>Doesn't fix bugs that persist through games
>Doesn't use it's shit ton of funding to update engine
>Every game since Morrowind has been"stream lined"
Prove me wrong Sup Forums
>Doesn't fix bugs that persist through games
>Doesn't use it's shit ton of funding to update engine
>Every game since Morrowind has been"stream lined"
Prove me wrong Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would they fix anything when fans can do it for free?
Fallout 4 was decent
That will be their downfall as CDPR takes over their market segment.
ehh compared to 3 it was better but it wasnt that great of a game.
and neither was 3 desu
The one big thing I hate about 4 is they give you too much at the beginning. It's like a dm who wants to get to the cool shit.
I can't believe they transferred Fallout 4's terrible mouth animations into special edition, actually adding problems into a remaster, get your shit together Bethesda.
at what?
>Severely casualizes their series
>Pulls EA tier practices just to buy out studios like Human Head
>Takes mod content, repackages it and sells it as their own DLC
>Pretends to love video games
shooting was decent annnnnd that's about it.
If CDPR ever makes a game with a character creator Bethesda is probably done.
As much as I love Geralt and his story it doesn't appeal to everyone and being able to make your own character is the one thing Bethesda has over them even though it makes for a lesser story.
The only reason Bethesda is staying in business is lack of real competition.
Being shit.
Cyberpunk 2077 could potentially have one.
Considering their country gave them a research grant for procedural city generation, I don't see why not.
they can't even do walking animations
>Repackages mods
Think what you want about BGS, but that's a bullshit argument. Just because someone could or has made a mod about something doesn't mean it's off limits for BGS to do something similar. If we are talking about actually ripping off assets created by a mod author or OG content then yes, but shit like settlement building for example shouldn't be considered as 'stolen from modders' just because someone made a mod for it in a previous game, and Bethesda took notice, enjoyed the mod and wanted to put the feature in a game.
Bethesda hasn't done this with specific shit like story elements or characters, where it would be considered stealing. Only with game features and the like, just as most game devs with modding support in their games have done.
Seriously? Nice. Looking forward to more Polish tech magic.
The last FO mod was proven to be a storyline rip off of another similar mod though.
it just kill the fun you get the power armor and a minigun in the 15 first minute that just stupid
>It's okay when Bethesda does it
>Every game since Morrowind has been"stream lined"
I agree with most points but this. how was Oblivion streamlined? because they removed Medium Armor, that nobody fucking used and was statistically inferior to light/heavy armor. Spears because they weren't popular, and game breaking magic like jump height? big fucking deal. At least Oblivion made unarmed actually good before Skyrim fucked it all up
No reaspn to touch any Bethesda garbage after Witcher 3 come out. Hell even Dragon Age Inquisition is 10x better than any bethesda games.
The people that like their games are actually not only normies but underage faggots. I have seen literal 12 yr olds play bethesda games.
oh god they literally can't do anything correctly what the fuck
they still haven't fix the lever action reloading
Gimped spell making system for one
>Supports real Pabst Blue Ribbon
Still a shit beer.
Saying something doesn't just make it true
From what I've seen the two quest do seem fairly similar, but I think it's taking it a bit to far to call BGS' quest a complete rip off of AL. I mean shit, the article even says that someone at Bethesda may have played and liked autumn leaves, and was inspired to make the other quest by it. Or not. Who knows, who cares, as for if credit should've been given to the AL author, sure that would've been nice I guess if the quest designers really did play the quest and get inspired by it, which they probably did. But honestly they may have just thought it wasn't a big deal, in the same regard to how the mod author had plenty of inspirations of their own. I really don't know, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt on the assumption not everyone in the industry is just some greedy, cheating bastard.
CP2077 has the potential.
Being able to build your own synth waifu from the ground up would appeal to the base CDProjekt fan and the Bethesda waifu modder.
The Character creation point is also valid.Many people don't like playing a game with a forced perspective.
The setting will be determative.Is Cyber Punk a big enough draw?
Working without the draw of an established character will be a test CDProjekts abilities.
Add to that the fact with Witcher becoming popular Sup Forumss contrarian nature kicked in it will be picked apart here ,a former bastion of support.
>tfw swallowing that piss cause I wanted to bang the hipster club chicks
Worked sometimes but damn that shit is gross
>Makes DLC that is rip off of a fan made mod