Why do we like her again?

Why do we like her again?

Are we going to be allowed to play as her like in Super Paper Mario or will she be the player's "reward" after beating the game like every other fucking Mario ever?

>ever being playable outside of SMB2USA, Spinoffs or SM3DW

Stop making these threads. No one likes Peach. She's one of the most hated characters around this board.

Clearly this game's controls and play style makes it unlikely so that no one but mario will be playable. The level design will make it weird unless they can make peach look acceptable while triple jumping and throwing her crown or some shit

Because blonde girls with blue eyes are the bane of my dick

Look at this fucktard
How new must one be?

Peach was GOAT in Mario RPG, shitter

I just have a fetish for cute queens/princesses

erotic class struggle? I dunno


No one actually likes Princess Peach. They only like shitty glorified fanart of her, which could be said of most female characters posted on this board.

Every Peach thread is the same regurgitated vomit each time. If you can't appreciate her in-game appearances without immediately resorting to borderline porn of her, then you don't actually appreciate her as a character.




You misspelled geno


She's blonde and leaves much to the imagination under those Sunday school 7 year-old dresses. An oversized womanchild fit for oversized manchildren.


>mfw drawing a map



Because we like being Cucked.


Because we like porn and she got a ridiculous amount of porn, for some unknown reasons.

One can understand obvious fapbait like touhou or miku having 1000000 unique images on the internet. But that Mario girl who appear in a platformer? Who'd have thought.




Her lips look alot better in this game, but at the same time her model still looks low poly.


We already know that she's a total slut and the mother of Bowser Jr. And probably of the Koopalings, also. Why I would try to rescue her? For what purpose? This game has no sense.

>He doesn't know

Shigeru Miyamoto is Bowser Jr.'s mother, you stupid cuck.


I liked SPP a lot. Wish we'd get a sequel.


I wonder

Because we all wish we could be her so we could get dominated by Bowser

She was the first princess I ever saved.

I want to be dominated by Peach though






Any similar chart of their hips?