ITT: small additions that ruined their game
ITT: small additions that ruined their game
Almost entirely ruined my first time experience
They will never make another game.
Their Chinese overlord will force them to milk it until the end of time even if it has 2 player.
they are about to take over fighting games
Why are you posting reno instead of the literally dozens of cancerous cards they introduced?
Reno should be a standard card
There are far worse examples
Shredder, Boom, Patches,..
Always weird to see lol fans complain about riot. I too used to play but just stopped. No hard feelings towards them, the game is still popular and I don't see any decline.
Just wasn't for me anymore.
But that isn't patches
They bought out that robot fighting game for people who can't do inputs. Except that to come back with more waifus whenever they finish removing anything fun or interesting from it.
I played LoL but then moved to DOTA. The only reason LoL crossed my mind is because they are reworking Warwick. Muh main.
Why bother with doto when there is the superior, truly next gen moba which is hots.
>take nap
>receive second best light armour in the game
Nice try shithead. Played them all, the only DOTA style game that is worth something is DOTA itself. LoL had something going for it but then went to the shitter around season 3. HOTS is mobile tier. SMITE offers nothing special except the 3rd person gimmick. HoNs was shit and is dead now.
Too bad Valve are trying really hard to push DOTA 2 down the shitter as well.
Wrong faggot, of all the ASSFAGGOTS games, HOTS is a quick game that doesn't waste your life with 30min to hour matches that are typically determined in the first few minutest of the game anyways. I have never played a game of HOTS that lasted longer than 25 minuets.
nt Karl Marx
dude, you have absolutely no taste, it's like you're trying to defend a pile of shit and I'm not the guy you're replying to
As I said. Short mobile tier garbage, can't handle getting invested in a game. Also LoL is really short now as well.
>the one man, standing alone against the hundreds of cancer curvestone cards
>you think he's the problem
I guess that's to be expected of people who still play that shit game.
Dota comebacks are really something.
Just won a 90 minute game on Sunday. felt fucking wonderful.
They feel easier now. Before you had to fight tooth and nail for them.
>the one card that puts a small bump in the road to aggro Pirate cancer dominating the universe
Guess we all know what "game" it ruined, right? Fucking cancer.
ASSFAGGOTS are fucking trash, no matter what one. HOTS is the only slightly less shitty one.
I can handle getting invested, I can't be assed to watch a game linger on for an extra 20-50mins when all the important factors to determine victory are done near the start of the game. ASSFAGGOTS are garbage games and all suffer from this. HOTS just limits it.
its funny when ASSFAGGOTS players think they have taste in video games.
>factors to determine victory are done near the start of the game
This is simply not true. This has never been true for any Dota style game, it might be harder to comeback in other but it is never impossible. You are just a casual who gives up the first second something goes wrong.
Did this happen in base game as well or was it DLC only?
It was added in Tribunal iirc.
>When people don't believe Reno is the true cancer
Oy vey! I feel you OP!
in league of legends a team with a 10% gold advantage at 20 minutes has a 90% chance to win
comebacks can be strong in dota but i dont think lol is the same boat
t. Aggro shitter
>they are about to take over fighting games
made me laugh, though
Except that's pro games. Its still shit balance tho.
>their whole fanbase
Glory be
if you want a quick game go play on fucking mobile
quick games are fine
it's all the other parts of hots' gameplay that are bad
No where near as bad as Dshift
>Not Daria
I don't actually think Daria is that bad but she's just an example of cards worse than Seraph
why was the beta actually enjoyable? they should've left it as is
fucking reddit ruins everything
haha i used cheat engine on that game to finally see the ending, through all the cheap would be deaths lol
10,000 life ftw
git gud little faggot is ez
Hell no, comp is way better than QP.
the one that introduced the thumper for the engineer in tribes ascend and all those other pay to win guns
infiltrator stood no chance against that fucking thumper with that rink a dink smg
>hates fun
Yeah, your right. They're ok. But this piece of shit is inexcusable.
well with the speedbuff its a major pain in the ass again
Nigger Id play Vainglory ACTUAL MOBILESHIT before i started playing HoTS again.
I tried that garbage once and im never gonna try it again. The only thing it has going for it is Li-Li
If I actually had to rank mobas off personal preference
1.League (season 1-3)
4.League (4-current)
Now I'm wondering, what are the worst weapons for each class?
