>Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go
Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go
I don't like Morrowind, but I recognize it as a good game.
Saint Jiub? More like Jiub the Skrib
sensible chuckle
Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong
He went and fondled Kagrenac's Tools after Nerevar told him to just guard them.
Morrowind screenshot thread?
>tfw no sujamma
Entire (super laggy) Balmora
Nobody playing morrowind? I'm halfway done with the island and have the entire mainland left as well
>tfw there will never be another waifu as good as Ahnassi
>implying it's not Almalexia
Neither did dwemers
>Psycho bitch god that helped kill Nerevar, killed Sotha Sil, and then tried to kill the Nerevarine.
Can't be arsed to try modding it again for another 200 hours. Last time I played a fully modded Morrowind was years ago. What happened to OpenMorrowind btw?
>Dwemer Dynamics
I got barely any mods because i just want vanilla with extras and not fugly.
>What happened to OpenMorrowind btw?
No clue. Just recently got into morrowind on PC. Played it when it came out on the first xbox
did you use a guide for the installation?
basically just checked compatability, installed Tamirel Rebuilt before the other big addons and used NMM all the way.
Messed around with MGE XE tons though so you can actually see the world farther than four meters ahead
yeah that's the one
Why is improved animations such shit
>drinking poison
using It's probably because several mods redo meshes and doesn't tell the NPCs. Could be shit though. npcs frequently get stuck on doors in tombs
>being a fag
If you dun do skooma ur a coward nigga
Considering it.
But I switched to Linux yonks ago and dual booting is a pain
How do you like my MSPaint bullshit?
Enough to make even an ordinator kek
But it's only for the filename
Best weapon type? I'm using short blades because consistent damage, but i can't help but feel they're weak as fuck
Here's some more MSpaint bullshittery to save. I think it's the last though.
Spears and crossbows.
But it's just because they were removed in the sequels.
Spears are the best.
OP as fuck
Spears are pretty good, you can keep poking enemies to death while keeping your distance to avoid getting hit.
Anyone got a place for a spear that does a lot of minimum damage? really dislike high top low low damage
I always summon my gear with conjuration, due to my Telvanni autism
will morrowind run well on a pascal gpu?
morrowind ran "well" enough on the original xbox. i think you'll do fine.
how do i get my enchant up fast? and how do i know what enchants are actually useful on a weapon?
Is there any reason to use a dagger over a short sword?
then use openMW
That's pretty cool.
Before I install: all quests, NPCs, books, etc are in the game right?
I don't want to play some gimped version
not bad, not bad...
what mod?
I believe so, I haven't finished the game on it yet but from what I see most updates only concern the engine itself, so they probably just pulled everything content-wise out of the original files
you still need the game itself, so not sure how that works on linux
Was Jiub actually the nerevarine all along?
Better bodies with the no underwear config. It does make some npcs look real strange because they're not wearing any chest armor/clothing
vampires are the biggest offender with only a skirt and tits out.
the strip club in whatever town is cool tho
I believe Skyrim answered that question for you.
>implying skyrim is fun or engaging
got bored out of my mind when nobody can direct you around "towns" and you just follow a marker around
Hot off the presses
For the people who want more than the shitty island. Here's the full map of Tamirel Rebuilt
The only thing implied is that it is canon
And there's fucking nothing in it
A dead vivec is a good vivec.
What should my next build be lads, I last went a long blade spellsword
I'm thinking either pure rogue, mage or warrior.
Warrior without magic. Potions/equipment is fine, but no leveling of magic skills.
Big weapons. No bow/crossbow. Throw shit if you must
OpenMW is an engine replacer, so everything is there and the game is finishable. You can even mod it.
There might still be bugs tho and the game WILL run slower, especially if you have a toaster. On the other hand, loading times are pretty much instant.
tfw I took this screenshot on Tue, Mar 15 2011
Jiub got soul trapped by a Deadra, he had the worst case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time by being in Kvatch when it got invaded during Oblivion.