>he picks neutral option
He picks neutral option
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude having opinions about things is bad
read horseshoe theory
Neutral is the 'shallow moral path systems suck and I'm not dealing with them if I don't have to in order to beat the game' option, i.e. the only non-pleb option.
>he shitposts on Sup Forums to alleviate 15 minutes or so of boredom, then goes and posts a LOL thread primarily composed of SJW comics later to fill in the time until his eyes strain from the constant flow of light
> righteous hero that protects all people, uses violence to do it and in the process becomes rich.
>A leader must be kind and compassionate but also enforce the law and be direct
>will use my powers responsibly, unfortunately accidents can and will happen, resulting in collateral damage.
Black and white fags are retarded. Gray is best.
I've never played Mass Effect but if those are the two styles of leadership offered then there's no winning that one.
>Implying Neutral isn't the way to go
Here's your (You) now fuck off
This. Extremist fags have already lost.
linear choices suck dick. Most of them are, say yes or you wont get the good ending/item
dishonored has a better system where choices are small things like, do i hate this person and want to murder them? doing either wont drastically change anything but build up over time
>being a failure as a human
It's especially dumb in Shadow tge hedgehog
>this was Maria's dieing wish that i protect all she held dear
>Humanity must pay for the atrocities they've committed against me and everyone aboard the arc that day
>He's not neutral
I hate this black/white morality system because what it encourages is
>Always pick the good option, no matter how retarded it is
>Always pick the bad option, no matter how retarded it is
"Neutral" is always about picking on a case-by-case basis. That means you have the option to do good or evil acts solely based on what you think is the best outcome.
No game encourages this, since almost all the best stuff is locked away behind "karma" and you won't see it unless you stick to a regimented black/white morality system.
Some people can't understand that a good choice is usually superficial. Sponsor that poor man's family instead of punishing his theft, other family get upset that you're favoring a thief. Punish him and citizens get upset when his family starves.
Most choices with any weight don't have an all-round happy ending.
>posting that pic
>not picking chaos
>"Chaotic Good"
>"Lawful Evil"
But in Chaos you team up with Demon Jimenez.
>Play game
>Want to make decisions I would normally make
>Fuck RPing
>A thief steals my wallet but I catch up to him
>Before landing the killing blow, get a chance to forgive him
>Do so
>He tries to kill me when I turn my back
>Kill him
>Suddenly evil
>Continue on
>Come across a group of guards
>They attempt to arrest me because I killed somebody
>Doesn't matter if that person was a thief taking my entire life savings / attempting to murder me
>Fight my way out of the group after resisting and ran off
>Still running to this day
Fuck the US.
Speaking of how Karma is broken I only recently played Ultima 4, the game I understand to have 'invented' the concept for video games.
And looking at everything I don't exactly know why karma got distilled down to what it is today. While there's basically no degrees in Ultima 4 the game data set that takes your actions and determines your character based on what you do, an don't do.
Bethesdas modern games keeps track of every time you pick a lock or succeed a dialog check. If Karma is indeed a reputation system; why aren't they using that to compound onto "evil" and "good" with "violent" or "greedy" or "diplomatic"?
Did Infamous even have a neutral option?
Oops, yeah I forgot Gore is the neutral guy.
I always get him confused for being on the side of Chaos for some reason.
Are there any games that do a Neutral option well?
SMT is wanking Neutral too much that it gets annoying on how Law and Chaos always have shit endings
I always go with the "is this for my benefit" or "this shit is out of my hands, you deal with it"
Where the fuck is there a neutral option, at least in Fable 1? You either,
>Kill your sister and Jack and acquire the sword of aeons
>Kill Jack and save your sister by casting the sword of aeons into the abyss or whatever that portal was supposed to be
I can only see the option for being neutral working if you take the good option for recovering all the souls to open the door but then wear put on the mask after killing dragon Jack, or vice versa, in the lost chapters.
