Which Overwatch hero do you hate the most?
Which Overwatch hero do you hate the most?
Zarya, because they are almost impossible to fucking kill unless you have bastion.
All of them
Mei, Genji, Hanzo, D.Va.
Just remove all gook heroes and the game increases in quality.
Her design is shit
All of them but mostly tracer zapped with tazer by Mike the zapper Pence.
>zapped with tazer by Mike the zapper Pence.
That is some shitty fucking delivery m8
Mei is bullshit
>TFW when standing in front of frozen targets just long enough they think they have a chance to escape
>Then a spike to the head
Feels like sex.
Fun to play, utter shit design
I hate Hanzo so fucking much, its like giving a huntsman sniper an original characterj
Symmetra or Hanzo
Pharah by a large margin.
She's not even a good hero, but jesus christ she is one of the most annoying. I'd delete her from the game in a heartbeat. It's like they studied flies and decided to make a character that emulates their annoyance. Only redeeming quality is always hearing "JUSTICE RAINS FROM AUUGGH" every game she is picked.
Junkrat, he's completely useless.
Genji by far. Then Roadhog and then Ana
D. Va. She's objectively a shit character. Nothing interesting about her character-wise, mech looks stupid, skills are stupid, she's either "XD U MUST PICK ME OR U WILL LOSE" or "complete shit," and every single line of dialogue is cringe-inducing as all fucking hell. There's not a single good point to her. She even looks like the shittiest girl from Eva.
Hanzo. He's fucking useless.
remove all the mexican ones and build a wall
The one with the annoying British accent that I see on the commercials all the time. Also the reason I will never touch this game.
Junkrat is useful in holding chokepoints tbf
Mei because of the stupid "wall at the choke" minigame she makes you play
The rest of her kit is fine
Reinhardt and Roadhog. The game would be so much better off without those two
Step 1: Pick Reaper
Step 2: Shoot her until she bubbles
Step 3: Wraith Form and get right in her face
Step 4: Blow her away
Just in general, hanzo is crap.
I'd rather have a good widow, which is much easier to find, than a hanzo.
I hate playing against mcree because of the stun grenade. It's like a faster better version of junkrats trap.
Mei, she literally ruins the game.
Every hero in this game is annoying and bullshit in one way or another.
>Boring to play
>Dumbest backstory
>Annoying in-game voice lines
D.Va, just cause I think her shield is bullshit.
I think it should lose charge based on what it stops, and I don't think it's cool for it to just be able to absorb a lot of what it does.
It can straight suck up a lot of ults.
I agree, it's not good from a design standpoint to have a hero that LITERALLY CANNOT BE HURT by half the cast, and most heroes that can hit her have a hard time doing so consistently enough to take her down
Cheers, love! The cavalry's here!
>This post
you're a casual, plain and simple
Not really in my opinion. Almost all junkrat players (in my experience) are really bad and have no skill, so they just end up hurting the team. It's just like having a Hanzo with bad aim.
>in my opinion
your opinion is wrong, junkrat is designed around holding chokepoints.
git gud you scrub
>this post
Butthurt Hanzo main
Hanzo. He just looks like a little homo cuck bitch. Was very surprised when he wasn't announced as the token homo.
So does Mei's walls, Zarya's and Rein's shields, Genji's deflect, etc. People who complain about D.va's DM should git gud.
D.va by far - not because of her skillset, but because of her character design. Annoying anime cyka
>oh hey 5 other characters that are on zarya's team don't mind me
Soldier 76
He's a strong hero, but all of his abilities are the most boring, vanilla way you could give a hero strength in a game like this. He's just always a pretty good pick. Blizz did a pretty good job making all the other heroes have unique strengths, weaknesses, play, and counterplay. 76 is just a boring Jack of all trades.
By no means am I saying he's a weak pick, by the way. In fact, he's one of the strongest. He's just not an interesting or fun pick.
Ok, just talking about experience, it's not necessary to tell me to "git gud". I don't even play Junkrat, lol
>Seeing commercials
Stop that
She's my favorite to play, but I agree. Lower the height on skyleap / less hover time, and maybe give her some armor or a boost dodge / juke to compensate.
fuck overwatch and blizzard and their fans
they are the most cancerous
*like having a Hanzo in general
>Take a hero based around flight
>Nerf her flight abilities
fuck off
She was next to garbage before they buffed her flight to where it is now. She's still only dominant in lower tier matchmaking anyway.
None of those make things just disappear straight up the way defense matrix does.
Note are they as mobile or large.
Torb and bastion. Just so people would stop picking them
>Muh class fantasy is more important than balance
She's great until people learn to actually aim, which seems to be around Platinum sadly
I honestly cannot believe there are still people who play Overwatch. When I tried playing it, it felt like I was just going through the motions. It's so restrictive with everything I can't fathom how someone could play it "competitively"
All of them. One of the worst and most boring shooters I've had the displeasure of playing no matter which character.
You'd have to be borderline retarded to enjoy any of these trash characters. Pic related.
hook 2.0 wont change the frustration much
>This post
salty junkrat player who can't counter pharah confirmed
Holy shit, le epic two shotting support of much damage
holy shit i hate that nigger, game would be better without him
If it stops me from getting pulled through floors I'll be happy.
