How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
Funny in my undies!
About as surprising as Ellen Page coming out
where are my bear gays
Too many faggots in the world
feels like someone wants to sell me something
pure autism
It makes me feel video games.
Being the massive yurifag that I am, I'm perfectly okay with it.
I don't feel anything in particular. Did you just blow in from SomethingAwful or something?
Meh, all the hottest girls are still dickosexual.
>How does this make you feel?
Excited since I'll get to see based Mike 'Turning Fruits into Vegetables' Pence's medical method shock Tracer straight onto my deek
this, good taste user
Take a good look, folks. This is what happens when kiddos take this website too seriously.
oh boy
>this comic vs the most recent TF2 comic
Really causes one to ponder.
I mean, the complaint about gay characters in vidya has mostly been about how obnoxiously they're implemented, like the entirety of Dragon Age 2.
Non obnoxious vidya characters are fine, lile Arcade Gannon. And I think a comic completely seperate from the game is pretty non obnoxious. It's not like you now get plus damage against men playing Tracer fuelled by a Dyke Rage ability.
what good is making her a lesbian if she can't lez out in-game
As a gay guy this revelation was met with an overwhelming "meh".
Nobody cares. Nobody should care. Ship the character with whoever you want to get your jollies.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
>massive lesbofag/yurifag during teens
>am now an adult that enjoys straight god-fearing couples (that dont have sex until marriage)
really makes you think
Tell my wife..hello (games)
Yeah, who would know videogame based comics were absolute trash.
>think overwatch looks gay
>turns out to be gay as FUCK
didnĀ“t expect anything less from modern bliccuk
most guys don't mind lesbians. In fact they get turned on by watching girl/girl action.
Whatever bullshit the gaming media is telling you about guys being muhsoggyknees and hate all women is a load of bullshit.
Actually I think most of the complaints about gay characters are just excuses for Sup Forums to bitch about developers they hate. Sure, they say it's about one thing or another but it's not consistent at all. But Sup Forums hating certain devs? That's pretty damn consistent.
And that's ignoring the people who really do hate gay people but also don't play a lot of video games so they don't bitch about anything that isn't a highly advertised AAA title with a blatantly visible gay character.
These comics are the only good thing about TF2 nowadays.
Lesbians are fine. Gays are not.
Don't care either way.
Never cared about Tracer anyway.
Lesbians is the most popular search on pornhub, if you think Blizzard didn't do this to sell more copies to horny guys you don't know much about penis
annoyed that every tomboy now has to be a dyke
Lesbians are gay.
Because overwatch is a shit unbalanced meme game for retards and it's getting too much attention because some jews are trying to make it an """""""""eSpawrt"""""""""
Couldn't care less about lesbians
Remember when they used to put a black guy in movies just so they won't appear racist? They're doing the exact same thing with gays in video games now.
It makes me feel weird honestly.
I love yuri shipping, romance, books, fanfiction, drawing fan art etc but then shit like this reminds me that lesbians really do exist. It all makes me feel like a dirty and pathetic boy prying into something I shouldn't.
I suppose fujo's feel the same way?
It's hard for me not to care about it when you keep bringing it up.
But lesbian porn is mostly watched by women.
>I'm not a misogynist! I LOVE fetishising female same sex relationships!
Lesbian sex ontologically doesn't exist.
Isn't misogyny hating women?
rein confirmed gay
Some may be doing that, sure. Assuming every single gay character is an instance of that is disingenuous, though.
I think most aren't doing it to PROVE they're not homophobic, they're just doing it because they AREN'T homophobic.
But in a few years it'll be normal anyway and token characters won't be enough any more. It'd all go a lot faster probably if a significant subset of gamers didn't fight tooth and nail against any depiction of gay characters that doesn't meet some vaguely defined arbitrarily high standard. Just be cool and it'll sort itself out.
This is a misunderstanding on the level of someone saying they're an "animal lover" and someone else replies "yeah, me too, especially on the barbecue."
Or maybe it's like saying the Confederacy loved black people so much that they fought to keep them.
So I like women, therefore I hate them?
Are you being dense on purpose?
>finding women attractive is the same as eating or enslaving then
Ok tumblr
Are you surprised you're not getting a serious answer for your strawman?
Hey, you know who else undisputably loves women? A serial rapist. Can't argue with that logic, right?
I dunno, are you surprised that saying you like to wank to lesbians doesn't prove you're not a misogynist? Because that's what it looked like. I'm just trying to show the flaw in your reasoning.
