>Correctly leaks literally everything about the console
>Is being harassed because Nintendo decides not to announce specific games at the Presentation
>People still use some of her leaks in arguments despite her supposedly being a liar
>Correctly leaks literally everything about the console
>Is being harassed because Nintendo decides not to announce specific games at the Presentation
>People still use some of her leaks in arguments despite her supposedly being a liar
I go by Rob instead of Robert and prefer to be called Rob and people have no issue. I feel no reason not to call her what she prefers.
Do you believe that Rob is a completely different person than Robert?
>Correctly leaks literally everything about the console
>Is being harassed because Nintendo decides not to announce specific games at the Presentation
>People still use some of her leaks in arguments despite her supposedly being a liar
Are Rob and Robert different people?
Are you a schizo?
Nice argument
Trans people don't think the before and after are two different people you retards trans people just don't want to be called by the names they used to go by. But often times it is like the before and after are two different people seeing as how most trans people basically lose their social life and have to find other friends after coming out as trans.
>same person who said Metroid: Federation Force would be the greatest installment to the series since Super
>being correct in any way
>Trans people don't think
I know, but that doesn't answer my question.
Trans people need medical help not people like you telling them their mental illness is totally cool and not a issue.
you too
Why buy switch when I could jerk someone off irl
he has a vaginer
>Correctly leaks literally everything about the console
>Correctly leaks literally everything
>It felt like jerking someone off
>Correctly leaks literally everything about the console
Fuck off Laura, you shitscum. Go suck your dick.
What are they going to do? Go to a doctor that just tells their brain not to think that they have the opposite nudely bits?
>Trans "people"
>no one will ever jerk me off
>I will never jerk someone off
Why even live
He's a man not a woman, unless you can change your chromosomes don't try and fool anyone with that shit
You can't be sexy without XY, cuz.
The haptic rumble is oddly good. Felt like masturb--whoops, I mean, jerking someone ELSE off. Yeeaaah
Explain how he/she didn't leak a lot of Switch facts
Well seeing that a very high percent of trans people kill themselves I would say the first step would be some antidepressants and a few years of talking to a shrink.
No, she has a penis.
No, they can cure it.
>a lot
Stop moving the goalposts, you raging faggot.
Milking a cow doesn't feel that way though
No he paid a ton of money for some doctor to mutilate his dick. Expect a suicide in the next few years.
Or a better solution: give them the hormones that they already have in their body which they're short on so that they stop thinking they need DIFFERENT hormones.
Are you a doctor? have you done any research? no of course you haven't you're just talking out of your ass
Why are they always bronies?
What about people with chromosomal disorders?
Oh, he did? I didn't know. Welp. Can't wait to see the livestream.
The only leaks that thing gets right are the ones made standing in front of a toilet.
This mentally stunted tranny will kill himself any day now.
They're even changing their birthdates now, and will bitch you out for telling them happy birthday on their date of birth instead of when they came out of the closet.
Everything relating to the 1/12 event has been false. Now go suck dick you faggot
They have downs syndrome
According to that's probably not even true. Which means that thing can't leak ANYTHING right.
By being wrong most of the time? Retroactively changing your claims doesn't count as leaking.
I asked one of my trans friends about that and they said that data surrounding trans people is highly exaggerated especially the 46% attempting suicide part.
>Nintendo Gamer
They have chromosome disorders, unlike mentally stunted trannies yearning for attention by pretending to be little anime girls.
That's a shame, because I'm hoping Laura commits suicide this week.
Fuck off dude. All leakfags are cancerous especially the attention whores on twitter
what are they talking about?
Why are Nintendo gamers always the same nu-males and trannies?
I don't give a shit about opinions of someone mentaly challenged.
The female Ghostbusters movie
Robman? You're such a cuck
>I asked one of my trans friends
You can stop pretending now "Kate". You are a disgusting abomination now and soon your brain will yearn for the suffering to stop through suicide.
Well your trans friend must be an unbiased source for that kind of information.
And they know that by the power of being trans?
what did he back that up with?
>Correctly leaks literally everything about the console
Ghostbusters 2, or probably the raid on Leslie's twitter afterward where she got easily baited into every ape picture or insult tweeted at her and made herself look silly.
only if it's trisomy 21.
Right, but you can't say something like "you're only female if you have 2 x chromosomes" when there are biological males born with an extra x chromosome (klinefelter or xxy syndrome) or ones born only with x chromosomes (de la chapelle, or xx male syndrome)
technically anyone can call you whatever they want
this is why trannys/feminists are currently busy changing laws on a state by state basis so it will soon be illegal to talk to a woman who isn't interested in you or call a trannie a male name.
Fuck off you mutilated fuck. Nobody cares about your patreons. You are a liar and mentally stunted attention whore.
Why do trannies get so much attention when they're such a small percentage of the population almost insignificant
>7 seconds apart
Vocal minority.
Shit is awful.
I resent that. I'm a Nintendo gamer and am a straight, white male who hates nu-males and trannies.
But you're not far from the truth. Goddammit, I fucking hate those cucks.
Pop quiz, why would someones name, which has nothing to do with them biologically, be something that needs to be changed when they transistion?
Once you realize the answer to this, you'll stop white knighting freaks.
you can't cure what you can't catch!
*teleports behind you*
[whispering] and they only thing you catch is bad luck
*stabs you*
Can you even imagine if a male journalist said that it "felt like fingering a girl".
>look ma! I read basic biology
They aren't called trannies either. They have very specific and rare mutations that can in no ways be compared to XY individuals branding themselves as little anime girls. You're just mentally stunted, not misunderstood.
Dicks are funny. You can throw dildoes at people and its comedy. You start throwing pocket pussies and fleshlights at people and you deserve to go to jail.
Never trust the tranny.
You don't get to make a hardlining statement painting gender as entirely decided by whether you have xx or xy chromosomes and then ignore biological fact that disproves that.
>You're just mentally stunted, not misunderstood.
I'm not a tranny, I just felt the need to call you out for being a retard.
I just want to be a strong independent woman and live normally.
Immediately becomes a degenerate and seeks sexual depravity.
Go away, tranny apologist.
It's the hormones
you pay more attention to them
It talked shit about the Sup Forums leak.
It deserved the call-out.
Do you expect fucking with Hormones makes a man sane?
>puts forth a retarded argument
>gets rekt
>"G-go away!"
I'll let someone milk me if they're too poor to get switch
So then trannies can't even be more woman than genetic freaks?
That's just sad then.
I didn't put forth the argument. I just posted the comment you replied to. Nice try, autismo.
>gets rekt
What is this, 2012?
>Correctly leaks literally everything about the console
What? Didn't he get all the games wrong?
the difference with this is those names are all perfectly acceptable nicknames or shorthands for the same thing
man and woman are not the same and not interchangable
Wanting to be a tranny has absolutely nothing to do with hormones. It is not a hormonal deficiency. You are fucking retarded, and so is everyone who genuinely believes the garbage you spout.