Bloodstained is an abomination

>2.5d garbage, game doesn't resemble concept art
>Absolutely disgusting and ugly female protag
>Garbage art direction, no gothic vibe from older Castlevania
>disgusting soundtrack

This is an abomination and an insult to people who like Castlevania. Just listening to this garbage made my ear bleed:

Keeps repeating the same unfitting le EPIC ROCK METAL-ISH garbage, over and over again.

It lacks soul, it lacks atmosphere, it doesn't compare to masterpieces like the following:

Anyone who is excited for Shitstained, die a painful death motherfuckers.

Other urls found in this thread:

The graphics and character design don't look too bad to me. Enemies look a bit boring at least in that video. I do agree that that music was rubbish. Don't know why you exclusive have dos tracks as examples though when there are so many better.

I like the soundtrack and the design of the protagonist, but I agree with you in that the game's artstyle and backgrounds look really awful. It looks so bad it actually turns me off from the whole game as a result. It's a shame.

post them, dos has best overal ost imo.

what is this?
is this Sup Forums's new MN9?

Kikestater is proving to be one of the biggest scams of the internet ever.

>disgusting soundtrack

Your shit opinion aside, it's still better than Mighty No. 9.

Any good games that have come out of it yet?

Plenty but I legitimately can't remember what they are right now.

>pathetic attempt at damage control

kek, you donated money to this, didn't you user? how much is the damage?

>It's the same guy who makes these kind of threads almost every day

looks good to me

Has there been a single crowdfunded pseudo-reboot that has turned out well?

MN9 was hot garbage.
Bloodstained does not look promising.
I think people are jumping the gun on Yooka-Laylee too. But it looks the most decent so far.

As for direct sequels, I imagine Shantae turned out well.
Shenmue 3 better be good. I've wanted that game for over a decade. I'm scared.

Am I missing anything?

Plenty of them. Pillars of Eternity, FTL, Banner Saga, just to name a few.

It wasn't an attempt at damage control and no, I didn't. There are only two games I've ever backed on Kickstarter and neither of them were Mighty No. 9 nor Bloodstained.

I'm talking about shit anyone cares about.

>he doesn't care about FTL
What are you, a fucking faggot?

>I imagine Shantae turned out well

It was generally regarded as underwhelming

Ok so one game. Anything else?

I was excited until I read Iga's comments on the E3 demo, to paraphrase:

"People couldn't tell what were platforms so we will be highlighting them with bright colors and making them stand out more."

Game being made for the lowest common denominator. It's fucked.
My only consolation is that I will still get the art book and I can fap to Miriam at least, shame about the game though, it could have been good.

Like every Shantae game.

>Style over substance

It was generally regarded same as any other Shantae game, which is mediocre

>He doesn't care about Banner Saga

Yooka Laylee

Why is this thread made every day, even if it always ends with essentially everyone agreeing that the game is visually ugly but plays just fine?

Every damn day. People trash on the visuals. People agree on the visuals. People point out that it still plays well.
And repeat. Repeat again and again, and again, and again and again. For what purpose? Every damn day. What's the point?

the protag's animations look way too floaty in that video

Yes but Generally regarded? The reviews were pretty positive, and it's a good game. Not perfect, but, you know, it could have done with more money to add more content to it. There's only so much they can do with the money they have.

Jesus fucking christ, what a disaster, it is worse than I thought. Thank god I won't be buying this piece of shit, I dodged a huge shitstained bullet.

I'll just emulate on PC and buy a second hand 3ds and hack it and emulate the rest there.

It's so that OP can make himself feel better about the money he donated to a game he no longer cares for.

I'll still play it because castlevania is my favorite video game series

Its fun to shitpost.

That's not out yet obviously and from what we've seen it could still turn out like shit. I do still have some hope for that one though.

Perhaps, but shitposting the same nonsense over and over again is not.

It's a good lesson for the autists on this board who never go outside that you can rarely really trust more people in your life than you can count on one hand. Even if these devs had the best intentions, intentions don't mean much.

Honestly, I think Meme no.9 would get a bit better reception if it wasn't because of that cringey advertisement

>ugly female protag
trying to cry about this when you fags melt in every last of us2 and horizon thread is ridiculous

They should have kept to a 2D style with detailed sprites. Yes it would have been more expensive but it's not like they wouldn't have been able to get the money to do it if they just asked for more in their kickstarter.

Castlevania music is better than Shitstained. It immediately reminded me of 80s pop music artists like Zdravko Colic.


And fucking time the shit to get the SOTN artist on board. Bloodstained art looks like dogshit in comparison.

Pillars of Eternity was a great reboot to the infinity engine style games.

Not that user, but Legacy of Darkness had some fucking awesome tracks.

Give the last one a minute to kick in