What's the verdict on Tales of Berseria?
What's the verdict on Tales of Berseria?
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weeb trash
I don't rightly know. I barely touch my PS4 outside of the exclusives, so I wanted to get it on Steam. After getting fucked by Zestiria and needing a dozen patches to make it run right, I looked forward to that same thing with Berseria. Then Berseria got Denuvo and now the patches won't ever exist.
Probably awful like all post-Vesperia tales games
This. Need more chibi fixed camera shit with a world map
I've heard nothing but fantastic things from people I know that actually speak Japanese, including fans of the series, disillusioned fans and people that have never touched a Tales game before.
The story and characters are supposed to be very strong whereas gameplay is a bit lackluster. Lots of my Japanese friends are calling it GotY 2016 even ahead of stuff like Ys 8.
I'm looking forward to playing it once Denuvo is cracked. I guess what I have to say is give it the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming it's another Zestiria.
Demo was pretty damn fun.
Looking forward to it.
Combat is just button mashing but I enjoyed it.
horrible demo with boring characters.
Tales is beyond saving now
>tales game
>gameplay is lackluster
It's shit everyone.
It has potential, if they release the DLC costumes immediately at launch.
All 3d tales games have terrible art styles and bore me to death after a few hours.
What are the Imas songs this time?
Is it just Kirari, Anzu and Rin's character songs to match the costumes?
This is important to me.
I'm worried after playing the demo, I'd get framerate chugs when spinning the camera.
Switching from borderless windowed to fullscreen helped but it still concerns me that I can't get a stable frame rate on what really doesn't seem to be an intense game.
I hope it's just the demo and the full game has better optimization.
Specs related to this complaint.
Performance aside, game seems a bit simple. Are you supposed to be able to play just by mashing A?
Maybe it will make more sense when I level up from 1 and get used to skills slower than just having so many in the demo.
At any rate it can't be worse than Zestiria, can it?
>Xilla 2 has more combat depth than the entire tales series
>Good characters too
>Great soundtrack
you have shit taste
It might be running off your integrated. A lot of people have this problem.
Fuck off.
I doubt we'll get any licensed DLC outfits.
Good game being memed to death by censorship retards. People were rejoicing over the game not being garbage during the japanese streams.
We got all the Idolmaster outfits in past games except for Graces.
Bamco completely owns Imas so there's no reason not to do so.
symphonia, then vesperia, then abyss, then phantasia. all the others aren't worth it
i just wanna more velvet
Yeah I'm glad they didn't censor her boobs.
From what I've been told, TP's gone, so there's no drawbacks for spamming what would be high-TP consumption artes.
Tried the demo and did not have a clue what was happening. Fights just become clusterfucks with all the abilities getting thrown around. Probably my own fault for having never played a tales game other then phantasia.
I feel like the demo is poorly designed by just throwing 20+ artes at you and explaining zero of them.
I liked it and will buy it when they remove denuvo
make sure the game is running off your gtx and not your integrated graphics
Not true, artes consume different amounts of soul gauge which is basically your action currency. Run out if those and you have to wait for it to refill.
I remember reading that the game doesn't fully use your GPU, apparently you need to set some options on the Nvidia control panel.
What was censored in this one ?
Why would they design the game like that?
It might be either on integrated or not taxing your gpu enough to get it out of powersave mode.
I've heard of both happening with this game.
just a kid getting stabbed which makes the ending kind of unbalanced
A kid gets stabbed by magic instead of by a sword.
They also removed him getting tripped.
what about all the the mc rape ? is it still in ?
Fuck off
It's not just the combat, dialogues were impossible to follow as well. They just throw you in the middle of coversations about characters you don't even know about.
Shitty demo and a shitty attempt to get players into the game.
Buy it when it's twenty dollars in 6 months.
the mc was never raped in the first place
The demo made zero sense storywise. Something incoherent about possession or soemthing and the little boy sharing a body?
Soul gauge? Why not just call it TP like it always has been?
It's more like the CC system Graces used than the TP system of yore.