Riot just doesnt know what they are doing. First of all their artstyle got gutted. First they had some nice whimsical creatures and a bright map. Now it is some smeared out shitmap with completely clashing heroes that are either, whimsical, 2dark4u or realistic.
Their balance is a mess, everything unique or unbalanced just gets reworked into generic shit. Stuns get gutted even though this is the only way to make the 10000 blinks they put on everyone somewhat manageable. Everyone gets blinks to be able to chase people blinking away. Remakes are just used to kill old characters rather than improve them.
>Their balance is a mess, everything unique or unbalanced just gets reworked into generic shit
100% agree its actually sad in truth
>Stuns get gutted even though this is the only way to make the 10000 blinks they put on everyone somewhat manageable
They have other ways to deal with mobility creep. nobody likes getting stunned forever until you die.
>Remakes are just used to kill old characters rather than improve them
sometimes its both. New Sion gained a MASSIVE fanbase compared to old Arnie Sion. Same with the Gangplank rework. The reworks were a massive improvment
he's easy, has very low HP, get good.
happened if you had Tribunal installed and it happened no matter where you were on the map.
>nobody likes getting stunned forever until you die.
Nigger, the longest stun you had was 3 seconds on rammus and fiddlesticks. Both had short range (rammus melee range) and it was one of their major selling points. Hell even sions 2 second stun was a short range attack. If you get caught and you feel sad because you cannot hammer on your flash button for 2 seconds you should really reconsider your positioning. Chainstuns only happen if multiple characters have stuns. But they sacrifice something to get those stuns. But you know what is not fun, seeing a nidalee jump away from everything with minimal effort because anything resembling a slow or stun got gutted. Worst part is that they actually made them skillshots, so people with mobility are the least affected by stuns, even though they need to get stunned the hardest.Then there are multiple items to deal with this. Banshees works like a charm. Mercuries tells every single stun user to fuck off.
An alternative to this can be strong, long slows or silences. Guess what, strong slows now all drop in effectiveness over the duration. Silences all got removed because kassadin got his feelings hurt. Hell, I remember when they removed the silence of talon (you know, so he could then combo it into his other skills) because people were annoyed they couldnt flash out of his combo.
Old sion was a unique character with his insane attack speed and lifesteal and could be a good melee carry. But they didnt want to balacne for melee carries.
If you play aggro in hearthstone I assume you don't have the mental capacity to ever play a control deck in your lifetime
Old sion was goat tier. Got me to plat without even trying. Just played him as an AP support, everyone I face got fucked with that stun burst shield combo.
Old Sion used to counter yasuo mid too when he first came out. But reworks are cancer and killed good character design.
Singed in season 1 gold me gold, before his minor rework. Now pretty shit.
It doesn't matter though when riot got bought then nerfed ipgains to Korean mom levels. I recall it taking 2 days to buy a 6300ip hero now it takes a whole god damn week and a half. I stopped playing because of the bad reworks and shit ipgains.
I'm late but not everyone wants to throw 40 mins away minimum at the click of a button.
Realize some people value their time, and if they play a game they don't want to be one person stuck on one character in one role with no breaks for probably an hour.
Store your pissbottle and realize some people have things to do, and preferences. Fuck Dota.
Your post is full of little inconsistencies that don't make sense to anyone who plays the game seriously, you should stop lying online
>W and Q
>targeted stun into a run-up shield explode one shot
>"good design"
Its good design for a DOTA game not a LEAGUE game. LEAGUE is not DOTA.
>press R and right click stuff
>so long as you dont get disabled you out sustain everybody
his design was horrible. Right click and forget" champions are a blight because they they cause the entire rest of the cast to be balanced around their kit design or they're made artificially weak on purpose. the new tenants of balance that Riot created for themselves is pretty damn easy to follow and it doesnt include obnoxious shit like targeted stuns, one shots and "right click and forget" garbage like Kayle,Tryndamere and Yi.
>Not levi/piercing rune
>t. aggro shitter
>Look at me ma, I used the NEET card!
Maybe next time have an argument about the game and not just throwing names.
Yes they are easy to follow. But they make for a really boring game. And no, targeted stuns arent obnoxious. Its obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.
>Not patches the pirate
>see someone make a post about League of Legends
>inevitably some dotashitters come out
like clockwork
If you weren't an idiot and got the game right you probably wouldn't look like an idiot
>Old sion was a unique character with his insane attack speed and lifesteal and could be a good melee carry. But they didnt want to balacne for melee carries.
