He thinks Legion is a good expansion

>he thinks Legion is a good expansion

Other urls found in this thread:


>he thinks legion is better than WoD

I want to fuc that panda


Game with breedable Pandaren ladies when?

I want to have unprotected vaginal sex with a fertile tauren woman.

>4 posts in
>thread hasn't turn into a furry porn dump

get it together

>he thinks Pandaria before Throne of Thunder was better than is Legion right now

panda thread? panda thread.

I remember there was a folder that tons of this girl

does anybody have it

>he thinks

How vile.



Would you take responsibility?

Night Elves have been the hottest shit since WC3, this is indisputable.


WoW elves aren't even good for the only thing elves are good for. uggos/10

>shitposts in pandanese.jpg

WoW isn't a good game period.

>he thinks WoW is a good MMO

Oooo Uncle! Whats that over there?

POST LI LI lewds

Looks more like a Wakfu panda lady.

more pandass


le epik nostalgia bro xD old wow was best wow xDDDD


I would too if it had a penis

>He doesnt think wow is still relavent

Mists of Pandaland was good for fapping.

>Pandaren have a cool ass bear roar emote now

Are you eating those?

>Sir, she's saying mean things to me again, make her stop!

No, they're too cold now.
I thought that was a nice touch.