Thats why Devil Survivor and Nocturne are the best games
I kinda like it in games like The Walking Dead where you have to make choices based on your own judgment. Like do I give food to the children or do I give it to the parents? That sort of thing.
Instead of in games with morality system where you're given rewards for reaching certain levels of morality. Then you're just basing your choices on what rewards are more appealing to you, taking the whole morality out of it completely. I remember playing Mass Effect and being like "I need to always pick the top dialogue option, or the option highlighted in blue to get my Paragon points" instead of "I'm gonna make Shephard say what I would say in this situation".
>Chaotic Good
>Try to be the nicest person
>give second chances
>idiots keep fucking up, beat them down to learn their lesson, now are afraid of me, but stop being idiots in the long run
>break unfair rules and laws, because if they harm the innocent then there's no point in having such rules in the first place
>get called a villain for it
>Lawful Evil
>Laws are meant to be followed, for they are what keep us from becoming less than human
>Kind and fair, but strict and swift with punishment on those that deserve it
>Laws are strict, but keep the streets clean for everyone and crime becomes almost non existant
>get called a villain for it
>who cares as long as me and my friends/family are fine
>don't have to deal with any political bullshit
>live in peace, not caring for much
>get called a villain for it
Alignments are a joke.
Law and Chaos are usually fucking stupid choices for a human to make anyway so it makes sense that every mainline game aside from Nocturne has good Neutral endings and bad Law/Chaos
you get the true ending tho
>I can only see the option for being neutral working if you take the good option for recovering all the souls to open the door but then wear put on the mask after killing dragon Jack, or vice versa, in the lost chapters.
You don't kill Jack when you defeat the dragon. Jack still lives until you decide to throw the mask in the lava. If you choose to wear the mask, Jack possesses you and are you are essentially playing as Jack of Blades in the postgame. The choice is "are you tempted by power enough to go evil?"/"do you succumb to the promise of your own personal superiority or do what is 'morally right'?" There really isn't any "yes, but..." optiton to that question.
Good and evil are two very subjective and relative things and most games dont handle them well.
Real talk though, the horseshoe theory has merit.
When I was a kid the censorship bogeyman was from the right, the left hated being censored and stood up to oppression. Now it's the exact opposite, even the previous champions of freedom have swapped roles. The reason is the same, people not wanting to hear things they disagree with, the only difference is how they justify it.
Just look at Assange. A few years ago be was the darling of the left, now they despise him and he's the darling of the right.
Truth doesn't matter, freedom of speech doesn't matter, all that matters is political climate.
Theyre really not that subjective.
You just need to grow up and stop believing what youtube celebrities tell you.
Except in Witcher 1 Neutral was a way to stay true to the Witcher code, avoid siding with either of the deeply flawed ideologues and instead just focus on your job and the civilians involved.
Also you get a threesome with two hot nuns instead of one hot elf chick or bald mercenary.
Same. It's signs of dire times when neutrality and being moderate is decried.
Neutral is the only path that isnt bumfuck retarded in the SMT games.
>Black and White options
Quick, your choice is to suck the poison out of the villains dick because letting him die would be cruel.
Or burn down that orphanage for money.
What's that, you want a third choice. Too bad, you're either a saint or Satan himself.
Witcher 3 does and it does it really well. Simply by not ever rewarding your choices, just for being choices.
Turn down a reward from a grieving bride? You don't get any good boy points, you never see her again and she influences no other quests. All that changes is you're slighly weaker for having less crowns to spend now.
Same in reverse, choosing crueler options doesn't give you evil dollars to spend on shooting lighting from your fingers. You just get the ire of the populace and maybe some more gold to line your bags.
There's no karma system, so no choice is ever right or wrong, they're all just whatever you decide.
You come across a guy who's pretending to be a Witcher, he took advantage of a towns hospitality and knocked up the Earldermon's daughter. Yet, you encounter him literally fighting for his life against a single ghoul, trying to actually do the job he was pretending to be qualified for.
