Why does Sup Forums hate Sony?
Why does Sup Forums hate Sony?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they always win
This board is full of autistic Nintendo fanboys who have panic attacks whenever they see anything related to Sony or Playstation because they remember how hard they've been raped by them time and time again
Success breeds jealousy.
Success breeds jealousy
Went to absolute shit after the PS2.
Still bitter about it.
Success breeds jealousy
Because they are shit. Thank god the company is dying.
3 bombas and 1 success doesn't breed jealousy.
Success breeds jealousy
Success breeds jealousy.
Fanbase is super obnoxious Jap worshipping faggots.
This is a Sony bros thread,
Success breeds jealousy.
I don't hate Sony. I hate modern PlayStation.
because sony fanboys are most annoying, probably more than nintendoyear olds
Success breeds jealousy.
Can you elaborate on that statement? I think you've might have forgotten about the Nintendrones.
more like fanfards
No. Nintentoddlers are the worst on this board no question about it.
I don't hate sony OP I hate the the overzealous fans these consoles have .
Sour grapes
It's called keeping console war content going, dumbass
How can Nintendo even compete?
Sunken cost fallacy.
Same reason Star Citizen whales hate any other video game.
This. Mods are even biased toward nintendo in this fucking place.
Sup Forums has already been exposed as a /r/pcmasterrace outpost. Obviously they hate Sony because their success breeds jelously.
because of shitty bait threads
even worse is the people who fall for, ironically or not
but I don't even think it's just sony fanboys but rather Sup Forums in general who does it
>Sup Forums has already been exposed as a /r/pcmasterrace outpost.
I was one of them for 25 years, but ascended to PlayStation last year.
Damn straight
because sonyggers hate video games.
Because their fanbase is manipulative as fuck.
One moment graphics don't matter, PS4 comes out and now they do.
One moment spending money on upgradin your PC is retarded, PS4 Pro comes out and now it's okay.
Sony get's an exclusive, they have a superiority complex.
Sony loses an exclusive, they gain a victim complex as people shitpost.
Nothing has changed since the days of the PS3 launch.
Because a few years ago sony started to shill this board. Sonyfags would ruin perfectly normal threads with their constant baiting.
The system is fine, but the fans are cancer.
They way you morons convince yourselves how every exclusive is gonna be the best thing ever, because the PS4 is the only console you own, reminds me of a fucking cult. No, Ucharted 4 and The Last Guardian are not good games, and the only exclusive worth playing is Bloodborne.
Look at the Nioh circlejerk right now "HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE OUR PERFECT GAME!", it's just pathetic. I bet the people who are critical and objective about Nioh also own some other console (or a PC) besides the PS4.
t. PCuck that also owns a PS4
Name one (1) fanbase that doesn't do this. PCucks are just as bad at this shit
>t. Nintendrone
every time
can't swallow any criticism, always have to get the attention off you and point fingers at someone else.
Would like a source as well.
Nintentoddlers are now just backpedaling on Paid online because nintendo is doing it.
Are you serious right now?
t. sony only fag until this gen
you niggas need to broaden your horizons and distance yourselves from sony for a bit so your vision becomes unclouded
Sup Forumsirgins spent most of last gen saying how there wont be a PS4 and if it did it will flop
Now that its proven a success it causes Sup Forums a massive amount of asspain, which amuses me to no end
instead of autistically laughing try making point
You dumb asses will swallow anything with the Italian plumber on it.
Gee I wonder what that sounds like...
>can't make any counter arguments
good show
btw I'm an idort
>samefagging this shitty line so much.
Good I wasn't one of them. And just because a couple of faggots were defending it doesn't suddenly mean its okay for nintendo to do it.
>Good I wasn't one of them.
mad pcuck xboner nintenyearold
I don't defend the cancerous practice known as payed online
I was fuming and I'm sure many others were when they announced it on the stage. Its not okay when Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo does it.
You posted the wrong version. Here, I got you bro!
I hope that with this response everyone itt understands that he's trying to bait all of you.
Stop responding to the troll and let the thread die already.
Trust me I'm working on it. Just a pet project fueled by my favorite Nintendo bros here on Sup Forums
i don't hate them they just have no games for 11 years straight
>Sup Forums
I guess. Kinda makes the 53 million units make no sense considering people have no games to play on it.
I don't hate them I hate their fans
>an entire dedicated folder
You seem like a guy who has a picture of miyamoto on the wall with a dagger through it
Success really does breed jealousy.
This post right here.
Wanna know why everyone hates sony on here?
Just see for yourself.
Kek, sonyggers good job on proving yourselves to be the fanbase people on Sup Forums.
*the worst fanbase on Sup Forums.
With all the shitty video game companies out there its outstanding how people will spread their cheeks to any of them. But the excuses people go out their way to make for Nintendo is down right retarded. I'm just taking what people say and throwing it in the ether. Just like I did with Microsoft, Sony, etc.
Hope you like what I produce soon, I've just been sitting on these for the most part.
here's a joke
personal computer gaming
Fuck off.
>Quotes every post
How the fuck was I defending sony? Some one posted obvious proof of the mods being nintencucks and I seconded it.
The only person with autism here is you.
here's a joke
Paid Online
works on my machine :)
This thread is why, just look at it.
No other fan base has this level of obnoxious cancer
>pcucks falseflagging and shitposting each other is indicative of Sony's fanbase
t. pcuck doing just that
But hey it's okay when Nintendo does it.
Every fanbase is shit.
It's sad when people justify paid online by hiding behind poor excuses.
>not having every console AND a good pc
Just get a job you fucking lazyfags, it's not that hard
The best console per generation is good enough.