>Flying armored battle suit
>200 health
Why did they do Pharah so dirty?
>Flying armored battle suit
>200 health
Why did they do Pharah so dirty?
how do I git gud as Pharah?
Playing at consoles.
Yeah she could do with around 50 armor replacing health
She's my favorite to play (I don't main) but she seems fairly balanced for the damage output she's capable of. She's pretty easily countered so sometimes I do wish she had more varied abilities. The cooldown on the jet boost seems far too long, the concussive shells are fairly useless, and when you compare any DPS to Soldier they all seem lacking. Her ult is disappointing but I'm also not sure how to make it more useful without tipping the balance, it can be incredibly strong in rare instances.
Flank and shoot rockets at mid range
Her rockets are most effective mid range since enemies cant dodge them easily and its easier to get direct hits. Since you are flanking, by the time your victim notices they are missing 80-120 hp and your ult is best used when no one notices you
Concussion blast should only be used for boosting away, knocking enemies into their deaths or away from you, and knocking them into a bad position. Its very easy to waste it but think of it like a make shift genji dash
Shoot rockets at things until they die
If there's an enemy Torbjorn, Soldier, Widow, Ana, or McCree, stay near the ground and use cover until they're down.
If there's a Reinhardt or D.va make sure they're away/dead before you rain justice on anyone.
With these three tips, you'll be a pro Pharah in no time.
No, she's pure.
Why is she so thick.
>tfw no qt egyptian gf
Because the person who made that model made her thicker than her Overwatch model.
Her ingame model is pretty thicc though.
Pharah will never be good enough or useful enough for the majority.
She will only be useful for autists who played Arena FPS for 20 years, and the select few who got lucky and chose her when the enemy team isn't four tanks.
She will always be underpowered in the eyes of the vast majority.
Her armor adds about an inch less on her hips. Gotta remember that the armor adds mass while matching the shape of her body...
I'm not saying she isn't thicc, just that she isn't as thicc as some imagine. It's the same case for Mei. Poofy arctic clothing ≠ chubby
I think the black parts are skin tight.
They are, but if you notice , the curve on her hips goes out a bit. I'm just sayin it's making her hips even fuller
Because she's arab. It's in their genes.
Then we can agree we need a skin of her in the bodysuit alone.
>there will always be something wrong with pharah that keeps her from being good
Yeah, her eyes should be blue.
Make her look like a grown up Korra.
Don't know why her christmas skin gives her the skin tone of a corpse.
because shes frozen?
>skin tone of a corpse
Because she is supposed to be cold.
thank you doctor
They dun goofed anyway.
Nah she's nearly top tier, her damage output is great it's just that for someone that's supposed to be fighting in the air visible to everyone her survivability is low with standard 200 hp
She really needs a move that slams her down to the ground
>Winston but with a rocket launcher and more air control
The joke is that there is no difference, they're both monkeys.
You're a monkey
post cute pharah pics
If the skies are safe, you can easily just lay down fire and aim at crowds. Try to hover around unpredictably; if you're strafing while airborne, it's much harder to hit you than most heroes.
Pulse rocket is obviously good for them stage kills, but it can also force enemies out of position. Push people out of cover, through their rein shields and such, scatter them if they're strong as a ball. If you shoot the middle of a ball, you can blast rein way out in front and his team in the opposite direction, making it easy for your team to pick him off.
>her black skin is skin tight
I certainly fucking hope so!
I wish her and Junkrat actually had air control. They both feel like ass in the sky.
Would be nice too if D.Va's shield had a health component as well since she can eat up projectiles like no one's business.
Black parts of the armor.
Pharah is for ______ ?
>black skin
Pharah's more of a caramel color.
Everytime my friends and I play against a team with a good Pharah it's instant loss.
Even with a soldier she isn't in the air long enough to be shot down. Always hovers just below visual range. In team fights she suddenly appears behind us and then is gone again.
getting to her mother
>has rocket launcher
>has rocket boots
>can perform aerial maneuvers
>designed to be more powerful when firing from above and on the high ground
>200 health
whoever says that blizzard didn't copy tf2 is flat out lying
Not sexual, of course.
Pharah need a sort of jump jet like Space Marines. On activation it does her usual Boost, but pressing it again does a boost to the ground to get her out of the sky with small impact damage at the point of landing. That way you don't need to increase her health, but it gives her another option to get out of harms way.
