Whats up with the constant shilling of this shitty game on this board lately...

Whats up with the constant shilling of this shitty game on this board lately? Is it because 90% of the people on this board are sony fanboys and its a sony exclusive?

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well nearly all of the threads i've seen have been bitching about how it's too hard so idk

lol it just looks good faggot

Its fun and different

it's not shilling when the people that talk are more than 1. Also the game is fun

Animal crossing is too hard for half of Sup Forums

No it doesnt. Maybe if you're a weeb

Everyone compares it to Soulsbourne games, how different is it?

>Is it because 90% of the people on this board are sony fanboys
Good one!

Conquered detected

Because it's pretty good

It's fun and has a very fresh take on the formula with so much emphasis being put on stamina. You have to actually make an effort to learn the game since it doesn't have the same hit-hit-roll-hit-hit-roll formula that other similar games do.

Neat. 5% of the board made a collage to nintendo.

Literally most of this board consists of weeb sony fags. So i guess this game is a wetdream for them.

Combat has a lot of depth, which autist love

5 weapon types with 3 different combat movements each
3 ranged weapons
Ninjutsu quirky stuff like silent movement and shuriken
Huge emphasis on stamina recovery through a rhythm-like mechanic

its more like diablo + ninja gaiden desu

Because there's a fucking beta going on.

It looks like a Soulsborne game when you're watching the combat in a video or something, but it plays and feels extremely differently.

I played the demo yesterday, coming directly from a Bloodborne run, and got my ass handed to me by basic mobs for the first couple of hours because its so different mechanically.


Ok OP show me where did Muneshige touch you

>conquered detected

This is the mentality that I find so abhorrent in the Nioh community. The elitism is even worse than it is for souls.

Listen dude, I beat the demo in a couple hours last night and got all three masks; the game is not hard. But by all means continue spewing a phrase that has even less meaning that "git gud."

I played the beta
It looked like a cool game, will buy it eventually.

its a souls like game coming out in like 2 months
and theyve been doing betas/demos for limited time, this weekend only there is one

ontop of, you complaining about shilling of 1 game, when there are 15 fucking nintendo switch shill threads at any given time?

we have played nioh. you fucking niggers are shilling shit that isnt even out and you havent even played.

>2 months

More like 2 and a half weeks.

Spoken like a true conquered

It's because it has a demo up you fucking moron. What should we talk about on here? E-celebs?

>mad cuz bad: the post

>nintengaf is triggered they can't play any of the good games coming out this year

Why not just release the fucking demo and be done with it tho?

What is it with this timed bullshit

No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror in Nioh is significant.

Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.

Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquers beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.

How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.

Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.

And then here comes fucking Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind shitposts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.

And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it stills says I'm not No, I'm a conqueror.

They use the data and user reports to tune the game. At release, the demo won't be indicative of the game anymore.

Delete this mods. He's not even getting hot pockets

Nah, it's an actual game with real gameplay. I won't be buying it cause I would just get stuck like I did in Bloodborne. I respect the devs have made something for a core audience.

please tell me that is not a pasta


The only similarities they have is a stamina meter and similar XP system.

>Rhythm game


>implying I am a nintendo fanboy

Havent touched that shit since I was like 8

Fucking right? I am getting a pretty elitist vibe as well. Which is funny since the game is a fucking demo, and its just like souls fags. Guess what niggers, your game isnt as hard as you like to pretend.

Sup Forums hasn't been full of sonyfags since like 2010. It's all league of legends kids now

game is pretty good, I didn't like the alpha but the new beta was improved a lot.

Fourth time I've seen it since Thursday.

No, this shit happened because the threads are getting shit up by fags who come in a scream about artificial difficulty and how unfair the game is and then say shit like
>I know what I'm talking about, I love the souls games!

What exactly can you unlock in this demo? What do you have to do to unlock said thing?
Can i do it if i download today?

Please just be honest, dont go all dark-soul like elitist on me

>league of legends

you high?

you unlock the mark of the conqueror and mark of the strong, and a mask that you unlock in the full game. And no you can't download them today, your savegame will be used to unlock it once the game releases.

>Please just be honest, dont go all dark-soul like elitist on me

Asking for it. Just saying

you can unlock 3 hats. It says you need to beat some hard levels for 2 of them, but it let me download all 3 after clearing the basic level. Although I already had one from the first alpha.

it might take some time for you to git gud but it's quite doable in a couple hours at most. You can even summon help for ezmode.

