Why is this country so good at FPS?
Why is this country so good at FPS?
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We have no guns to defend our country with so we have to shoot muslims and terrorists in vidya instead of real life.
That was a good argument
Will swedish babes still like me if I'm not actually middle eastern but kinda look like a light skinned arab?
sandnigger reaction times
But the right is growing in there, right?
So the muslims can shoot in them instead of at people
Sweden is hyper cucked, the right there is like the center left in 'murrica.
You can only hope
they have lots of practice aiming cocks into their mouths
>Will swedish babes still like me if I'm not actually middle eastern but kinda look like a light skinned arab?
Maybe. Swedish women seek more after Tyrone's BBC. You still have a higher chance than the average bluepilled cucked swede.
I assume so, all my friends are red-pilled and my family is as well. One can always hope that others don't follow multi-culti media shit. SD will probably get a lot of votes but not enough to cuck the other parties.
They are snowed inside for half the year so they have nothing better to do.
>all those /polniggers/
Stay on your board
oh hey swedes u so gud a videogamessss omggg ohh btww UR KEKED UR A KEK VOTE HITLER OMG WHY R U LETTING UR COUNTRY GET KEKED DONT YOU LOVE PUTIN CMON GUYS I MEAN TRUMP SHIT FUCK VOTE HITLER GUYS IM GA- what...videogames? what are you, oh-... right guys haha i love videogames lmao right.
Lmao triggered
>mfw actually started this thread to gain more insight on the swede videogame scene and how they are so particualrly good at FPS
>I was completely aware of what it would become
How was I supposed to ask? Should I have gone to the Swede general on int?
I honestly have never even heard anything particular about swedes and vidya.
They have 55 no-go zones the police wont enter, that are ruled by Sharia law and gangs.
Literal IRL Counter strike
That can't be true, no way Sup Forums is this right.
Sauce me up family
seriously if you want the elaborate answer here it is:
swedes are like Japanese people in that they're socially anxious and thus spend a lot of time on more "antisocial" hobbies. Combine this with cold as hell winters and you rather "hang out" with your friends ONLINE rather than at the park freezing your nuts off. Especially during teenage years visiting a friends house means having meddling parents in the way the choice is either outside or online, during winter its more of a no choice.
>Literal IRL Counter strike
It's like the US, silent majority is tired of the SJW bullshit and it's only in large cities where SJW-types reside while everyone else that lives outside cities like Stockholm, Göteborg, etc, are tired of it.
As always, it's mainly about SJW generally being upper class, meaning they have no real, actual experience with the consequences their ideology and demand for open borders comes with. Instead it's everyone else that has to put up with it. Always easy to be "Progressive" when you're not the one that has to live in the neighborhoods with immigrants but rather live in their rich areas where they'd never encounter the typical, low class immigrant. Again, it's the same th ing in the US, who voted for Hillary? Who demands progressive thinking and more immigration? People in larger cities, California comes to mind.
I didn't know Sup Forums was more pol-tier autistic than Sup Forums holy fuck talk about beating a dead horse
I'm a faggot who watches a lot of competitive "e-sports" and swedish always turn up at high level FPS competition. They don't turn up a lot (a lot more than other euros) at other genres and games, yet they are really a powerhouse when it comes to FPS so I really got curious as to why it could be.
Here in south america and specially Brazil we got a similar situation, and the things that led to Brazil having such amazing CS players are specific enough for me to be interested in how Sweden got so good at FPS since it's not USA or Korea that are powerhouses in all departments
Mmm I see. Is there a reason they show up specifically at FPS international tournaments or is it just casualty?
>silent majority
>3 million voted against Trump
Tired of this meme
Woah an obscure news "source" that nobody ever heard of, how very convenient and reliable
Im pretty sure a lot of people in Malmö have guns and grenades. Its literally Iraq.
>Estimated to be around 12million illegal immigrants
>Some states, California especially, allow immigrants to vote
Isn't it funny how quick Hillary was to give up and even opposed a recount? Almost like she doesn't want people to find out about something :^)
>Isn't it funny how quick Hillary was to give up and even opposed a recount?
She supported it though. She lined Steins pocketbook to do it
You're probably an American so saying that shit is literally the apex of irony
3 million.
In a nation of 325 million.
>Im pretty sure a lot of people in Malmö have guns and grenades
The wrong people. Niggers and mudslimes.
Your point?
where's that from? I don't remember that in any of the movies.
From the TV anime
That 3 million is not an impressive or even relevant number.
>From the TV anime
I hate this meme. I have a few Swedish friends and none of the women lust after despite having a nearly 8" black benis. They don't like muscley black men, they like tall blonde guys that look like anime characters. I wouldn't be suprised if all of this BBC cuck shit is actually just an anime slumber party.
Do you even know how many people vote in our elections?
Not even fucking close to 325 million.
>media constantly pushing LGBT shit
>media constantly pushing multi-culti
>"Two genders!? You better take that back shitlord!"
>school pushing LGBT acceptance and faggotry
>school pushes "everyone is equally worth..." and other stupid shit
I think your friends might have been exposed too much of leftism and the gay.
That is a legitimately ridiculous way of thinking.
>he doesn't know
But it's not wrong, notice where the voters came from. Larger cities voted for Hillary as I said, people that lives in rural areas and smaller cities generally didn't.
This BBC cuck shit is extremely telling about the kind of "people" that browse this site and their dysfunctional view of sexuality and race. Fuck how I wish the gamergate shit hadn't brought the Sup Forumsfags to this board
t. an actual nigger
>that image
looks like a utopia
Is that the plot for Resident Evil 7?
>implying the damage wasn't done eons before gamergate
He'd have to not be a newfag to know that