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Please please
I'm super excited for From Software's "Dark Souls: Prepare to fucking do this bullshit AGAIN" edition.
I'd buy it.
I wish
I never played the DLC because they've never dropped the price on that shit.
pray that if they decide to remaster instead of work on a new game, it'll be demons souls complete with the snow level
>Not Switch
Only if it's a Halo Anniversary-style remaster.
Game itself is 95% the same, with nothing but some minor bug fixes such as movecancelling and tumblebuffing at all that shit that ruins PvP.
And then of course, a complete visual overhaul.
I'd care if it was Demon's Souls instead.
Console pleb, steam has the full game for like 3 dollars on sales.
>snow level
Which plateform ? I bought it last year, on 360, at half its price.
It's just a $15 weapon pack.
>Online functiolity broken for the first year of release
>Game is unbanced as fuck; fixes only fuck it up harder
>Entire second half of the game is unfinished
Daily reminder Dark Souls is garbage, including II and III, but especially I.
broken archstone
>Game itself is 95% the same
You are everything wrong with the industry
nigga. the 6th archstone that was never finished. Was supposed to be a snow area where you progress into a castle or something.
So... Cainhurst?
I'd only buy it if they changed the deleted content involving Oscar, and tidied up the last part of the game.
it's actually not
I hope so. Invading new players is the best shit ever
I would agree if I didn't know it would never come out for pc
The best shit is SL50 Chameleon/DS Tracer/Slumbering Dragoncrest at Sen's Fortress, hiding in the room just past the first bridge as a Silver Knight statue, and backstabbing the Host while they fuck with the lizard/boulder.
>tfw Phantom walks up to you while you're chameleon'd
"It's just a $15 weapon pack" sounds pretty bait to me. It has fucking content you nigger.
If I eat a piece of shit I'm not going to call it a meal.
AotA was the interactive equivalent of shit on my plate, and by God I shoved it in my gaping maw like a retarded faggot.
I took Chester's clothing, the Darksilver Tracer, and I never looked back. Christ what a shit "expansion".
It's the least in the need of a remaster, what the fuck? It can already be made to hit 4k/60FPS on PC with DSfix. Demons needs a remastering much worse since the only way to play it still is a stutterfuck 20 FPS at 720p
Who here want Deep Souls?
>In the future where the sea took over most of the world
>Some land areas, and "underwater"(not like actually underwater, but like the abyss) areas
>Lovecraftian style ocean beings born from the soul dregs
>Play as an awoken undead submerged for thousands of years
I think it could work, even though Bloodborne already did the eldritch horrors thing. I'm sure they could come up with something.
I want From to take 3 years or more before they try and release anything else Souls related. In the meantime, they can Make Armored Core Great Again and release Otogi 3.
Didn't we already get Dark Souls 1.5 In the form of Dark Souls 3?
Sounds horrifying as fuck, I kinda like this more than the space souls idea everyone wants. But like user said I'd also rather they take a break from these games for a couple years now (hopefully DS3 Londor DLC will be satisfying and have lots more content than Ashes).
since we're using buzzwords now, I want a game set in ancient Greece where you have to kill the various monstrosities, like Polyphemus. The catch is the central 'hub' is the Minotaur's labyrinth, which is procedurally generated and changes dynamically as you wander through it, so you might not be able to get back the way you came at times. Preferably while being chased through the maze.
>Londor dlc
Wait, has this been confirmed?
Not so much the Greek part. but everything else you described makes me think you'd like Let It Die.
player character should The Drowned
Didn't know Artorias was a Jedi name
>a complete visual overhaul.
The graphics are largely fine. It needs performance tuning, however.