Mario Sunshine is objectively the greatest mario title ever and if you disagree you can just hang yourself

Mario Sunshine is objectively the greatest mario title ever and if you disagree you can just hang yourself.

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Damn, those graphics have aged surprisingly well.

The gamecube is one of the strongest consoles ever created so it's safe to assume they'd hold up

Mario 3 is better
World is better
64 is objectively better

>Mario Sunshine is objectively the greatest 3d mario
fixed, smb3/world has that honor

But you are saying this with full understanding that its in fact the weakest 3D Mario.

Hold on let me check to see how many blue coins I've collected in this area. Oh wait . . .

oh yeah, it's a dynamite game. I prefer 64 though, only slightly

i agree, 64 was totally radical daddy-o

>Nintendo actually acknowledging the linear bullshit started with Galaxy.

How the fuck did they go from one of the most clueless companies to one of the most based in a single night?

Except Galaxy is also a "hub world, collect stars in different scenarios of the same map game"

The japanese text says "Course Clear" and "Collect the Star"

Yet they put Galaxy in Course Clear

Obstacle course marios > Freeroam exploration marios

Correct, the Galaxy games actually focus on platforming and they're amazing at it.

That's kind of a theme for GameCube games. Same goes for Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion and Pikmin. Nintendo always knew how to work around their technical limitations.

That's because all of Galaxy's levels are linear obstacle courses. The hub world doesn't change the fact that Galaxy is mostly a linear game, there's no deviation in how you collect the star once you choose the level. I don't even think it's possible to collect a star for an alternate mission while going after a different star in Galaxy.

>to collect a star for an alternate mission while going after a different star in Galaxy.
The hungry Lumas.

You also make it sound like platfomring is bad in a platformer. The best levels in Sunshine are the ones without FLUDD because you aren't running around extinguishing Piantas.

Nobody cares faggot.

GameCube was second most powerful console of that gen.

don't forget Melee. I don't play it much anymore but that game still looks incredibly fresh.

>you can just hang yourself

How to remove all credibility in a fell swoop. Good job, OP. You are continuing the faggot requirements of OPs everywhere.

People like this only think in crowds.
>only slightly

The fuck is that bullshit weasel word using bitch


It was the most powerful that gen, period. The competition couldn't do shaders, lol.

Xbox was more powerful and it showed, just look at Morrowind that was impressive.

Metroid Prime is probably the most impressive game on GameCube for me.

>Beautiful graphics
>60 FPS
>One of the best games ever made

I'd barely even classify it as a Mario game

Worst 3D Mario.

you can check how many blue coins you've collected in an area, it's on the world list.

Not him, but what the fuck are you even on about changing the subject out of the blue like that? The question was whether it's justified to call Galaxy a "course clear" style of game as opposed to a "collect the star" game, not whether 'platforming is good or bad in a platformer'. Fucking retard.

I think the worst thing about Galaxy 1 is how it partly masquerades as a game similar to 64 and Sunshine, having you collect up to six stars in one galaxy... but because there's a finite number of planetoids in a given galaxy, you end up retreading the same ground pretty often throughout those six linear courses. Hell, there's not even an exploration aspect to the hub in Galaxy, even though they went to the trouble of placing the transportation to different galaxies in several observatories. You just unlock them as you go and beat boss courses.

Galaxy 2 was much more honest about its structure and I prefer it to 1 because of that.

Solid opinion, agree wholeheartedly

agreed. this is the problem with linear 3D mario games. Galaxy-3D World are unremarkable. Galaxy's have beautiful owrlds and soundtracks, but I don't play games for aesthetics (Journey, just a side diss) and music. I play for gameplay and moving around in those games is highly unfun and I guarantee I will never replay any of those.

greatest, yes. but the best has to be Mario 64

It really wasn't. It was the second-weakest. PS2 was more powerful. It's just that it had such a shit architecture that no one could use its full capabilities.

It'd be better to say that the Gamecube was the second-best built console.

The Japanese text isn't "course clear" and "collect the star". It's "course clear" and "box garden exploration". The distinction being made by Nintendo is between the open and linear course structures, not whether you're collecting stars or not.


you're an absolute fucking idiot. That game was ugly even at the time. The very first tutorial level is an abomination

I'm a rosalinafag but you can kill yourself.
Mario 64 is the best 3d mario, and the concept is still the best.

Gamecube couldn't do shaders either, but it was capable of pretty sick texture processing. Really makes you think how much work went into the different visors in Metroid Prime.

