>characters from video games you'd want for president of America
Characters from video games you'd want for president of America
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The guy from this game.
Too bad he lost to Madam President.
>he was the original MAGA
Seems pretty based desu
Also Armstrong from Rising
I don't know, user but I wish that they would do a remake of this game for the 3DS. I don't feel like affording another GBA
It was fun even though I didn't like the whole law feature.
>FFTA3 will never be released
FFTA1 nailed the story.
FFTA2 nailed everything else.
FFTA3 could be GOAT if they'd ever make it.
>didn't like the whole law feature
I keep seeing this and wondering if you people don't even search for rom-hacks before you start playing: romhacking.net
>building on fire
>you are promoted
Must have been one hell of an insurance scam.
Trump used Putin to get him elected. Noticed how he's saying Putin is more trustworthy than the American government?
Of course a little insurance fraud is business as usual for him.
Still #WithHer huh?
I was young at the time
Nope, I'm a Bernie Bro and Trump being elected is the best scenario really.
Trump's Administration is going to be corrupt as fuck and after the Republicans destroy the Safety Net and fuck up the economy with their horrible policies, Bernie's going to swoop in the snatch up all those white, working class voters that would have voter for him in the general if he was the Dem's candidate.
It also has the two fold bonus of finally breaking the 25 year old the DLC has had on the Democratic party so it can finally move left on economic issues instead of being beholden to big business.
My fire rises.
house stop being a leftcuck pls
Good pick. He would have been a democrat though.
>this is what libfags actually believe
>Believing Putin over the US government.
>Repubs hate Russia for decades
>when it actually does start sabotaging America, they don't give a shit
What the fuck happened? Sucking a foreign enemy's dick is not what patriotism was supposed to be about.
Republicans have never cared about principles.
Look at how they're all crying at to Obama to tell the Democrats to all follow the Trump blindly and stop saying he's illegitimate, when these are the same people who for day of Obama's term vowed to sabotage as much as they could regardless of the damage they did and Trump himself was behind the Birther movement to say Obama wasn't a citizen.
Democrats are retarded, but Republicans are shameful hypocrites.
Only the warmongers like John McCain are going to still toe the line that Russia ain't our buddies.
>fireside chats are now fireside training and motivation
I pretty much agree with this but I very much doubt Bernie is going to be able to run in 4 years, dude's already too old.
>Ultimate hope campaign slogan
>Constantly belittles and hates himself
>Executes an elaborate setup where he is tortured, stabbed in the the hand with a knife, impaled with a spear, and gassed with poison so he could have an autistic girl that drools on herself executed
Deserves a senate seat at least.
They pulled the same shit on Biden to disqualify him, but Trump was even older than him. With medical advances, unless Sanders starts getting sick and keels over, I don't see a problem. The man's criss crossing the US with his plan to rebuild the democratic party already.
as for Video game characters for president.
Pic related.
>believing the US gov't
Go back to your prostitutes Putin.
Child prostitutes at that. It's been rumored for years that Putin is a pedo.
>I can't use sentences that include more than three words or else my audience gets confused