>generic zombie game couldn't even outsell some niche shit
>generic zombie game couldn't even outsell some niche shit
Nobody likes 4 aside from casuals you donut, if anything fans like that it bombed because it deserved to
This, fucking leaf
they fucked that series so hard
it needs to just die so they can never hurt it again
if capcom keeping series going means letting fucky canuckies trash the ips this bad then megaman needs to stay dead
DR4 didn't have a decade of hype behind it.
I think we're done here.
Figures that by far the best game in the series flops because retarded weeb faggot man babies got buttblasted over no more shitty fucking time limit. RIP I guess, at least that series finally got one good game before dying.
>Implying Dead Rising fans wanted 4 to do well.
Its been getting shit on more then 3.
fucking Canadians
has there been a game that capcom has made recently succcesful?
Those Last Guardian sales are even worse though, especially based on 10 years of dev and hype, and 50 million userbase
Well no fucking wonder OP didn't provide sauce
>niche shit
>overhyped game
>10 years of development
It wasn't fully in development for 10 years retard, and team ICO is a small team too
Yeah its totally not niche, thats why everyone in public take about it so much! I go to work and just hear TLG every 5 seconds!
My takeaway from this is that Team ICO went the longest generation in the history of gaming and half of this one without releasing a single, solitary game to not even break 500K when they finally get one out the door.
This shit hurts my soul
Aren't both of those pretty fucking brutal? I mean, TLG's been in development for a decade by this point, right? There's no fucking way they made enough money to recoup their losses.
Both games flopped horribly DR4 flopping is great news though fuck Canada.
Hopefully they give the game back to some chink devs so we can stop this focus tested garbage
Dead Rising-fags don't care about 4.
But we did get a fantastic port of the original to PC that supports high resolutions and refresh rates.
Now we can cherish this game without having it locked away on deprecated hardware.
I mean who knows how long 360 emulation would even take to really get into gear, given x86 architecture.
Good, it's a disgrace to the other DR titles.
Is there any way to compare the ports sales to 4s? It's be hilarious if they were neck and neck
How the fuck do you know hes canadian?
They're talking about the devs of 4, google the lead of the project and that'll tell you all you need to know about why 4 flopped so hard
Will dead rising one run ok on my above average laptop?
>Game from the developers of some of the most praised video games of all time, which has been hyped for 10 years
Generally asking these questions, you should post specs.
Across the board, people reported good FPS with few issues.
Not sure about your hardware, but the minspec is pretty manageable.
Here's some performance on the previous set of cards.
Is Dead Rising dead now or will Capcom pull a DmC and do a Dead Rising 4: Off The Record 2: We're Sorry Edition?
They were planning on releasing it multiplat after the exclusive contract expired so I imagine that'll happen at least.