Why aren't you playing the best MOBA on the market, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing the best MOBA on the market, Sup Forums?

Who is actually playing this game?


Well, after Valve ruined DotA 2 with 7.00,
I've switched to Heroes of the Storm. It's fun. The fucking payment model is cancer though.
I love some of the heroes. Abathur, Ragnaros, Sgt. Hammer--some really creative heroes.

I wish they would just drop the paywall already. But it's probably the only reason we get a new hero every 3 weeks.

Dota 2 heroes are all free but we only get a new one every year and a fuck-ton of microtransactions instead.

I've noticed the "arcana" skins in Heroes of the Storm are, ironically, cheaper than in DotA 2.

Like that cool Kerrigan Ghost skin. It's 15 as opposed to DotA's 30 dollar cost.

I play it with my friends and I have my friends on almost all the time of every day so we rotate through enough shit to do the missions in the game for gold.

We also do dota ability draft everyday.

I actually enjoy this moba. more team based, lots of different maps. its pretty fun desu

>The fucking payment model is cancer though.
Compared to LoL its fine. LoL you have to grind for years to get them all

Because the best shit on the market is still shit

>no Mephisto
>no Kel'thuzad
>no Teron Gorefiend
>no Qiraji
>no Mantid

i'd rather have free heroes and expensive cosmetics than grind-or-pay-10-fucking-dollars-each-who-decided-on-this-pricing-model heroes and cheaper cosmetics

Thinking of trying it out

>from the outside I wanna main Jim or Tyreal

hots is neat, i like the talent system and the fact that blizz creates interesting nonstandard/"gimmick" heroes that couldn't really happen in lol/dota like Abathur or Murky

but the gameplay isn't great any any payment model other than dota's in a COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER game is pure aids

a lot of the abilities just feel like ineffective tickle beams, too. all the disables are like 1/2-1/4th as long as dota and the damage spells feel a lot spammier/less impactful, so compared to dota most of the abilities dont really feel like they're DOING anything

its awful

half the spells are so weak they might as well not exist

played it with a 5man stack and was falling asleep after a few games

balance is dogshit too

>The fucking payment model is cancer though.

Between daily quests and bonus gold for leveling up your account and heroes, it's really not too hard to make gold, I can make 10k a week just from playing casually

that's a strange way to spell ASSFAG

A lot of it is from leveling up account/heroes though and that will eventually dry up.

Somebody did the math and it would take like a year+ of spamming daily quests to unlock every hero.

>Playing cuck games with paywalls
Disgusting. Pic related is the only ASSFAGGOTS worth spending time on, and it's got a fuckload of problems

But i do.

>why aren't you eating the best piece of trash in this pile of garbage

I can solo carry and fuck around in league
I can do cuhrazy stuff with my friends in dota
Hots is a chore of a game comparitivily

>card system
well at least the game only has skin cancer instead of brain cancer

but cancer is cancer. it still has a system where you grind or pay realmoney for in-game advantages

if youre gonna play an ASSFAGGOTS you play dota which has all gameplay shit free and only sells cosmetics

or, even better, you don't play an ASSFAGGOTS because it's an awful genre and all the players are autists

>have to play as a team
>a chore


This, couldn't get in to it because card system, look so terrible, so so terrible, why would you do that, i can not understand.

yeah in hots you have to play as a team but you don't have to do actual teamwork

the map announcer just announces "HEY EVERYONE THERE IS SOME SHIT TO COLLECT OR A CONTROL POINT TO STAND ON OR WHATEVER, COME TEAMFIGHT HERE" and you have to walk to the glowy thing on the map and push all your butan at the bad men
(or if you're support you push your butans at the good men)

the teamwork is just "actually go to the objectives with your team and play your role"

best MOBA doesn't set the bar high
it's a shitty formula that nothing can fix

I agree that ASSFAGGOTS is cancer, but I would rather waste a few hours grinding on Paragon then ever have to suffer through the god awful trash gameplay of DOTA