Is the internet overhyping the Nintendo Switch?
Or will it sell out day one and launch a public frenzy of people wanting to buy one?
Is the internet overhyping the Nintendo Switch?
Or will it sell out day one and launch a public frenzy of people wanting to buy one?
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You don't even want to talk about the switch, do you?
Fuck back to pol.
The truth is that the Japanese are killing us.
Boycott the Switch, be a great American and buy the Xbox one instead
>Trump won against the odds
Truly, a man worth running the US of A.
desperate Nintendo fan is desperate
what is that image?"
It's an ant farm.
the latest big media lie
But the Xbone is made in China
oh yeah i get it now. some gay in my class was talking about the "fake" one then.
Oh wait I don't care, bye
Inauguration vs protests. I think.
Fake news, every news outlet got BTFO by Trump and his secretary.
It'll sell out on day one, but be back in stock in relatively short order.
The Switch will sell much more than the Wii U, probably around 50-60M by the end of its run. But that's mainly because it'll be the only Nintendo console on the market, and will inherit both the Wii U and 3DS audience.
>That pic
The upper pic was all over European media 12:00 pm CET
Then don't ask you stupid faggot
can anyone actually debunk the OP pic or is it just pol fags in denial?
The average American mall before and after Switch preorders became available.
Nice try ctr
lmao at Bush
Where's the birdseye view?
A scamp to the end.
your hot pockets are done in the microwave, btw
>comparing a photograph taken from the Capitol building against a photograph taken from the Washington Monument
You are a stupid motherfucker.
>if I keep posting it, that'll make it true!
Obama's inauguration and today's protests were likely bigger than Trump's inauguration, and I voted for Trump. This begs the question where all these people were on election day, but what would I know.
>trump this buttblasted over a tiny fucking story
>that pic
>more like Nintendo Bitch
I'd say they were at the polls, considering Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million, but what would I know
>murrica got woked by shitposting into a shoot
>muh first black president
Cut off a bit soon.
The Wii U also sold out on day 1. 3 million units in the first month too.
I know this is just an excuse for a Trump bitching thread, but still.
this is clearly doctored by the SJW marxist cuck climate change scientist transgendered black muslim socialist CTR CNN establishment to cast our lord and savior in a bad light
Where's obama's?
you see people start to leave at the end of the video, though. that was the end
what sources are these from? i'm unfamiliar with this /r/politics and those names beside them. are they journalists or what?????
Didn't Trump lose the popular vote by 2 million?
>Sup Forumsacks can't accept the fact that Trump isn't popular
>they can't accept that more people showed up to protest today than to watch the inauguration yesterday
Its gonna be a fun 4 years.
I don't get why nintendo didn't put their money into making 2 3riple AAA games instead of just one. It would gurantee them all the time they need for other devs to make their game if they have a zelda and a good multiplayer game out on day 1. I guess splatoon but thats not for a few months afterwards.
Speed the collapse and so on.
Shouldn't the crowd be bigger since trump is a populace movement?
i'm not american but from what I understand the dude was elected by poor suburban people on the midwest while washington is full of rich city people from the Northeast
No I meant the live footage.
Actually funny thing, Zizek said that trump become president actually will cause a lot of people to wake up and have a bit of a come to jesus moment.
Unfortunately we are the United States of America, not the United States of California. You sort of need to win all the states, not stuff the ballot boxes with illegal immigrants.
how are they standing over water like that
>rich people
obama was a nigger. the first nigger president. if trump had more people in person there then that would really say something.
People are both arriving and leaving.
I am seeing multiples things. I have the MSM, known for lying and faking shit (such as claiming Siniatras daughter wanted Trump blocked from singing her fathers song) while people who were at the event providing photos which seem to imply a much larger crowd than what the MSM is showing.
Now, I do not doubt Obama was first. He was a history setting, he was a democrat (Washington D.C is 90%+ Democrat) and he was black (important for history and D.C is 52% Black IIRC). So he was much more likely to have huge numbers.
My problem is, I'm getting conflicting reports and I want the truth. I don't give a shit about Trump personally; he's just a super easy example to use to prove how shit the MSM is at reporting.
Like this video, seems to imply this was how full it was 4 hrs before the event. Yet this size was the 'total amount at 12pm'. Which is it? Which is faked?
