Warriors block

>Warriors block
>Rogues dodge

What would a mage do?

magic shield or teleport

Kill them before some melee peasant touches me.


>What would a mage do?


cry about the tank

Mana shield and fuck your shit up

>letting anyone get near you

everything better

What do clerics do? Pray?

Black Magic

They stack regen and outheal the damage of course.

Depends on what type of magic they practice, obviously.

Like, a necromancer would probably just tell a skeleton to stand in front of him or something, a fire mage would cry helplessly, etc.


teleport behind you


cast invisibility then rub that fat bbc on your mums cunt

It always depends on the game. Diablo 1 for example:

>Warrior tanks damage by spamming health potions
>Rogues tanks damage by spamming mana potions
>Sorcerers tanks damage by spamming mana potions

Rogues use mana shield?

>not drawing strength from your smoldering enemies

you posted this in that other thread about useless weapon procs

Teleport behind you

>Warriors use melee and repair
>Thieves use guns and sneak

The fuck does a mage do?

Nuke before anything gets too close


...Medicine and Explosives?

Mana shield, OP as fuck in Diablo


energy weapons

Energy Shield

What game?

AKA roguelike SMT

the game is Demon, a freeware roguelike in development. pretty neat

Great, gonna play it right nao

Get his HP below his character level and use mana shield. It literally removes hitstun because it thinks it should be playing an animation for a death that isn't actually occurring, or something like that.