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No, him being underpowered does not count

his ulti is pretty much shit in higher elo

Dva and phara will kill him with ease

>in higher elo
His ult is shit in fucking bronze

alright I'll bite. How is a free team kill that can climb up fucking walls UP?

his remote mine is retarded

he shouldn't be able to have that much follow up damage

should only be able to detonate when it actually lands on a surface

Because a good team will hear "FIRE IN THE HOLE" and break apart while looking to shoot it so it kills nobody

I feel sad when I see someone main this retard

His ult can climb up over fucking walls and even bounce. If you can't get creative or use it to ambush the enemy team too busy focusing on what's in front of them then you are playing him wrong.

I end up getting behind enemy lines and get a free team kill usually every other match.

>free team kill
You just shoot the tire nigga. Either he's got to get close enough to detonate it immediately after launching it, in which case he's probably dead before he can, or he's far enough away that occurs.

At least he is interesting to play, unlike tank meta.

He's Leddit-tier cringe in terms of design and the whacky memes he spouts.

The maps are tight enough that there might be corners he can jump over.

Especially if its an escort map.

he instantly becomes a detriment against an enemy zarya

that said, everyone has a counter i guess

>everyone has a counter i guess

Can someone explain the hand meme I keep seeing this in?


>whacky memes
is everything a meme now

I see it all the time and just never asked.

Pacha from The Emperor's new groove

it's the meme of this guy from that disney movie the emperors new groove, he says something like "the sun hit's the hills just right"
so the caption to go with junkrat would be something like "when the riptire blows up just right" or something similar to that

Everyone does have a counter in a 1v1 situation user

best boi

I think you overestimate sub-gold players.

No, but Overwatch is most definately a meme of a game, maybe even surpassing Memelands.

Why else do you think only normiecucks, tumblrites and reditors play this shit?

No. Not everyone has a counter. At most, on equally skilled players, would be stalemates.

Roadhog fits this since his only stalemate would be soldier since he can heal the long range shots from road.

this is why reddit and tumblr crept into this site

Fucking Ana's frame is too thin to eat most of Roadhog's shot, making her able to survive being hooked and, with the grenade and sleep dart, likely to come out on TOP because of it.

who doesnt have a counter in a regular team situation?

this post is really bad