>hate playing as Tracer
>love mystery heroes
>mfw mystery heroes rolls Tracer for me
The nigger. How is this even a question? He's a turd colored affirmative action chimp.
I fucking swear Mystery takes your lowest play time Heroes and forces them on you in your ""random"" rolls.
Since I'm not a bronze shitter I haven't seen her in about 20 games :^)
none because I am not a massive faggot who likes to hate everything. Part of the reason why I can't play that game and talk to people while they bitch.
So? Does it really matter? Dva is supposed to move a lot, it's part of her kit. Also, she's a tank, she's supposed to "receive" lots of damage, just like Rein. But no one really complains about him and his shield. That's why I don't see the problem with D.va.
what commercials
Is it some sort of shitposting thread?
>ITT: Bronze-quality players complaining about every single hero because they don't know how to swap heros and counter, aim, or both
I disagree with a lot of Blizzard's design choices for both this game and WoW, but I kinda feel bad for them because of the autistic fan base who spreads garbage on their forums.
Widow and Hanzo
They're Mains pick them on Attack and you fucks just never contribute
On defense, you guys are alright tho
I don't care about blocking, I don't think it should be a free 5 seconds of proofing anything out of existence. If things exploded, stopped, or went off on contact with the shield, fine. She didn't need any of the debuffs they gave her, just shield adjustment.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Things can move through or wear down reins shield. Dva just erases them from existence.
r o l l
>It's a MOBA babbies complain overwatch isn't MOBA enough for them
Just go back to Dota/LoL already, downie
Delete reinhardt and ana from the game and overwatch becomes 10x more fun. Prove me wrong.
Pharah, because I suck at hitscan and so do all of my team-mates.
Roll 'em
>mfw I eat tracer, zarya, mccuck, 76, hog, and phara ults for breakfast
I can't wait for the dva nerf, that way when people continue to complain about her there will literally be no soapbox for these people to stand on.
Because D.Va completely shits on Rein in terms of being a huge pain in the ass to deal with.
>Mech jets cool down in 5 seconds, letting her engage and disengage ANY character in the game at will because of the short cool down
>Her damage is insane for a Tank, coupled with her ability to get within her effective range for free, she not only can do what Reaper wants to do but also provide support for her team. She utterly decimates 200 HP characters and can even fuck over Roadhog in her range.
>Defense Matrix is an instant denial of nearly everything in the game that lasts a generous amount of time and recharges moderately fast
>two lives
>she can still use her Ult while her mech is in its dying animations
>one actual counter in the game, Zarya, because her M1 goes through Defense Matrix at a respectable range.
D.va is utter cancer and no one likes dealing with her.
What about Zarya's beam and Symmetra's projectile?
Ana and D.Va due to the most recent patch and meta shift.
Genji due to how fundamentally broken he is.
Literally any support or tank outside of Roadhog or Winston due to how stupidly easy they are to play and be effective, but mainly due to the people who play them thinking they've somehow earned their rank by being a sandbag or the team bitch.
It eats Sym's projectile like it does Zarya's if I recall. Zarya is her only true counter, and even then D.Va has tons of tools at her disposal.
What about Mei?
ana, okay i can see that, she definitely need more of a nerf or complete design change
rein? no, it would be a constant deathmatch with random ult timers deciding who wins, rein's shield is too integral to the design of the maps
She'll eat Sym's blue balls, but that microwave gun still works on her. Only problem is you're a squishy trying to take out a D.Va from point blank, which isn't the most optimal situation.
Mei needs to be too close to fuck with D.Va.
Doesn't matter because of Blizzard's """""balancing"""""
Mei is unfun to play against. You might as well just increase her damage to kill you when she'd normally freeze you. You're as good as dead anyway.
But having to sit there, with no control, and wait for her to right click your head is two seconds I don't need to see every damn time she freezes me.
Symmetra gave me cancer
I think it's bad design making players have to sit, immobile, and wait to die.
People would rather just die a lot of the time, but when frozen near teammates you might be saved.
Her ULT pisses me off though, since unless you have a traversal skill or are on the periphery of it it makes you struggle helplessly for two seconds then you wait to die.
>Capture point with a corner, like Volkaya final or Numbani first
>Enemy Mei proceeds to spam swap between ice cocoon and wall while in the corner
Don't talk about Winston like that you asshole
Maybe because Dva is a tank and she's not supposed to be easy to kill? Try look at it in an objectively way (even though you consider her "a pain in the ass"). She's got the biggest hitbox in the game, too, so it's not like she's that bad to deal with. Apart from that, I must agree with you in some points you made, they overbuffed her in some aspects.
Mei. She will fuck you up on both sides and is the most trollish fucking character I have ever seen in gaming.
They should just give junkrat two traps since they gave other people better immobilization crap.
As a support player I suppose I hate snipers the most, they're just always the most anti-fun classes to play against especially when they're competent and your team does nothing to counter them. I'm more referring to hanzo and widow, not really Ana.
They see me Rollin they hatin
>Her damage is insane for a Tank
>People use to bitch about how little damage she did at launch
>Blizz has never buffed her damage
>People now says she does to much
Holy fuck people are retards
>She utterly decimates 200 HP characters
The only one she can really reliably kill without giving up her mech is McCree.
t. Gold player