On monday Re7 and Yakuza 0 are out in Europe... Which one Sup Forums
2 choices
none of them
By the way you typed it, REVII is supposed to be the redpill, right?
Who cares?
What's the point of this thread, then?
Yakuza 0. Don't be thick op.
If I bought RE7, I'd play it because I've already played the other games.
If I bought Yakuza 0, I would only be buying it to support the series because I haven't played any game in the series.
>inb4 but 0 is a prequel
If you visit places from the the first game but in HD in 0, then that just makes me want to play the first game for the "WOW" factor I would have when I get to those areas in 0.
That's true but I really do enjoy Shenmue games and horror genre....
So you haven't played any Resident Evil games or Yakuza games?
How about you spend the money you would have spent on REmake and Yakuza 1, then.
I already played the Remake and Re4 I am not a real fan of this series, but I feel like the new one is really fresh and different. And btw, you can t find any Yakuza games in France, so I am really curious...
Yakuza 0.
Yakuza 0 are you dense?
Yakuza 0. How is this even a question? Pirate RE7 on PC if you want play it that bad.
You could spend the same amount of time in a mini game in Y0 than in re7.
RE7 is confirmed mediocre/shit.
Yakuza 0 looks good.
Why is it so bad?
It turned out to be CoD the whole time, despite "going back to the roots". I watched a play through and it seems to just be stage threats (giant bugs), and two or three types of enemy, which were all very spongy and uninteresting to fight. The fights with the family members looked good, but that's the only positive I can list.
Does RE7 have porn actresses in then?
The choice is obvious.
Is the
>you'll hate earlier Yakuza games if you play 0 first
meme true?
I've jumped from REmake, to RE4, to RE2, to Code Veronica, to Nemesis and I didn't have any problems.
0 is the best the series has ever been. Though if you found the RE4-RE2 jump fine you can probably handle jumping to older entries
I think in general people say extreme things like that because they can't be sure of the tolerance of the person they're talking to. If you've been playing games for a long time and still enjoy older games, I think it's very unlikely that playing a firmly PS2-era game is going to give you a conniption. All you need is the basic ability to temper your expectations appropriately.
It's not hard if you actually like games, at a certain point you should be able to figure whether or not those statements apply to you. If someone says you'd find the game perfectly fine without playing the others, then, shocker, the game is fine, regardless of the others. The others are just better.