What did Nintendo mean by this?
What did Nintendo mean by this?
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A.R.M.S. isn't on there
That's what happens when you don't have 3rd party support.
>no arms
>no snipperclip
>no mario kart
>no xenoblade 2
They meant we are fucking up big time. How many games did they produce in the launch year of the NES and the SNES? They also had a monopoly on third party developers but they don't now. Times change and empires fall Nintendo is on its way out. I thought the Wii u looked stupid but the switch is literally the Wii u 2.0 but portable. It baffles me that people are going to spend money on this.
>Mario kart
>xeno blade 2
It's the same trash so they don't count as new.
>wii sports 2.0 and remakes of old games
Epic my dude
>no FE Warriors
How is Xenoblade 2 not a different game?
The same way Uncharted 4 isn't a new game from Uncharted 3?
I don't own either, so it sort of does.
Is this really going to be an argument against XB2 now?
The real question is, does anyone have a list of games for me to buy for the switch if I'm not a neckbearded manchild? Who is this lineup even aimed at?
Those 3 can sell me a system frankly.
Im also one of those living memes that bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and then regretted it.
At least this time Ill have 3 chances at fun.
He's a faggot shitposter to be ignored just like all Sonyggers...
Nope. Wrong. You're out.
Fucking idiots. Made by idiots for idiots.
I fucking HATE the uncharted games they are cinematic shit and Im an xbox fanboy, but seriously calling a sequel not a different game is the most backwards ass shit, we havent got consitant new ips on a system since the PS2 so if you are only hoping for new ips then nintendo switch is blank aside from 1-2 switch and arms
You could try this
Yeah it's literally the same. There is no need for a sequel for any game. But there will be one if it makes money.
No monster hunter
Never ever.
Until that system has Monster Hunter on it, I won't buy it.
Actually ,by the time it has MonHun, they'll be charging me to use the internet I already pay for, just like every other shitty console now.
So I won't buy it at all.
this is poor bait
Uncharted games offer a greater degree of emotional depth and storytelling than any Nintendo game out there. Nintendo games are to cartoons what Sony games are to movies
Xbox games are more like your typical popcorn flick. Appealing, but ultimately tasteless
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Um, yu did see the part where he referred to Uncharted in a negative light, right?
>uncharted games
>emotional depth
It's not think about any first game in a franchise. Stop spouting buzz words and 4 chan get out phrases that allow you to perfom leaps of logic. Use your brain for once.
>Uncharted games offer a greater degree of emotional depth and storytelling than any Nintendo game out there.
please don't tell me that you care about games giving you "MUH EMOTIONAL FEE-FEES". I care about gameplay, which is why I'm avoiding disgusting story-centric games like SMT and xenoblade. So sorry, but Uncharted is also out the window as well. I don't care how much gameplay you claim to offer, it's not worth suffering through emotional baggage and poorly made stories.
Arms should be on there, and we all know xenoblade won't be released this year so it's alright that's not on there.
I don't know what they meant by this, it's not like they've really been making wii u games the last few years.
>muh gameplay
It's manchildren like you that hold back the video game medium. As long as we treat video games as toys nobody will ever respect the industry nor try to innovate within it
>muh gameplay
Uh, yes? That's kind of the entire point of the medium? Video GAMES?!
"Muh gameplay" is literally the epicenter of a good game.
> lying on the internet
It means not every release date for every game coming out for the Switch has been revealed yet, it gives the makers time to actually release it when it's ready, instead of making false promises and constantly delaying the game until everyone's lost interest, or having to put out an unfinished game that they have to fix with endless patches and updates.
>or having to put out an unfinished game that they have to fix with endless patches and updates.
This is why I refuse to consider Splatoon, Smash brothers, or Pokken Tournament to be good. needing day 1 patches? That's not what Nintendo should be allowing.
Calling them video games is part of the problem. As long as you're stuck in this "gaming" mindset you'll never be able to appreciate interactive experiences that fall out of your definition of the medium.
I'd recommend checking out The Stanley Parable or Proteus to see what happens when a developer sets out to create more than just a "game."
>minecraft story mode
At least they know their audience
Not that user but,
I can see why you want a good story, however you shouldn't dismiss gameplay when it's still most of what a game is.
Minecraft is a success, you can't deny that. It also sold really well on Japan.
Minecraft and story mode is on everything numbnuts.
So all this time you guys accuse Pc players of being autists because they like Minecraft, but now it's okay to like it? It's the "in" thing now, so it's no longer autistic.
Boy, the mental gymnastics there is something else.
I'm not dismissing "gameplay." Something like Journey manages to weave character interaction with this overarching sense of grandeur and adventure, and it accomplishes that without traditional storytelling measures like cutscenes. Even though the Uncharted series tells great stories, it still fails in that regard.
But gameplay for the sake of gameplay is trite, and should be looked down as such. Ironically, this is the only kind of experience nintendo can create, which explains why autists on this board gravitate towards it so hardly
But, I never said that, and your argument is literally
"anything that has Minecraft is aimed toward autists"
>Sup Forums is one person
Just straight up lying makes for bad shitposting. Atleast be creative.
SnipperClips looks more fun than anything released on PS4 in the last year. I'm being serious. I am a PS4 owner and it's a sad existence.
To be fair, it is an eShop game and thus not really a major release.
I'm glad someone made this.
Honest question, how many games a year do you guys really need?
Switch ain't even out yet and I'm already planning on getting BotW, Snipperclips, Mario Kart Deluxe, Sonic Mania, FE Warriors, and Mario Odyssey.
Add in Persona 5 and Resi 7 on Playstation and that's 8 games I'm going to be buying and playing this year.
Do you guys really buy (and play) more than 8 games a year?
what the fuck are talking about
use the fixed version of that image ya dingus
Whew can't wait to play all those exclusive.
still more than ps4
It means they are out of ideas.
>Xenoblade 2
>No More Heroes
Who cares if it's exclusive IMO. If other people have fun with a game I like then cool. Good for them.
Besides, Switch is portable which automatically makes it's version of games the superior version. Sonic Mania mania Stardew Valley will be Switch games for me because I can play them on a plane.
Ps4 is equally shit. Nintendo is going full damage control.
>This is why I refuse to consider Splatoon, Smash brothers, or Pokken Tournament to be good.
Why do you keep saying this when it's objectively not true? Stop damage controlling you toddler
>arm slightly changes
for what reason?
I'm a PS4 owner. Help me out here.
What sick 'sclusis do I have to look forward to?
Uninterested in Horizon: Zero Dawn. Story looks cool but I'm over the "go here kill that" open world thing.
Not doing Chloe's big great adventure or whatever either. I liked Uncharted 4 just fine but I was ready to be done with it by the end.
What else we got homie?
Is it objectively not true though?
I mean NiOh looks good. And even though it's not an exclusive, same with Nier.
Most fun I've had on my PS4 is playing PS2 and PS3 ports, though.