What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Well, to start, it was made by gearbox
>I'm not dead yet. I feel happy. I feel haaaappy!
Randy is so far beyond JUST at this point that it's almost sad.
He can't let everyone see him cry.
At some point, you need to leave people alone.
Do you know what pity is?
I swear to god, you'd think hating Gearbox is a meme at this point, but if you look up their library, they haven't made a single game themselves that I would call good. Borderlands 1 is decent, but nothing I would ever play solo, and it has its fair share of problems aswell.
He took people's money, he still wins in the end, he doesn't need pity. He responds to negative attention with optimism
There's a point he should stop trying, and that was months, maybe even years ago.
But there's also a point where everyone else should just ignore it. And that is always.
Let the man have his twitter breakdown in peace, come back when he makes poor decisions with a different property.
it's not sad. he's a liar (aliens: colonial marines) who utterly misunderstood what was good about his fluke hit in borderlands, and who has run a rather pedestrian company into the ground by making more and more bad business decisions and belatedly leaping onto the socjus bandwagon like the cuck that he is.
he deserves to share the fate of such garbage shyster devs as peter molynieux, chris roberts, sean murray, and tim schafer: to be buried in an iron coffin with spikes on the inside.
Is that an earthbound reference?
That makes it sound like people are tormenting him without reason, instead of tormenting him as backlash for the poor decisions you refer to
are you implying star citizen is a scam
>tfw intelligent just enough to get the Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference
>tfw Battleborn had a higher budget than BL1 and 2 combined
They're fucked at this point. And no other company would dare work with them less they get robbed.
The bottom line for Battleborn is more torment then anything we could ever hope to levy at him.
He deserves every bit of it. He's a literal man child running a d tier video game company further and further into the ground.
I'm glad someone else thought this.
bad/no advertising
not release before/after OW long enough
refusal to reduce price
>jan 15
You are correct, that must have been soul crushing, but people hold grudges and he is unapologetic to say the least, he prefers to shift the blame onto others
wtf i hate loss now
>get bullied
>twitter meltdown
>I'm done with videogames
Is the prophecy almost complete?
I unironically wouldn't trade places with someone like Sean Murray. I know some people can handle that kind of heat warranted or not but it would haunt me nonstop.
Only if Burch, wu, Quinn, sarkesian, and every shit tranny journalist commit mass suicide.
Fair enough.
I just don't see the utility then, as it's like yelling at a dog for getting into the trash, when the dog doesn't even remember doing it and thinks you're just excited about something.
Oh my god.
>I'm not dead yet
The way he wrote this makes me want to curl up into a ball in a cold shower. How can a grown man embarrass himself like that again and again? It's unbearable to watch.
RANDY... I... FEEL... G...O...O...D...
I AM...H...A...P...P...Y
You cannot grasp the true form of Battleborn's UI.
He's having a meltdown while trying his hardest to stay relevant and get players. Shit the other day he linked fucking battleborn porn on twitter in hopes of getting people interested.
The game is just shit, and he could probably put it on sale for $5 and still not get enough players to save it
>It's cheaper to buy copies of Battleborn than it is to buy empty Bluray cases
So the fan theories are true.
Like Giygas, Battleborn is an abortion
Let it go.
i dont think he can let 40m go.
You can't give that game away
>acts like a fag
>can't figure out why he's treated like a fag
The point of torturing people like him is to prevent other people from being like him.
Why did they try to compete with overwatch?
>Randy Pitchford is a dog
got my noggin' joggin'
>Borderlands 1 is decent, but nothing I would ever play solo, and it has its fair share of problems aswell.
It also unabashedly stole it's art style pixel for pixel from Codehunters without so much as a how-do-you-do.
So why doesn't Sup Forums love this game? It would be contrarian as fuck
Didn't the open beta for Overwatch get dropped the same day?
They thought their Borderlands fanbase gave them an edge on the genre over Blizzard, who hasn't really made a first person game before.
Sort of like assuming McDonald's can make a better burger than a new chef just because McDonald's has made burgers before.
Mother fuckers
Sup Forums is reddit
>start to feel bad for Randy
>remember he's a dickhead
>I'm not dead yet. I feel happy. I feel haaaappy!
>PS4 For Honor English
Those are two different games, brother. At least post a current screencap from Amazon. Physical copies of Battleborn are going for 12.99, but digital is still 59.99.
more like MOTHER fuckers amirite
His post was missing the "thud" at the end.
>0 results
dont google it or it will almost make you feel bad for him. almost.
Another vidya related e-celeb thread.
That looks better honestly.
>first result
Stop trying to fit in so hard. Randy is actually a gamedev (well, a CEO at any rate), and it's more of an anti-rage thread than anything.
im referring to this
i ALMOST feel bad for the guy but he tries to be a jerk to everyone. very pathetic.
>Fuck you.
>Not 3 sentences later says f'ing riot.
>replying seriously to Loss
There's no words.
randy is losing it while investors watch at his clown dance, counting all the figures they lost on betting on him
Literally on suicide watch
>Get the reference
>Realize directly after that line the cart guy kills the old man with blunt force trauma
Not exactly the best thing to quote.
Posted from his padded cell
>holding Duke hostage
>won't even make a proper new game with him
Nah he deserves it
are you sure? Maybe its his mother.
>linked battleborn porn
jesus fucking christ, how is someone this poorly receptive to criticism leading an entire development team, or really in the public eye at all?
>I'm a magician
Well... another hobby of mine I can't take serious anymore thanks to him.
>yfw you are not Randy
You made a thread to perpetuate this shit.
Not him, but would you trust anyone who hasn't done anything in the last 20 years and even got blacklisted by Hollywood for not paying workers?
thats his wife.
I trust everyone, user. Even you
Now watch as he cuts the price of the game in half
and again
and again
>I don't know how Twitter works
How transparent, holy gosh!
>tfw not anthony burch
this keeps me alive
A person like that is now President of the United States, so you tell me.
Even if you completely agree with Trump's policies, there's no denying that the guy has skin thinner than a jellyfish.
How does it feel to be that much scared and triggered by Trump to mention him in completely uncalled for discussions
>totally not sad: the post
B-Battleborne totally worked guize
That's completely different and I'm sure you know it. Trump responds to people telling complete fucking lies about him and corrects them.
>Meryl Streep says that Trump makes fun of the disabled
>Trump corrects her
It's fucking beautiful how these people are being called out. They were so used to just telling lies and having people thinking "being the bigger man" and not responding was the best tactic, they have no idea how to respond to him besides whine
>Keep seeing roblox posts everywhere
>Youtuber friend is doing roblox vids all the time cos her fans want it
>Never watched a roblox vid but heyre always recommended
>want o play but also don't just cos i can FEEL it's gonna be the same obby courses and 'slide n dies'
What the fuck is Roblox?
We got him, we got him. Think 2017 will be kill for Gearbox?
there's some decent ones sprinkled in, try "Fighters" by Hashiru for something easyish to pick up and learn
Who is more pathetic, Anthony Burch or Randy Pitchford?
>Whats worst? Dog Shit or Cat Shit?
Randy is not gay. But with his wife i dont know what would be better.
Every landwhale knows how to give head, thats better that nothing, and way better than being anthony burch
He finally found what he was looking for.
I dont know how many of them are just idle accounts sets by employees to make it look actually active
Damn. American's have some insane fucking houses.
>tfw not american
Yeah he totally didn't make fun of disabled people. clearly this video is just someone pretending to be trump
they're equally pathetic, just in slightly different ways