You can get a mask by defeating the boss of the main mission and then the rewards offered in the other demos by beating the twilight version of the mission I think

I see more posts claiming this board is full of Nintendo fanboys than actual posts about Nintendo itself.

Its the only PS4 game that looks half decent so I understand why desperate PS4 owners look forward to it.
Let them have it.

I found it damn near a copy of the formula personally.

Tong Po is superior

>league fanboys

You are full of shit. This board definitely favors sony

how is it a weeb game? Because it takes place in japan? only weebs like samurais now?

and the copypasted souls system, including items that give souls and retrieving your souls from the spot you died


reading comprehension, user.

>there's too many threads about this game
>I know, I'll make another one. That'll learn them.

It's a game for PS4. It doesn't really have many games so when a new one comes out (that's an actual game and not a movie with interactive parts) it's kind of a big deal.

Tachibana is fucking bullshit.

I really like everything else, but tachibana is fucking pants on head retarded.

You dun goofed

If you dont say why im just gonna assume you cant dodge and he's wrecking your shit

That's part of what I meant by XP system.

>tfw one shoot Tachibana with bare-handed counter
Git fucking gud nigga.

>sony fanboys
>only plays sony products

>league of legends
>not a sony product

do explain

People are excited because the demos have been fun, but also

>it's a potential return to form for Team Ninja and also a chance for them to finally get out from Itagaki's shadow
>it's the first Sengoku fantasy game of any note to have appeared for a good long while, since stuff like Onimusha, Genji, Blood Will Tell, Otogi etc. etc. effectively fell out of favour in the mid-'00s and never came back

>most of this board is made up of people who play games on the superior console and aren't retarded Xbros or Nintenyearolds
Sounds good to me

>nintendo gets 1 exclusive this year
>sony gets about 20

This board it's filled with toaster using assholes wanking over resolution and framerate. Most of which claim that you had to own a WiiU and a PC to be in the 'master race'.

reposting from other thread

You need at least 20 hours before you can judge the gameplay and in those 20 hours, you better hope to god you try your best.
Why 20 hours? 15 hours to realize this is not dark souls, 5 hours to learn all the ins and outs and customize your combos.
All said and done, I had the same idea as you going into the beta. The game was boring to play until I understood IT IS NOT DARK SOULS and I should be using all the tools provided for me. Like killing other players phantoms to get better gear, heavily using combos, unlocking skills that are only related to a weapon I already like and applying magic shit into my game. Although the beta ran for like two weeks, so I was lucky and had a change of hearts about Nioh. I wish that you see my results in two weeks happen to you in two days because I admit, the game sucks big time at first but only because it is complex. Once you unravel it and stick to 1 or 3 weapons, you start playing the real Nioh. The beta was so good, I dropped dark souls 3 right then and there. Not a fucking chance I touch that shit again and I fucking love dark souls.
Give this a chance if you can and good luck!
TL;DR: The game is kinda shit at the start but only because the possibilities are endless!

>This board definitely favors sony
Sup Forums has been nintengaf for a while now, ever since the wii generation turned 18. the board favored sony before 2008 because back then we all had PS2s and would circle jerk about sotc, dmc3, mgs3, okami, bully and god hand.

There are more pro sony and anti nintendo threads than the opposite way.

Only Sony fanboy shitposters claim otherwise because they like to create an environment where they get to play the victim.

>superior console

FUCKING KEK. In what way????

Not even a ninetendo fanboy. But quality over quantity faggot. Most sony exclusives are shit.

Find that hard to believe when most nintendo threads these days are full of reyards circle jerking while bashing the abomination that is the Switch.

Is anyone else not able to get their mask? It won't let me pick it up from the store.

The game is made by the nips and is has nip samurai settings, besides the seemingly white protag.

But even then who fucking cares. If you complain about weebs and nips on Sup Forums then you are most likely reddit trash that needs to leave

Retarded owner of an inferior console detected. Xbox may as well not even be in the race anymore it's so fucking far back. And Nintendo's library is shit compared to the games that Xbox and Playstation have. Unless you're a child, that is.

Yes. Thats exactly how its a weeb game

Basically this. It's Soulshit with a stam recovery mechanic, better stam management, and shitty enemies/levels/atmosphere/music/etc.

Completely forgettable.

