Game is not worth buying

>game is not worth buying
>pirate it

>game is not worth pirating

>watch_dogs series

Popuko > Pipimi

>game is worth buying
>pirate it anyway

>game is not worth pirating
>buy it anyway
Fuck me

>pirate game
>like it enough to buy it
>save file can't be imported
>refund it

My standards are so high no game I have pirated is worth playing

>my standards are so high I don't even like videogames

>No multiplayer
>No steam support

>bioshock infinite

What is steam support even useful for? I play all my games with the interface off. What are they are even there for? just to download the files and forget about them, that's it. And for their drm.

If a developer gets 0 money out of it and there is 0 chance they will ever make a good sequel and the money of buying a copy now just gives money to literally hitler who not only have 0 to do with its creation (and the best that would come out of showing financial interest is them pissing over the grave of the series)
I'll consider it.

>pirate everything
>wonder why your economy is shit

>that one $40 game where literally all you do is walk around solving puzzles
dont even give enough of a fuck to remember the name, i uninstalled after 2 minutes of playing

>1 dude torrenting video games having any affect on a countries economy
kill yourself you retarded cuck

The Witness?

>1 dude

thats the one

Yeah we ruined everything. When we can't pay for food and rent and also play video games.
I wonder sometimes, why I didn't starve myself to death to pay for the jewelry of those corporatives? fuck, I am such a bad person.

>first post is barneybait
You're not fooling anyone

>1 dude

Get a job. More time working or educating yourself is better than wasting it in vidya. Come back when you're satisfied with your paycheck and quit being Russian.

>get a job in taco country
>100 peso FOR ENTIRE DAY
>rent is 2000 peso in a shithole of a neighbourhood
>60 for cheap ass food in some roach infested kitchen
Again, I am the bad guy here, sorry.

1 was shit but I've been pleasantly surprised by 2 since the CPY release. Heard Dishonored 2 is is coming up next

>game is worth buying
>pirate it

>When the lets player you're watching is struggling to finish it.
It really is a tedious game.

Post more pop

Reminder that if the game is not bad it is never okay to pirate poorfag developers

Meanwhile no matter how good a game is, there is nothing wrong with pirating it if the developers are rich as fuck triple A who are going to sell millions anyway (although there is nothing good with pirating it either)

Pirated ME3 and I don't think this was even worth a pirate.

Who the fuck gives bioware games high scores? These are the shallowest, most poorly made triple A games out there and people praise them. WHY?