Tokyo Xanadu is coming to PC
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It's not fair.
reminds me of this but worse
What is this?
This is old news
anything can be ruined by adding nipnong high schoolers and generic nipnong high school shit
>still no source
I was unaware this game existed. Maybe I'll pick it up on Steam in a couple years when it's on sale.
Deception IV on PC when?
I shant reply.
>rape souls.webm
>nobody gets raped
>Koei Tecmo
Try yelling at them about it on Twitter.
I'm happy my that PC players will get a chance to experience this game. It's not fair for us Sony fans to hog ALL the quality Japanese games.
There are more quality Japanese games on PC at this point.
>There are more quality Japanese games on PC at this point.
Literal who game
Better yet this is the creator's site
I hope you guys buy it. It might improve Sony relations with PC. You'll probably eaith for a 75% sale or just piratr it though.
Looks like another average CH game.
When can we PC players get another good RTS game? You know, the genre that our platform is most known for?
>quality Japanese games on PC
Please don't lie to yourself.
Jesus fuck I'm tired.
Also Yea ok
>It might improve Sony relations with PC
Aren't those girls from that Yandere Simulator game?
Sony are fucking wankers. I'd like to see how they develop games without PCs and let's see what happens. Your console's not so powerful now huh? Bloody wankers the lot of them.
Considering you can emulate a lot of the Japanese games of yesteryear into PC,then technically it's true.
Meaning they "may" see fit to start bring over their first party exclusives if games like this sell well. I doubt it though with so many potential customers like this Shitposting without reason.
Seems to use the exact same engine as Cold Steel, which sure as fuck wasn't made for hack and slash in mind.
>Meaning they "may" see fit to start bring over their first party exclusives if games like this sell well.
But Sony literally has nothing to do with this game
It wouldnt sell anyway. I can see this getting very postive reviews in steam by weebshits but the actual sales are probably less than 50k.
These otaku bait shovelware games are fucking disgusting.
It's a product that is exclusive to sony console that is also selling on PC. If the profits show that porting games to PC can produce a worthwhile profit, Sony may see fit to test the waters on first party projects.
It's a very faint hope though. Most likely nothing will come of it until next gen.
Could be similar to the CoD games on DS. They sold terribly but the minor cost to "port" the game made even those small sales extremely profitable.
Looks like shit.
>If the profits show that porting games to PC can produce a worthwhile profit, Sony may see fit to test the waters on first party projects.
Just get a job and get a cheap PS4
It wont. It's been proven time and time again that customers on PC often neglect Japanese games. If you look at steam, you'll notice that the top selling and most played games are PC exclusives like MOBAs, MMOs, sim games like farming simulator, city skylines, strategy games, and of course, indie pixel shit. Even steam users admit that they already played these games on console, meaning a majority of these people have PS4s in the first place and play on PC only for PC exclusive games.
However, Sup Forums likes to parrot shit that you can only have ONE platform when its not the norm.
I have one and enjoy it. I just wish it was on PC for people that don't own one.
I'm essentially saying I wish that exclusives would end and Sony, MS, Nint, and anyone else could make consoles like most other electronic devices.
I kinda liked xanadu next so I might try it. Didn't play older titles tho.
I just hate that you have to own more than one platform if you want certain games. The whole monopoly of exclisives still confuses me. Companies make very little profit off the console itself, so why bother locking content to a single platform? Wouldn't potentially doubling your sales of a title more than make up for not owning the marketplace? Why not just make the games run on a common code that works across a myriad of boxes made by different companies?
is the game linear in regards to the story or can you make choices that affect the story or characters?
It's simply the Japanese way of thinking. Sony is a Japanese company, and as such, Japanese devs inherently have a brand loyalty towards Sony. They dont care about making boatloads of cash as long as it makes the Japanese console company look good.
You'll notice however that the majority of Japanese games coming to PC are all doujin games, games which were targeted to Japanese PC players in the first place and are outliers who have dont give a shit about brand loyalty. Unfortunately, these cheap doujin games, often times made by a handful of people, are also doing bad job of making the image of japanese games look appetizing to the western market.
MS is just as bad if not worse. The only reason anyone give is low tier Sup Forums memes about jews. MS lost millions on the 360 between r&d and replacements and still burn more trying to maintain a monopoly over their IP availability with the XBone and Win10. Incompetence is one thing but this borders on three stooges.
Reminds me of God Eater.
I'll buy this game because it's Falcom retard. Falcom are PC guys originally.
>modern falcom shit
No thanks