletes only lift and do nothing else?
>Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness.[1]
Anything sounds stupid when you type it like that.
Strategically timing your speeds to incur the maximum health benefits > HUR GON JUST KEEP RUNIN xDD
I used to just eat like a house, but I've been monitoring my calories ever since. Changed my diet from junk food all throughout the morning to Welch's grape juice and plain buttermilk waffles for breakfast, assorted vegetables for lunch, and whatever the family cooks up for dinner. Quit the chips and candies. It's not perfect by any means, and I absolutely have to make more adjustments, but I like to think I'm going in the right direction.
It's true that 99% of fights just end up with somekind of wrestling kind of thing with weird groping.
Boxing can be helpful in that situation though, most people aren't aware of the weak spots (under the ear, jaw and stomach) which can instantly in most cases end the fight.
I think it does have its benefits, but it really depends on the situation. I'd just advice running like a nigger, if not possible, hitting and then running like a nigger.
Did you not read what I said or are you being intentionally stupid? I said balanced workouts.
>shortened achilles heel so have to squat the bar on my tiptoes
At least my calves look cool
That definition is so broad that "eating" could be included in it.
>implying I have a choice about going for a walk every day
its true. You have a part of the bone called the greater tubercle which juts out at the top of the bone, if you don't rotate it it'll push against the scapula. repeated motion will make it grind
just lift your arm in the position pictures, once you get high enough you will feel it start to get tights. That rubbing is what you're feeling
then rotate it so your hands are thumbs up, it wont be tight in that position anymore
here is a visual aid so to help you understand
I want to get fit so I can wear Linux shirts. Being fat and wearing a Linux shirt is super cliche.
Give me one reason why I should lower my BMI from 30 at 5'11" that doesn't rely on social pressure or possibility of health complications.
You can't. The only reasons are for having sex and I don't really care about that.
i literally just weight lift
im half-assed
Yeah, keep it up user
>Did you not read what I said
I'm only returning the favor
you're under 6 feet, you won't have sex regardless
I train in shaolin 6 days a week, cause im a fucking weeb.
I completely stopped using the public transportation services (I just walk everywhere each day like a hobo) and began going to the gym after I lost my job.
That was a year ago and I've managed to lose about 30kg of weight, gained some muscles too. It's pretty neat, but I still have a long way to go.
Well I'm not a virgin and just had sex yesterday so that doesn't seem realistic.
Filtered "under 6" though. Thanks.
dude don't do that you'll fuck up your feet
are you sure you are driving your knees out? your feet should be shoulder width, maybe even more than shoulder width apart, pointed out at 30 degrees. as you go down your knees need to go out so that your thighs are parallel to the angle of your feet. a lot of people who think they can't squat properly just aren't pushing their knees out far enough when they squat which results in going on the balls of their feet which is bad bad bad form and will damage you in the long run
>live in Norway
>rain on Christmas instead of snow
For a country so far north, this place sure is temperate.
>Give me one reason why I should lower my BMI that doesn't rely on possibility of health complications
Well if you wanna die in your 40s, go for it.
>has filters in place to prevent height bashing
that's hilarious
was 320, now at 180.
exercising is fun, just have no time for video games.
Reminder that boxing gloves have caused the sport to become more dangerous to your health than when they did bare-knuckle boxing.
Sure, they ended up with broken hands, but much less brain damage and death.
Jesus user if you can't take that I don't know how you operate in the real world
Except the statistical likelihood of me dying in my forties due to weight is small.
I don't get upset by it; it's just a meaningless shitpost that could be removed from the thread and nothing would change.
How's the loose skin?