They just squished in a bunch of unrelated comedy skits in. There was no story in the scenario mode.
when will it end
Soon. Once berseria tanks, they'll stop making tales games.
>implying they aren't already working on the next one
Oh it will. The game is unfortunate enough to release alongside RE7.
Not enough /ss/
And Yakuza 0
I hope Velvet gets a Lord of Cinder costume.
The little boy and blonde man are seraphs
the orange hair is a sheperd
>orange hair
user, what?
whatever the hell this color is
Bamco only publishes Dark Souls though so unlikely compared to Imas or God Eater but would be cool.
Is the game full of lewd talk with the shota like in the demo?
It's called red user.
I think you might be color blind.
Also she isn't a shepherd.
full of No
but here and there Yes
Watching him blush and the characters talk around the subject is too cute
looks orange to me
you sure she aint a sheperd? because she makes a pact with the boy
It's not called being a shepherd in that timeline even though it's technically the same.
Looks pretty red to me though.
And GR2
Why is Velvet so fucking hot, Sup Forumsros?
Take Milla, the hottest tales girl.
Color her hair black and eyes yellow. Done.
Oh boy here we go.
The hair
Ignore them. Most if not all Vesperiafags where late to Vesperia hype and only jump on through word of mouth and MUH YURIJUDY combos.
Given that even Symphonia was bad..
is Milla an edgelord, too?
She's really pretty
No, but she lets her otaku fanbuy pick what she wears so her outfit isn't all that different from velvet.
Shadow the Hedgehod levels of edge.
Fractured Milla was.
But to be fair the entire cast resented her existence
Not really. I don't know the english dub, but Miyuki Sawashiro Milla was perfect in every sense.
read their description and you will know what they do
Tell me about those two player battles, i'll wait.
Milla was voiced by Sawashiro in the Jap dubs? And we never got an option for dual audio in the west?
Welcome to five years ago
Such a shame right. But at least duaal audio seens to be the standard for bamco now
Xillia's JP cast was great across the board. Real shame about what we got instead.
>Zestiria set up a sequel
>We will never get it
The demo accomplished the task of showing how systems work in-game.
The scenario portion showed you how they hook Party Banter into the game. You hit a loc on the map, the T button pops up and you receive bantz. Or you might see something that pops a banter.
The combat portion just showed you a few different enemy types and a taste of that rather chaotic button-mashy combat system.
I'm still as on the fence about it as I had been. The demo was okay, but I dunno. Seeing people comment on whether or not Scamco lied when they said "we're not censoring" to "except for that one thing :)"...well. Also are they gonna drop like $100 worth of fucking DLC onto the game a week later? "U want Idorm@ster outfit? $10!"
A third game mixing Berseria and Zestiria might be possible since Berseria was kind of open ended too and teased stuff that wasn't resolved in Zestiria.
She is the fusion of Milla and Rute
And Yonaga and Sugita too
>Also are they gonna drop like $100 worth of fucking DLC onto the game a week later? "U want Idorm@ster outfit? $10!"
i thinks more on the english side since on jp side you can whatever 1 outfit you want or bundle instead of just a bundle like on english side
I only made it halfway through Zesty before I wanted to die and stopped.
What's the important stuff that happens in the story so I know for Bersy?
And Saori Hayami who's a bit of a literal who outside of Japan but I like her a lot.
Basically the previous Shepherd was a shitter and corrupted the current Lord of Calamity and caused the big god Maotelus to become a hellion.
It's not that important for Berseria though
since berseria takes place before zesteria nothing much really
and to those that have beaten zesteria the little boy's 3rd mystic arte is indignation
>All these fucking games releasing RIGHT NOW
>Can't afford any of them
>Saori Hayami
So Yukinon is Leia? I didn't know. Fucking nice.
Poor Leia. She was fucking great, but to be on a game with Sawashiro Milla was a dead sentence to her chance of winning the MC.
I'm glad Indignation is back. Since Graces I think we don't have it.
my verdickt is that this girl is a semen demon
it came back in Zesteria but none of the party members could learn it