>direct hit someone in the air
>genji das- I mean rocket boost to the target while firing
broken af
But dude, unlike soldier pharah is useless slow pieceof kebab who cannot into real rocketjump.
Queue ranked, get countered by soldier, then go back to playing meta.
Cuddling and kissing ONLY.
>then go back to playing meta.
>not stay as pharah and enjoying voice chat of your team
Pleb, pls.
Oh, look! It's another Overwatch thread!
best counter for her?
just shoot her lmao
Here's an idea:
Her Jump Boost now gives a 50 HP barrier that lasts for 8 seconds and then decays instantly. Every time she boosts again, the barrier is refreshed, but doesn't stack. It also cannot be healed.
Now she's still vulnerable to headshots from skilled ranged DPS, but isn't going to take tiny chip damage from other heroes taking potshots at her and has a better escape/approach tool in her kit.
What do you think?
I should clarify that I'm talking about Pharah.
I realize that this could sound like I'm talking about Mercy.
Every character with a hitscan weapon and D.va (for her ult)
anything with an accurate ranged hitscan
Calm down, Mercy.
I use Pharah if I need to kill some healers behind some rein defense. I can also take out a Rein really easy with her.
To counter Pharah I ussally use Soldier. Zens discord orb on her makes her die fast.
Mercy+Pharah makes killing Pharah really hard. Just requires killing mercy first.
I'd say tribes gives you better chances.
Mercy is too busy getting riced.
>its a "pharah with a pocket mercy moving sporatically in the air like a bunch of faggots" episode
Shit's really annoying.
git gud faggot
We can all agree that having air duels with the enemy Pharah is fun as hell right?
> played Quake
> played Solly in TF2
> Just can't get used to Pharah's slow ass missles.
Sorry i just can't. In Quake and TF2 using rockets meant using fast as FUARK projectiles you could reliably lead your targets with. With Pharah it's like "pppffffffffrrrrrrrtt" OH OOPS HE CASUALLY WALKED AWAY FROM MY SLOW AS SHIT MISSLE.
I just can't get into it.
Both of these plus TF2, or just go on the practice range that they put in the game to help people practice their aim
No. I'm a Pharah main and it's fucking annoying when some turbo autist gets butt-mad that someone else is playing """"""his"""""" main so he has to ignore his role/team comp/team fight/team mates/ to single me out, and miss all his shots, just so he can feel like the best.
You're an autistic cancer if as a Pharah you focus on other Pharahs as oppose to the other teams squishy.
>inb4 no_fun_allowed.jpg
50 armor is irrelevant though.
You could easily shred through Torb's armor packs, and those give 75.
Git gud scrub
>Enemy pharah is also skilled
Yes, but if you actually waste time going after another Pharah instead of just dodging while you hit the rest of their team, you're either terrible (most cases) or godlike enough to kill her.
>TF2 soldier with a jetpack
Nah, that faggot needs to remain stunted or it will be meta cancer all over again.
git gud
Is Pharah Black? Or share the same ancestors as African American?
She's brown.
Arent Egyptian s black?
So make sure the whole other team is dead before you ult? Got it.
Cause they had to handicap best girl
They seem pretty black to me. No way are they white
Isnt she a tank destroyer?
>No. I'm a Pharah main
Kill your self
>egyptian paintings paint themselves brown
>while using pitch black people as slaves
Egyptians are brown, like arabs.
>it's an enemy team thinks the counter to Pharah is Pharah episode
It never ends well for them either.
>Her ult is disappointing but I'm also not sure how to make it more useful without tipping the balance
make it not damage herself
>no Pharah gf
She can be since she can just keep chucking rockets (which have no damage falloff) at tanks from out of their effective range, as well as use her conc blast to break up tank formations. The problem is that if the other team's Ana can aim worth a shit, or if the other team switches one tank to a Soldier or McCree who can aim worth a shit, she'd basically deadweight.
Simply let her cancel it partway through. Very few ults actually result in a team kill unless the other team is retarded or it's comboed with another ult, usually Zarya's. Letting her cancel it means Pharah can solo ult one or two priority targets and then jump away before she dies.
Mercy pls
The ancient ones were north AFRICAN not arab. Pharoh was black yo
Good thing Pharah is not ancient.
In fact, canonically, her mother was born a few months ago.
Africa is fucking massive, if you seriously think that a country in the Middle East is going to be less like other countries in the Middle East and more like southern tribes on the other side of a fucking desert then you're delusional.