Honestly I don't really care about lesbians or gays, I just hate when companies (in general, not Blizzard particularly) try such a cheap trick to make it seem like they're "progressive", what the hell that even is supposed to mean, everybody knows it's not because they actually genuinely wanted to make a lesbian character, because they don't care about this shit just like most gamers, it's just that they feel they need to follow this trend to remain competitive and sell their shit, it's the new brown and bloom grim dark, it's because they wanted easy likes and upvotes from people who care, because these are a very loud minority. but you can't call the corporation out on it because then you are the target from the social justice crowd, because they will take that as an assault against gays and lesbians and so on. this whole diversity thing has gotten out of control, with things like this just being one of the minor examples, it's not that horrible, because at least it's not in the game and slapped in your face all the time like with Borderlands 2 or Dragon Age 2 or something. But it's gotten to ridiculous heights and also extreme shit like EA who purposefully hire people, that absolutely hate white people, for no reason, as fucking lead designers for their videogames
Neither of them has a dick so I feel indifferent, Yuri is boring.
Yo maybe leave the complaints about tokenism and exploitation to actual minorities instead of complaining in their stead?
I mean if the most of them are fine with the way they're being represented what's the problem?
i dont really care
it doesnt change the way tracer plays sop it doesnt matter
Just like I see two girls kissing. And it happens a lot. Because all women are bisexual. It's like water is wet, nothing new. It's hilarious people even bother discussing this.
You must have missed the new voice line whenever she uses blink
>Cheers luvs I fucking love gash, me!
What I got from the original statement is that most men would have zero problems with this, since most guys aren't misogynist, even though the media likes to grossly exaggerate misogyny on the Internet and represent all males as misogynist.
Then you jumped straight to your strawman.
all women aren't bisexual you dumbfuck
I'm a girl and I'm not bi.
nothing, i don't play this game
fags who play it surely like it
Indifferent, they are not real.
Tho the other day I saw two really good looking lesbians holding hands and goodbye kissing at the bus station, I felt some kind of warmth in my heart, like when you see two puppers playing.
that has nothing to do with gameplay either its fluff text
It makes me feel relieved that I skipped this hilariously bullshit game
>two woman kissing in a game
i think tumblr is ruining the video game industry
Whenever she says it she goes down on the nearest female hero bro
that was really quite sweet user.
>I'm okay with gays, they just HAVE to be low key and never open about it
This is Sup Forums
Id feel sad for them if they where overweight lesbians but since both are good looking im amused.
and now you are just full of shit
all, meaning predominantly. It's not 100%. I thought that was obvious. Some women might be exclusively homosexual or asexual. But women predominantly are bisexual.
sure thing Cosmo, sure thing.
What's the issue with that?
Tf2 did it better
but it doesn't change the gameplay, it doesn't influence hitboxes or damage values, it does nothing
>I have nothing against lesbians or gays but I hate it anyway whenever it happens :^)
Blows my mind the kind of mental gymnastics is going in your head. Basically what you're saying is that anytime a creator wants to add anything related to homosexuality it needs to be done in the most subtle way possible so they won't trigger special snowflakes like you.
That's LITERALLY the definition of you having an issue with lesbians and gays, you colossal retard.
So she's a cuck.
Right, thanks for confirming you're a complete fucktard.
Firstly, he explicitly said most people won't have a problem with this because it gets their dick hard. Then he went on to defend himself against an accusation of misogyny no one had made. But he, like you, fails to realise that being able to beat your dick to someone doesn't mean you don't hate them. It doesn't mean you do hate them, mind. It's just unrelated. It's conflating porn preferences with respecting people, and bringing up misogyny completely out of the blue like that makes me think it was probably an intentional rhetorical trick to make some inane point about le gaming media, which, incidentally, is the only actual strawman in this whole argument.
no no they can be as open about it as they want no skin off of my nose but i dont speak for Sup Forums just myself personally i think people who flip out about gays are secretly gay
What the bloody hell is this violence? Why would you slam your laptop into someone's face, especially if it was your lover?
This fanbase should be in a nuthouse.
But you thought the voice line was real? Lol u mong
Oh, by the way, I did say wanking to lesbians doesn't necessarily make you a misogynist, but if that is your best way of trying to prove you aren't one, it doesn't bode well.
I want to stop making lesbian porn on her and start making only hetro stuff just to fuck with the tumblrinas.
The gay shit isn't any fun when its official.
But what's the added value of adding/revealing a character's (e.g. tracer) sexuality? Does it advance the plot, make for better gameplay, or is it just a way to sell the game to more people because they're "omg so progressive"?
That's what I meant with gay being the new black, it serves no purpose except to anger autists.
well i dont actually play overwatch cause i am bad at multiplayer i just know that what happens in a side comic has no effect on gameplay
Worse, I think they're just memesters who unthinkingly parrot the Sup Forums hivemind.
Reinhardt x Winston otp
It's cute as fuck.
can someone summon barneyfag, i dont wanna watch this dyke pony shit on videogame board
there is a countless number of gay characters in videogames but if you can't tell that the next multi million dollar corporation does it only because it's kinda trendy to do so lately, I'm sorry
It's just easy marketing