Do you turn him him? Let him have his hands cut off? Let him go? Let him go, but give him some level of punishment to atone?
It's all your call, the game never tells you one way gets +15 Nice credits and another gives -12 Evil ones, it's whatever you choose.
Come across a town that's been butchered to the last by a Witcher from the Cat school, track him down and find out he did it after they tried to murder him to get our of paying. He killed innocents as well as guilty, but it was in a fit of rage and self defense, and you've been screwed over yourself many times by people not wanting to pay for Witcher work. Is that enough to let him go?
Again, the game doesn't tell you. You're never punished nor rewarded just for choosing something (you can be punished or rewarded for the consequences of that choice though).
It's how morality systems should be, entirely up to the player without incentivising min-maxing all one side for extra powers.
Being saintly isn't as fun when it's the default option.
But I wanna suck dick and burn orphans
Only a sith deals in absolutes
I feel Mass Effect accidently does this well. For every single major choice, Renegade is the logical one and you could only possibly choose Paragon anything because you know it's a game and you'll win regardless.
The Paragon choices are fucking stupid and put billions at risk, while the Renegade choices are smart, logical decisions with the best knowledge you have.
No way it's intended, Bioware isn't that competent but still.
Fucking Kotor, the good choices are dumb shit like pay off an addicts gambling debts or kill the people trying to get money from him.
What's the solution there? Geez.
Sorry user it doesn't matter how much dick you suck, choosing an evil choice has locked you into the bad ending where your character dies and everything is fucked up forever.
Vending Machines can't talk
maybe people don't like "neutrals" talking down to both sides like pompous faggots
>Oy vei if we slide people who dont take invisible "sides" to arguments the goyim will go at eachothers throats! its PERFECT HERSCHEL!
Isn't it a sign if developmental issues if you can only see things in stark black and white?
>Only a sith deals in absolutes
Is this line so famous because of how ironic it is that a Jedi would say that as if its an absolute?
I went Neutral in SWTOR as an Imperial Agent. I was James Bond in Space. I did whatever choice would benefit the Empire more. If that meant not murdering a Jedi when i defeated her, offering her to join the Sith, sealing the deal with a fuck while my female companion tells me I might catch Force Diseases if I do it, resulting me in telling her to fuck off. Then that makes me end up 'neutral' as each choice equalled out.
Neutral is a valid option. It's just like that MSPAINTCOMIC of "OMG UR A RETARD FOR CHOOSING CENTRALIST YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CONVICTIONS". Yes I do, I have a conviction of being a centralist.
People seem to think everything is either black or white.
And because everything the Jedi do is in absolutes
I did a situation dependant run of ME2 actually. The Paragon/Renegade breakpoints are so forgiving that the only one I couldn't meet one way or the other was the Tali/Legion fight, which is fine since you can just side with Tali then talk to Legion after and get him to like you again.
It makes sense in some respects, for a decent chunk of the game he's working for the Chaos faction.
The solution is to learn from your fuck up
There often isn't a lot of thought put into moral choices besides 'Be a dick' and 'Don't be a dick'
Neutral 9/10s isn't "I chose not to chose" but "This is the best option in this given moment"
>theres 2 sides of me, nicest person you'll ever meet, and TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH
neutralbabbies, everyone
Maybe in your third world country
>start reading Star Wars books at work because why not
>start with the Darth Bane trilogy
>its completely obvious that the Jedi are the bad guys
>everyone acts like the Sith are complete monsters for some reason
>mfw realizing that Darth Bane isn't canon anymore
Real shame that morality hasn't yet been approached in the multi-faceted way it actually is. Neutral is actually interesting, as it implies that there are reasons for characters reacting to menial things in anger and violence and reasons for that same character to give a flower to a small child.