Now what you have in the case of Sup Forums is a macabre expression of ideology similar to Yugoslavia in the 1980s. If you have not heard of the lasting fashion, like pepe the scatological toad in which past visions of uber and undermen are sublated in a surreal manner, you are told to go to ray-did or tumbler because you aren't part of the tribe and commune and so on and so on. *sniff* There is an old East German joke in which an engineer gets sent to Siberia and he tells his friend beforehand that in his letters all that is true will be written with blue ink and all that is not with red and so in the first letter what is written on red is that how great the Gulag is and how they get new clothes and women and so on - in red ink. Only thin that is missing is blue ink. If we see this in the case of Sup Forums *sniff*, this is precisely the case. We have all the red ink we want - mehmehs, endless jokes and freudian ironies which go a long way to show us a creative and modern men. But there are no memes to show true pain, the truth of Sup Forums which is that it does not hate the Other, but rather, itself to the point of it unable to consider crippling solitude without turning it to a joke of having "no gf" or drawing a comic of two fellows you have here in the illustration. These men eat up ideology, shit ideology and make nonsensical machines out of ideology so that they don't see ideology, but an entertaining process of alienation and so on
>why are there so many people against him
>explain why in terms of raw numbers
>get smug irrelevant reply back
Don't ask then.
Pretty much. A New York Conman came in and told them he would get them their old manufacturing jobs back. Most of these people are not the most informed people. What they still think is that their jobs where lost due to globalism, when in truth they were lost because of automation. Automation is actually the big job killer now than jobs being sent overseas.
Cameras weren't invented back then obamas been president for decades m8
The DC area is 50% african and literally 90% democrat, no shit they didn't want to go.
>Sup Forums fags in denial
He already won, get over it
It more about a bunch of losers getting a win and being big babies about a little push back.
Don't you see how that system is flawed? This has only screwed over more people in the process. Trump won more delegates, but it only ended up neglecting more people than if he had lost.
>a bunch of losers getting a win
wouldn't that make them winners?
Accelrationist are waiting with bated breathe.
>dorky virgin fat ugly kid wins the special retard race trophy
>he's now a 'winner'
Not really because the people that wanted him to win on the internet are Nazis or desperate people from the midwest.
I mean it's pretty simple. The people that voted for Trump aren't the travelling kind. He got the uneducated rural masses, not the people in the cities.
There's a reason why his election was a surprise. His main voters don't have any kind of presence outside of their votes.
Trump's crowd being smaller than the women's march.
>president of the united states is now the the special retard race trophy
>it doesn't count because I don't like the people who wanted him to win
I love how this is so convincing in spite of the fact that it reads as though it was put together by someone who has no fucking clue about the meat of Zizek's critical output.
Bush is moe.
go to gulag *sniff*
It will sell out because Nintendo love their artificial scarcity and never intend to produce enough units to meet demand.
Zizek has that weird thing some of the better speakers have. You understand them while they are speaking, but when you reflect on it, you don't understand anymore.
And they got what they wanted and won, so they're winners.
REEEE I'm triggered. I'm still waiting for my check Moot.
>this thread
are people actually this worked up trump winnin?
>one of the most democratic strongholds there is
>be surprised when there are less people to come out to see him
>compared to a historic event seeing the first BLACK president being sworn into office
also according to the press secretary more people than every were there to see the inauguration
>responsible for the deaths of 100,000 iraqis
>can't figure out how to put on a rain poncho
Yeah he is a piece of shit and should never have won.
Liberal tears for 8 more years
God bless America
oddly moe
Completely wrong.
Outside of the mall, most of D.C. is a crime infested nigger cesspool.
Obama' large turnout was mostly locals in the area (who are mostly Black, and proud to have the first black president).
Trump's turnout wasn't as bad as the pics posted in the OP. They were posted before it started. Simply more media fake news. The real shots from yesterday have been posted in this very thread.
ya and the trump people are hurt that more city folk came out and protested him.
>before the election
>Trump should accept the results of the election even if he loses.
>after the election
I'm not even a Sup Forumsfag but leftists are seriously some hypocritical faggots.
>8 more years
I'd honestly be surprised if he doesn't get impeached before 2020.
Remember he had the biggest crowd for inauguration ever. 2+2=5 if the party says it does.
You can accept the results but still show your dissatisfaction.
Yeah because this didn't go on when Obama got elected, its almost like you can protest any time you want.
Freedom reigns.
Liberal pussies are forever whipped.
Once the illegals are deported, the dems will never win again. They won't even get California.
What a time to be alive!
Obama had the biggest crowd for inauguration with 1.8m. Trump had 650,000 which was the 3rd largest (Obama in 2009 had 1.8m, Obama had 1.0m in 2013) but if we go on POTUS, he's the 2nd most popular.
Reverse those greentexts and you have Trump and his supporters pre-election.
Pottery. Amerilard politics is laughable.
Did people protest AROUND THE WORLD when Obama got elected? Fucking London and Oxford had fucking marches in the UK. Fuck I wish I could nuke my country.
They clearly aren't accepting the results though otherwise you wouldn't be seeing mass protests such as this. This is pure unadulterated butthurt from the left. Write a blog or something don't be a faggot and make a scene.
>Bush smiling all day
>Because he's no longer going to be known as the worst republican president