Do you wear subtle vidya clothes in public?
Do you wear subtle vidya clothes in public?
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Yes, I wear panties, short skirts, and a tank top just like in my Japanese games.
No, but I do employ subtle vidya phone wallpapers.
I want to get a shirt like this but without the text
do you have a feminine penis?
this is what I wear all the time. i'm 29, but I don't give a care.
my mom thinks its funny and little dangerous. hehe.
Stop trying so hard to fit in
I'm a fat, hairy male.
I have No Way Fag: Artistic edition as my phone wallpaper.
>going out in public
I bought top middle
That'd be ugly as sin.
>not getting the COCK shirt
What a beta faggot. It's like you don't want to take a big girlcock in the ass.
it's ok user, some day somebody will ask about your dick too
is that a yes or a no?
>no Sumire
Delete this thread
look at this sexy bitch
>K-on memes
this one is pretty good
where can i get it?
I'd say my penis is pretty masculine.
Me in the pic.
Would wear the Deal shirt
Is that sign from JB hi-fi?
If anyone is wondering the Girl (actually a girl) name is SURU denise
A bar or club or something?
They're hard to get a hold of.
Who in OPs pic?
That's Joost
Yeah, AoS.
This is hilarious. Who in their right mind would confront you for getting the refrences (well let's ignore the "COCK" shirt).
Imagine someone telling you they recognize the top middle shirt but not where it's from.
Subtle as fuck
I bought this shirt because I thought it was cute.
I'd call them a faggot like any proper Sup Forums would do
I'd take the Ahegao
pls be in alabama
Nice taste, user.
There is a Resident Evil hat I want but I don't know if I'd like it even though it'd be free.
It just has R.P.D and the STARS emblem on the side.
My mother got me this as a Christmas present years ago but I never really wore it because I'd feel like a poser with it on, considering I never really played any Atari games
I just wanna know where the fuck you bought that shirt or where I can get the "bored" one.
Seconding this. What site sells the set of 6 in that pic?
Nah bae, Lucina's cape clasp
I doubt this person thought a bunch of shitposters would actually buy their shit
how bad of an idea would this shirt be
>Who in their right mind would confront you for getting the refrences
I once got that as a response from a girl dressed as Coco from Boku no Pico when I asked her why she chose that as her costume. It's also funny to watch insecure weebs freak out when you ask them what it references. Though the downside is that yaoi queens are the worst humans on the planet, and they have no qualms about announcing what it is.
Not sure but I find it cute
>yaoi queens are the worst
Hue. You mean traps
That is as subtle as your mom being the town's bicycle.
I wouldn't have the balls to wear that shit in public.
Is that gllty?
Pretty sure he means Fujoshits. There are 0 redeeming qualities about Fujos. Atleast traps have boipucci and groom themselves.
>in public
>going outside
Post the correct version next time.
That's pretty subtle
I wonder what her farts smell like.
Did somebody from here start a t-shirt company?
Here's a picture of it, should I get it?
Traps are few and far between when you step outside.
More or less, yeah.
I'd buy the Deal Is A Deal
You shitty memelord. Traps are just failed women wannabes.
It would be the second best shirt, after this one.
worst castlemania
No, that looks like a hat kids would wear when they play cops.
>no hat in sight
what's bottom left or top right?
Probably my favorite shirt too.
I don't think Chicago has traps so that's never a problem.
It's not subtle but it's the only vidya clothing I own and I've owned it at least half my lifetime, which is weird to think about.
I bought my friend that for christmas, it was the best shit because his internet alias is trashman
but if i did I....
Never mind I went looking and they are all terrible
Hentai and an eromanga about a guy who gets turned into a cocksleve.
Top right is another mango where the boy is a escort that gets hooked on drugs, bottom left is the ahegao compilation written as hentai
Saved me from being retarded even though it's already too late.
I'd prefer it like this.
what's the manga called?
tfw neo-Sup Forums won't get this
You're thinking of "hons" which are failed trannys. Traps by definition are extremely passable crossdresser that do it for secual reasons not identity shit.
Is this real
Meh, seems kinda silly. I'd for sure gets a RPD shirt though.
Also fuck all those fucking Umbrella stickers, I've seen countless giant trucks or jeeps with them sporadically stuck to the side of them, like goddamn. There's like a 0% chance any of the people actually played the games, which just means they have terrible taste in movies.
Ah, okay. Yeah, passable ones that do it for sex is fine by me. That's still yaoi.
I don't remember but its by gujira, same guy who did the top middle one
I've got that same shirt, somewhere... Fuck, I should find it again. Last I checked it still fit.
That was from Nintendo Power, wasn't it?
I want to find a nice demons souls shirt that's basically empty besides a chest pocket sized design. All the shirts I can find of it are these huge designs of bosses or the word demons souls or "LOL MEME U DIED"
Why is it so hard to find a decent looking subtle vidya shirt for games I like?
U went to UNR?
That bottom left one is just idiotic. There are plenty of people that read Japanese that aren't weebs and would just think it's crass (which it is).
>feminine penis
When reddit faggots try to hard
Only vidya shirt I own
Yessir, first person I've met who also has it. Mine still fits too.
We know you have the whole collection, Randy.