Because it's fun and pcfats will never ever get to play it

What are you fucking talking about? I own a PC. But even still the PS4 is fucking garbage. The PS4 IS the inferior console. How does it matter that its outsold the competition? Also yeah Sony might have more exclusives, but none of them are very good. Nintendo and arguably the Xbox have better exclusives. Which really is irrelevant anyways, since the best games are typically multi-plats

Not him, but become an idort and you will have much less hate. I own more or less every console except Xbox One and Wii U, I can happily browse all exclusive game thread without sperging out like you. Jesus, just skip threads that you donĀ“t have the console for.

Why would they want to?

The only thing Nintendo has over Xbox and Sony are the kiddy titles, but they don't have a lot of the more "mature" multiplats that PS and Xbox have. And Xbox just outright has next to no exclusives. The only notable exclusives, Halo and Gears, pale in comparison to what they used to be. PS4 is the best console out there right now, if you can't see that you're just an idiot.

>Whats up with the constant """"shilling"""" of this shitty game on this board lately?
I'm well aware that cucks like you live under a rock, but here are 2 very simple reasons:

1) A demo just came out
2) The game is about to release

See? Not complicated, the time you spent on google to look for that image in order to make a shitposting thread would've been better spent clicking on the 1st most recent link about the game and finding out about the points I just gave you.

In fact you seem way more interested than anyone else in making this about Sony, which indicates high levels of butthurt.

Its not even anything about hating the consoles. I dont. I have considered, and probably will own a couple of the consoles. The annoying is the sense of superiority sony fags seem to have. It is far worse than any other fanbase..

And here is the perfect example of what I am talking about. First of all, alot of the exclusives nintendo has are fucking classics. Also as far as Halo and Gears go for the Xbox. They really aren't that much worse than their older counterparts. And regardless they are both alot better than what Sony has to offer.

I am actually thinking you might be underage with your whole emphasis on "muh mature games vs kiddie games"

That's a very pleasant attitude user. I must respect those who don't care for a game but admit it has its niche and appreciate that fact.

>people enjoying the game and sharing their experiences with other like-minded individuals

It's a Souls ripoff and Sup Forums is thirsty for the same rehashed formula.

Not even OP but this shit happens all the time

>post a thread trying to discuss an "unpopular" Sup Forums game, such as BF1
>instant "fuck off shill" replies

Why the fuck does Sup Forums cock gobble "souls-like" games so much? Is it because they feel like it gives them some sort of superiority over other people since the games are "hard"? I mean truthfully the games arent even that hard.

Oh yeah and the Souls-like constant loot drops, you know when you kill a random enemy and he gives you 2 weapons and 3 armor pieces? And the Souls-like gear forging/reforging stat-driven item management. And the Souls-like combos and weapon skill unlocks and stances. And the Souls-like mission progression from a map coupled with side-quests with a cinematic story-driven narrative.

Yeah just a Souls clone, it takes nothing from Diablo, Ninja Gaiden or Onimusha in equal parts too, not at all. After all Souls games invented the stamina mechanic, the action "rpg" genre and methodical pacing (I mean, before Souls there were ONLY spectacle brawlers like DevilMayCry)

Btw you just repeated what he said about XP, you're not that smart, are you user?

A videogame board is talking about a trial for a new aaa game. Must be SHILLLSS!!

Wanna tell me how some shit shooters are superior to the huge library of varied, unique and well developed games on PS4? I don't even have one. I have a PC. I want to like the Switch, but the only Nintendo console worth owning currently is 3ds.

Also, if the rest of my post didn't clarify it for you, you have shit taste.

Okay, how is using a similar formula to souls any different than games in other genres doing the same thing? All games that aren't their own genres are ripping off other games right?

>I can't just spam dodge everything he does at random times?
>I can't block 100% of his attacks, he has actual unblockables?!?

You know when a boss battle is about learning patterns and knowing when to attack, stand back, dodge or block, like fitting together pieces of a puzzle? Instead of just doing whatever you feel want with your cheap square>triangle combo spam you do on all enemies?
I'm sure the first thought in your head was:
"HUUUUH when will he stop moving so that I can spam my attacks on his back?"
and your second, third and fourth were:
"HUUUUH what's the best way of cheesing this? What's the fastest way to deplete his Ki with spells? Can I poke him around the rock until he's dead?"

Here is a level 1 kill with a level 1 weapon

I'm sure your lv35 character with purple lv27 gear is more than capable of doing that in a third of the time it took him.

come on, you couldn't possibly miss the passive-aggressive sarcasm of this post to think it's actually saying NioH is a Souls clone.

Actually thanks, I reread that and you're right. Sorry about that. The other guy is an asshole though.

Looks pretty good, will be my 2nd ps4 game after 3 years.