>person has a completely reasonable point
>is kind of an asshole about it
>the person is suddenly wrong
this happens all the time and i hate it
this is fucking stupid. neutral is realizing the only winning move is not to play. THAT IS WHAT ENLIGHTENMENT IS.
>picking any other option other than replying to this post will kill your mother in her sleep
compromise is the language of the devil
fuck off namefag
I don't think we'll see any game will tackle it the way the Ultima series did, unfortunately. You might be interested in reading this from Raph Koster, who worked on Ultima Online:
Things become much more interesting when you involve other real people, but sadly the day of the roleplaying MMO died nearly two decades ago.
>Lawful Evil
>kind and fair laws
The whole point is the brutality of the law keeps the population ordered
>yfw you enjoyed SWTOR
>yfw you enjoyed the levelling system
>yfw you bought the CE for the model
>yfw you got to max level and saw there was nothing to do unless you got all the stat boosts requiring loads of people to get
>yfw I started levelling a Sith Marauder in the plans for being edgy
>yfw gave up
I shouldn't have. But I think I dodged a bullet, apparently the starting companion never breaks if you're a dick to her. Resists her shock collar and eventually refuses to help you.
He's a shitposter. You're giving him attention even without quoting him, come on lad, think.
>tfw I will ruin it for him
All the pieces are in place
>this thread again
There's nothing wrong with occasional neutrality on a case-by-case basis, but neutrality-for-neutrality's sake is the height of fence-sitting retardation. You should make decisions based on how convinced you are that they're the right ones to make, not based on where they fall on some imaginary ideological spectrum.
>Lawful Evil
>Kind and fair
Lawful good maybe, but Evil? Not a chance, think Dictators or something.
neutrals have nothing to say other than
"just le get along xd" and "le horsejew theory says I'm smarter than both of you"
idorts are prime examples of neutrals, they have nothing to say, because they dont take a stance on which console is better, so instead they shit out posts about how much better they are than everyone and how they are all dumb for not being like him.
>Things become much more annoying when you involve other real people
we have laws and law enforcers irl for a reason
things have gotten so far left that even the left of yesterday is going to be considered the right of today
I tend to lean towards good but occasionally choose a neutral option if it's a situation I don't want any part of. There's moments where I hate both sides. Sometimes neutral can lead to personal gain instead of helping the good or evil faction.
>neutrals have nothing to say other than "just le get along xd" and "le horsejew theory says I'm smarter than both of you"
user please, we also take forever to even come up with a decision as well.
True, but nobody gives a damn in this day and age.
i wonder if this is OP's entire life
most people act neutral and moderate in everyday life. but their political opinions aka dream worlds arent.
>food analogies
So I'm obligated to take a side in whatever dumb argument people get in? For example, I think baseball and golf are both fucking awful. If you asked me which is better I would say both are garbage. I shouldn't have to make a choice if I dislike both options.
Do you eat poop for food?
People on either side also talk about how smart they are and how stupid people on the other side are. Neutral posts can have substance; for example, some consoles have features that some people will like, and others have features that other people will like. For some it makes sense to buy no console, for some it makes sense to buy one particular console. I'm tired of people acting like everyone else is acting superior when they're acting superior themselves.
Lawful good is the only way
I try to be neutral and not have an opinion so I won't get my feelings hurt.
I played tw1 neutral until they scoiatael decided to start robbing a bank and killing people in which case i went full genocide on them
because I couldnt fight the knights of the flame and squirrels at same time I kept dying to ranged attacks
lawful evil is a useful idiot.
Idorts are bad because they don't start console war threads, the worst threads on Sup Forums?
>yfw you cant be evil
I've tried but I just can't be mean to lets pretend people.
Every playthrough I make I end up being a nice guy.
I kind of have this. When I was younger I would usually do a good playthrough and an evil playthrough, but now I almost always just play as a decent human being in RPGs.
you're missing the point
its an example, neutrals dont add anything to a conversation or argument, they're just an annoyance.