Well its official angryjoe has finally sold out

Well its official angryjoe has finally sold out.
>Doesn't even review games
>Promotes products
>Has a retarded, retarded fanbase.
any way to fix this you retarded fucking neets.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop shilling youtube shit.

>vidya celebs
Well there's your problem

Welp, goodnight guys

>stop being christian/muslim/etc.

But in the first few seconds of that video he says he's doing a review of the new Yakuza.

Reminder that e-celebs are not videogames

Dirk, is that you?

ill do it


How could this happen? He was /our/ guy.

I'll do it

I guess uploading stream footage isn't as profitable as reviewing/reacting to random crap.

I could suffer through 4, but 3, 9, or 0 would be impossible.

lets see what i get

don't even worship kek so im going again

>My thread was stolen from some shit people wont even be dedicated to doing once they roll


Here's a pity (You).

Your thread was shit.


It happens.
Hey, on the subject of e-celebs, did you see Cameron's newest video? m.youtube.com/watch?v=P7evG5bq7qM

This is what desperation looks like. The man is losing shit loads of money and has no marketable skills for employment outside of his youtube channel. Now that his channel is losing subs, he's reaching for any opportunity to continue making money.

K, Varg.

let's do this

Welp, time to kill myself.


And be a psychopathic degenerate?
Varg us a fucking piece of shit, be a neet, dont be a Varg is my tip.

And fuck him again, i want to meet the fuck and see him tell me shit to my face, fucking tough boy.

Well why not

Are there any good video game reviewers anymore? I'm still looking...

>Doesn't even review games anymore
Probably because this gen is a joke and the industry has no reason to try, or care because you're all a bunch of faggots.

>can't discuss Milton Friedman on economic forums, you can only discuss economics.
>can't discuss Plato on philosophy forums, you can only discuss economics.
>can't discuss Sigmund Freud on psychology forums, you can only discuss psychology.

Some of us like to discuss actual humans surrounding the gaming industry not only pixels, computer parts and sound.

rolling for masturbates

Tell me Varg


go away you anime lover





Quads get for anything, church burner.

Give it to me.

ok murder Viking man

>gaming industry
Those two words are how I know you're a fucking faggot

Fuck you.



thanks varg

Give it to me, Varg

source on when varg became a meme? is the quotes from one of his youtube videos?

varg has been a meme for fucking years
no idea where this specific one comes from though

Me me me


rolling for varg


Rolling .....

Let's see.

rolling for Varg's sake


rolling fag

But I don't shill youtube?


take this as a lesson. Stop making e-celeb threads


Hoping for a 5

>pissed pancho and his leather jacket
Other Joe is cool though

Joseph Anderson, Matthewmatosis and Superbunnyhop. You may not agree with their opinions but they always try to fully research the topics and give constructive criticisms.

You can't tell me what to do


Thank Varg

See you tomorrow faggot.

Sure I'll try.



Help me Varg

You can't stop me you Daniel Bryan looking fucker!


I think it's just a joke on all of Varg's writings and videos are usually him telling people not to do things. Don't be a Christian. Don't be a Muslim. Don't support corrupt western governments controlled by the Jews. That kind of thing. There's a pretty narrow amount of things Varg is even remotely supportive of.

Everyone you listed is a fag who thinks they know about good game design by they're like English teachers, they try and force reasoning behind decisions that aren't actually there.

I unsubbed from Joseph Anderson yesterday because he doesn't upload, and he praises games like Furi, which is just a really shitty game.

Based solely on monetization alone a youtuber with about 150k subs will make approximately $10,000.00 per month. Add to that product placements and re viewing specific products that the publishers pay you to talk about you can add tens of thousands of dollars more... to play games and talk about your feelings. He sold out, All youtubers sold out.

Roll plus sagerino

It's blowing up in Joe's face though. He's clearly losing a lot of fans. Even Jon was smart enough not to change his format too drastically when he sold out.

Mods must be asleep


Lets roll

>tfw suburban beaner fetish

I want to cuddle with him.

Jons format changed a ton, his content just stayed similar enough.

Angry Joe has literally jumped ship from Video Games.

It's a shitload easier to do a trailer reaction, or a round-table movie review (and then a second one, with spoilers) with ZERO editing, than to make one of his old style reviews.

>10 hour game
>write a 20 minute review
>make costumes and do skits
>sift through relevant footage
>edit the video

Lets face it. Joe is fucking lazy. His fans have called him out on it and he's gotten butthurt about it.

Any oher good reviewers then?

End me

>Based solely on monetization alone a youtuber with about 150k subs will make approximately $10,000.00 per month.


You shouldn't need a video game review in 2017. You should look at raw gameplay videos and be able to make the call yourself.

Otherwise you want to find someone who has similar tastes to yours. That's the only useful advice for a reviewer. It doesn't matter how "good" of a reviewer someone is if they have dramatically different tastes than yours.

If someone's raving about the new Zelda, and has a track record of loving the franchise, and you fucking hate Zelda, their opinion is fucking useless to you.

Then if someone comes along and hates all the other Zelda's, and does a review of the new one and likes it, THEN it might be a worthwhile review.

3 please

9/11 wasnt an inside job

you are right

superbunnyhop just uploaded i video PLAYING THE NINTENDO PLAYSTATION and in 16 mins video he shows maybe 1 min of gameplay

Rationality in Sup Forums? Good for you user.

they see me rollin


tell me, varg

fuck it

>eCelebs being harassed all month they ain't playing any new games

Because nothing good has been fucking released for months