Said no to Miyamoto.

>Galaxy is also a "hub world, collect stars in different scenarios of the same map game"
It had become a formality at that point. Galaxy had only six stars to a stage (to 64 / Sunshine's seven) and you can't collect them in any order you want like 64. Oftentimes the layout a stage changes entirely based on which star you're on.

Granted some of this started with Sunshine (there are very few Shines that you can collect before you reach their episode) but at the very least it's undeniable that Sunshine levels are much less linear than Galaxy's. Galaxy is clear the course with the stars grandfathered in as the goalposts as a formality.

>Galaxy had only six stars to a stage
FUCK, I meant to say at most three stars to a stage.

SMB3 is still the best mario title, and 64 is still leagues better as a 3D mario anyway.

Blue coins
Yoshi dissolves in water
The shitty gimmick stages like the leaf on death water

>retards saying how great it still looks

>The Japanese text isn't "course clear" and "collect the star". It's "course clear" and "box garden exploration".
Which just reinforces my point. I still don't understand what the fuck the Rosalina user was thinking with that post

I'm more impressed by what they did on GC than what they shat on the Wii aside from the Galaxy games.

Best 3D mario for sure.

>Mario without the Fludd controls much worse than 64
>Blue Coins

IIRC Mario's base movement in Sunshine felt more satisfying because it was less floaty and had belly dive spam.
>hover FLUDD
True. I didn't like FLUDD but I could put up with it. I didn't have to spam it constantly or anything.
Also Sunshine felt less linear than Galaxy. In Galaxy it felt like I was going through the motions, from point A to point B. And because I didn't like Mario's movement as much as in Sunshine I couldn't really enjoy the bare platforming. In sunshine it felt like I was exploring all the time, especially the hub world.

Wow, cool image. I didn't just imagine things. Galaxy always felt linear as FUCK compared to 64 and Sunshine and I couldn't put my finger on why. Except 64 and Sunshine had infinitely better hub worlds than Galaxy.

It's not the greatest, but I do think it's among the greatest. It's kind of a neat twist to the standard 3D Mario format, but I feel that's why it's not number one.
grate grafx, tho

Oh good, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who found this Mario face to be fucking stupid.

>and 64 is still leagues better as a 3D mario anyway

64 is certainly the weakest. This is just nostalgia.

64 still has the most PUs.

64 is the only good mario game. ok maybe that mario tennis game is good too.


World is better.

Those secret levels were the best part

Pikmin 1's water had reflection. It was a little hard to notice since the camera was always overlooking everything, but it was quite good. What was interesting about this is that in Pikmin 2 the water was replaced with a cheaper effect that didn't have reflection at all.

Also, I still think that the subtle swaying shadows casted by the unseen flora hold up really well.


>blue coins meme

It's an optional objective. Not that it's an invalid point, but it's not a big deal

Then why do I loose interest after unlocking Bowser every single time, yet I have 100%ed 64 like a hundred and Galaxie (and this is rare at my age) 4 times?

Because you're a faggot?

>Tfw Super Mario Sunshine is literally the only Mario you bothered to 100%

So it's not just Zelda that has a cycle.

Whelp. Can hardly wait for BotW to come out so Skyward Sword can be proclaimed a work of genius, too.

Except the last decent 3D Zelda game was Wind Waker.

The only good 3D Zelda was Majora's Mask.

I have to agree that it's the weakest. It's still a good game, but it's definitely starting to show its age now. The level design isn't that great (especially in the water levels) and the missions lack variety.
The main thing it has over all the other 3D games is the fantastic controls and movement options that give you a huge number of ways to go from A to B. None of the 3D Mario games, or even 3D platformers in general, have even come close to dethroning it in that aspect, and I think most of the fun of playing the game just comes from how good the controls are.

>That game was ugly even at the time


Nobody hated sunshine you fag

It was repeatedly shit on at launch because people were expecting it to be something more like Mario 64.
Really the only major difference/problem was the Piantas.

In retrospect a majority of people who were opposed to the game before are loving it now because we don't have those high expectations or comparisons to make, instead it's hindsight allowing room for appreciation and curiousity.
Same thing happens to Zelda.

what were they doing down there? Are they autistic? Is this where the pinata's send their autists?

What are you, underaged? Sunshine was shitted on constantly by the press & public, calling the waterpack a "worthless gimmick" and the only fun parts to the game being the ones where Mario DOESN'T have said waterpack.