Thanks for reminding me about that. I used to have so much fun going Crit/Attack Speed with Sion and just 1v3 people even with an ignite on me. Then he got turned into a tank. Every character I played except Viktor got reworked to shit.
>Every character I played except Viktor got reworked
are you serious?
Are you actually going to say that a drawing force of Dota are the 5-8 second disables they tack on half the cast to compensate for the ranged vs melee problems?
And no the champion design doesn't make for a boring game because that's completely subjective. the only people who find LoL boring are usually jaded fucks that have been playing since S1 and have unlocked and played basically everything. For new players its still a fun experience else LoL would already be dieing (which numbers say otherwise)
Not that guy but yes. Abilities should be powerful, each and every cast should matter.
Of course Dota has strong stuns but it also has buyable 12 second blink and fucking magic immunity.
what the fuck are you even talking about
someone brings up league of legends here and then follow this chain of posts , , , , and then finally you result in "the only DOTA style game that is worth something is DOTA itself." here Bring up League, some triggered dotard comes up to talk about how much more superior Dota is
Continue reading user. Reworked to shit. As in, they got reworks and weren't fun anymore. Viktor got a straight up buff and was made much better than he was before.
Being this butthurt over facts. AP sion will always beat sion rework and the ip gains are worse then they have ever been. Riot has gone full Jew mode. I know your mad that I have jarvan season 1 skin it's ok, I like to show it off when I find the time to play league which is maybe 3 games a year now.
Riot really has just killed build diversity and made the game stale as fuck. Sion was viable as both AD or AP. The same could be said about YI back in the day. Singed season 1 was probably the best pusher class in the game, instead they reworked ult took the damage out and made him more tanky. Heck they fucked up karthus by removing spellvamp items. Jax build is so concrete now you literally have to rush hextech gunblade first over anything else.
Furthermore Esports league was a mistake they turned unique things into popular ideas for normies who couldn't figure out how to play. I remember playing Morgana support before she was deemed a support and was considered mid character. Or back in the day when Khalid came out and I would play him mid or top. Get to play these champs like this for months, suddenly esports comes along and now we have to nerf everything fun.
Medic stock weapons are terrible compared to upgrades except for medigun.
All Sniper rifles.
Stock spy revolver.
Pyro flamethrowers outside of degreaser i guess?
>Half the post are mine.
I liked LoL, Riot ruined it, that's why I think DOTA is better.
The game in general was more fun because no one knew how to play so you could play any hero and do well.
It's small, and it ruined the game.
>are you serious?
yes, those 10000 do 10 damage and slow for 10% are terrible
Get fucked aggro shitter
>Abilities should be powerful, each and every cast should matter.
then explain why Dota still has kits chocked full of passives and free stats? Almost every other melee hero has some sort of stupid passive thats just free power added to the kit.
anyways my point is
Riots character design is perfectly fine for the environment that its made for. Old character kits often got killed and removed for good reason as they began to clash against the rest of cast. Dota and LoL balance in different ways but Dota has cant be compared to LoL ultimately because of some very significant differences such as Items and mechanics like castpoint/turnspeed and courier
God this pissed me off, fuck you Bethesda. I fell for the Morrowind meme.
This can be applied to every other game because fuck modern communities and "muh e-sports"
>new game comes out
>no wikis yet
>not much information about the game
>no "M-MUH META"
i'm glad fatigue warrior's dead and the only thing left are reno varients
>doesnt include obnoxious shit like targeted stuns, one shots and "right click and forget" garbage like Kayle,Tryndamere and Yi.
Funny that you literally described a trinity of balance design, where champs like kayle and tryndamere are literally immune to dying for a short duration, allowing them to faceroll oneshot burst champs, and champs with targeted stuns tended to have enough survivability to outlast the invuln effects and low enough CDs that they could just wait for a second skill rotation to burst them down.
alex/grom/gorehowl was an eloquent finisher that actually required planning and thinking on the warrior's part to put every tool in their deck to its best possible use in the matchup, and had significant avenues for interaction from the opponent by forcing the purely reactive warrior into sub-optimal uses for his tools. Golden Monkey is a fucking joke of a card that just turns every single card you failed to use properly into a threat that will eventually push over the opponent through sheer attrition.