Would you recommend this for $1? I like programming games, as long as they aren't too simple.
Also, I'm worried by the Tumblr noses. Does the game have Tumblr themes?
Would you recommend this for $1? I like programming games, as long as they aren't too simple.
Also, I'm worried by the Tumblr noses. Does the game have Tumblr themes?
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I don't think this is even a programming game. The ~30 minutes I played just made it seem like a quirky hipster slice of life game.
I mean I guess it's worth a dollar. Also I've literally never seen anyone else here talk about it. So that's pretty neat.
To add to this it did seem like a pretty cute and comfy game, but whether or not tumbler themes come into play or if said cuteness gets irritating later is unknown
I really liked the aesthetics but I am pretty dumb and couldn't figure out what to do in the game at all once you get to the city.
I've seen it mentioned in the same breath as ROM which was complete trash and obscenely tumblr. I can't say for certain if Else Heart is bad since I haven't played it, but I can say I'm certainly not interested in picking it up.
Play this if you want a programming game.
The little I played emphasized the weird surreal-ness of everything instead of "real world" shit, so I'm not really sure if it has any in it.
Someone should really add on to that Sup Forums wiki so people can make lists of whether not a game is tumblr garbage
You can also try out Quadrilateral Cowboy.
how much of a intellectual pussy do you have to be to worry about themes in a game that arent inline with your 'worldveiw'?
Sup Forums wikis always end in disaster since the whole strength of the board is that no consensus can ever be reached so no hivemind bullshit can ever really fully take root.
I think he's just asking if gender politics and shit will be the main focus of the game like a ton of other tumblr games. I mean getting offended by a small shit is dumb, but so is wasting your time playing through a game that focuses heavily on that when you could have known ahead of time and avoided it
It's literally just running programs on a simulation of a shell. You want a programming game, you play something from Zachtronics, like TIS-100 or Shenzhen I/O.
Human Resource Machine was okay too but a little too constrained.
That's the thing though. The majority can definitely agree on calling out tumblr bullshit. It's the perfect Sup Forums wiki.
Just a title that says "is this tumblr shit" and a big YES or NO would just be displayed. Like those novelty sites that tell you the weather with bold swear words or some shit
ROM is the definition of tumblr bullshit garbage and I've seen it defended on Sup Forums. I've seen people defend Bioware and Gone Home. That is the main advantage of this board over other forums.
It is true though that most people who enjoy tumblr shit can at least admit that its tumblr shit.
What's the multiplayer hacking game that came out last year or something?
TIS-100 and Shenzhen IO are the programming games to get.
The Great Permutator is nice too
I have no idea. That sound neat though. I'll give a bump in the hopes someone sees this and says the name
Whoops, Permutator isn't a programming game, it's more like a 2D Infinifactory, still great tho
'Hackmud' is what I was thinking of. I've heard goods things about it.
The multiplayer is pretty dead though, also the scripting language is based on Javascript, so if you want to get good at the end-game stuff, you'll want to have a basic understanding of that, unless you want to just use publicly uploaded scripts.
Also, I would say that generally the multiplayer portion has become weaker over time. It was easier to get into at launch, and there have been changes that have only made it more confusing.
For instance, finding NPCs to hack in the MP portion has become a bitch and a half.
It's a fucking dollar.
Donate the whole thing to charity and stop wondering if the games are any good
It's just a VN.
Or may as well be. It's Tumblr, more less "genderfluid otherkin" and more "mildly depressed college kids hand-wringing over their dumbass relationships".
Some of the programming elements are fun, but it's not what i'd call a programming game. If you want a quirky programming game that's not just sitting at a terminal the whole time, play Quadrilateral Cowboy. If you want a dry, pure technical game, play TIS-100
That being said though, Else Heart.Break() is a good game, and it's definitely worth more than $1
Is quadrilateral cowboy comparable to jazzpunk in terms of humor?
I haven't played either but I would assume its closest to Gravity Bone and 30 Flights of Loving since its by the same people as those two.
Oh neat. Jazzpunk was basically a ripoff of 30 flights anyway
I've never actually played Jazzpunk. But I wouldn't really describe Quadrilateral Cowboy as a funny game. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just not even trying to be funny. It's got more of a spy movie vibe