
Are you ready for the most alpha Fire Emblem character?

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animu pretty boy who looks like he couldnt hold a sword


but we already got Ike's game

Who's the artist for Echoes?


can you post more art from this?

How do people not know this yet?


>who looks like he couldnt hold a sword
What do you have to look like to be able to hold a sword?


So what was his dad's plan again? Pretend to be a crazy emperor so his kid would be a hero?

i'm ready for noa to butcher it.

thx m8

i love kozaki, but i find Hidari's work far superior.

i want to lick his asshole and make him squirm and moan like a little bitch

But Alm kills anyone that opposes him

that's not ephraim

I want to see a special animation for this in the new game

postan ost

also to people who've played Gaiden, who the hell is this guy?


main reason i'm even into toukiden

the characters look so good, just wish the game itself was a bit better.

i'm still gonna play Toukiden 2 though

Basically raise enough conflict so an generation of super solders and lead by super Hitler raise up to kill him.

Well he's certainly forceful.

If i had to guess i think its Force, just without purple hair.

edit, Forsyth i guess is his official name

>I have never played Gaiden, lol

We already got Leif.

Thats not Sigurd

Is this a remake or inspired by Gaiden?



You have to be about two hundred and fifty pounds of pure beefy muscle and have a jaw wider than your shoulders to be able to lift a something heavy like a three pound sword.

But we already got Corrin's game.

Fucking love these designs. Wish we could get them in Smash somehow, maybe replacing Roy and Lucina
It'll never happen, I know

Remake. The trailer looked like they're trying to remain faithful to the original wherever they can but I can't imagine them staying too rigidly to the course due to how ill-received Shadow Dragon was.

Blue board user.

What is it with a lot of famicon / super famicon soundtracks that make them so fucking great? Was it just the technology holding them back? This is music that stands the test of time, it takes a special kind of passion to make this for what was considered a child's form of entertainment back in the day.

Apparently some people think you have to look like Guts to be a believable swordsman.

>pinky swearing
Too lewd

I'd take any Fire Emblem lord to replace Lucina if they get an actually unique moveset.
Lucina had so much more to her from Awakening, her Smash clone version just seems like wasted potential.

I like the idea of two countries that are either decadently corrupt or warmongering but they'll fuck it up. Better than Hoshido/Nohr.

Hell since I never played Gaiden they probably already did.

>Dragons did it

I can tell you Dragons aren't behind everything this game more like the gods are.FE2 is more JRPG-y than most games in the series.

I'm on ch7 of Genealogy, fuck these mages with Jormungandr tomes

Never played Gaiden myself, but my FEfag friend freaked the fuck out when they announced this shit. And from what he told me about Alm, he's as blunt as Ike, as ruthless a warrior as Hector, and equally as based as both.

On top of that, he looks like he's gonna be a Merc/Hero, that being my favorite class. So I'm really looking forward to the game and playing as him.

>Dragons aren't behind everything
thank fucking god

You should get him to share his thoughts on the game here.
Not many have played it because it's a drastic departure compared to the rest of the series.

You do know that most swords weigh like, 3-5 lbs max, right? Like, even the big dumb two-handed ones.

An M16 weighs more than a greatsword.

I heard as much. He said that he could never play it again due to both its age and its difficulty. Which is why he was so ecstatic when Echoes was announced. I asked him not to tell me much about the game so that I could go in fresh and experience it for myself.

The only thing I'd want to know is how everyone thinks Alm will play now. I figure his stats and growths won't change too much, but I do wonder if they'll implement Skills, and if they do what his will be. Also, doesn't he gain the use of Bows on promotion in Gaiden? Outside of Takumi I can't think of any recent Bow users that I found useful, let alone memorable.


Gaiden Archers can attack at point blank range and can shoot up to 5 squares away with a bow equpped

FE2 kind of sucks. The biggest problem is the interface (the famicom kinda sucks), the maps range from mediocre to bad (wide open empty fields, maps full of witches that can teleport and attack and are only held back by bad AI), the characters and story are very basic, the balance is horrendous, the music is generally underwhelming, etc. Some quirks compared to the rest of the series include the world map, promoting through several tiers of classes, magic draining your HP to cast, weapons having unlimited durability and each character only being able to hold one item (weapon/armor/other), and two separate routes that only come together at the very end of the game.

I guess the new game could improve a lot of those areas but it's unfortunate that they chose to make a remake, I feel like FE2 will only hinder the new game's potential.
At the very least the interface will be improved. They'll probably implement the ability to exchange characters and items between parties, which I found really cool in Tear Ring Saga (go play that if you haven't already).

I doubt they'll buff Archers to that degree, but chances are they'll at the least make it special to Alm, either by a skill he obtains or it being the range of an endgame weapon.

I honestly wouldn't mind any buffs to Archers though. Granted I've only played 4, 6, 7, and Fates, but other than Takumi and Aideen I can't think of any archers that I'd call useful.

>remaking one of the worst Fire Emblems




Fuck, I'm stupid. I knew they were sisters but I got their names mixed up.


Does that not make sense to you?

>Jamke and Midir
>Not useful

Give Midir the killer bow and he becomes a monster, and Jamke never stops shooting.

are you stupid?

speaking of, managed to get her married to this guy unintentionally.

still got a better arden then normally at the cost of my Finn, but I'd rather have gotten the much better stated Finn instead.

its not like they could make it any worse.

these two were pretty good, FE4 in general was fantastic for bow users.

>most alpha
>when Hector, Ephraim, and Ike exist
I bet he doesn't even fuck his sister

That's not alpha, that's beta

It would make sense if they were changing it to improve upon the original game.

But it sounds like they intend to stay true to the original game; meaning it will essentially play the same.

Yes, He tored open Soffia's asshole like a fucking mad man.

How can you tell it essentially plays the same from 5 seconds of gameplay?

The fact that there's no weapon triangle, for starters.

Can you prove that? IS has been playing jump rope with the triangles for a while. Seeing as it's a re-imagination it'd be no surprise if the made axes a thing, or if they kept the reverse triangle from Fates.

But if nobody is left to disagree with him how is he beta?

We don't know shit about the game yet. They called it a re imaging. Might as well have things that makes it more modern or it won,t sell at all.

No, beta is Corrin.

is this all the designs for the characters that have been released?

I really hope that whatever they do, the story is coherent and generally faithful to the original. I'm so tired of mediocre to absolute shit writing in the new FE titles. Awakening wasn't as bad, but in Fates I felt like the plot did absolutely nothing to make the upcoming battle feel important. I played through all three Fates campaigns and all I remember is shit like Elise dying and the big brothers both killing themselves either directly or indirectly. Literally nothing else

why is corrin such a pussy in conquest, but bloodthristy in birthright?

They wrote Conquest Corrin to be the female one.

That would be so great.

He fucks Celica and she's the closest person to a sister he has.

How can he be the most alpha when Xander and Ike already exist

that makes sense

Alm is like proto Ike
>Both are non royal
>Both promoted to be Lord
>Both were mercenaries
>Both are god slayers

>from what he told me about Alm, he's as blunt as Ike, as ruthless a warrior as Hector, and equally as based as both.
I love that. Alm sounds like my kind of protagonist.

This, and because Hoshido is forgiven more easily by the narrative because they're the "good guys" and Nohr is the agressor, so any hostile action by Hoshido is treated as defensive until the very end, while in Nohr, you have to scramble for every good guy point you can get by trying to spare people

yea that sounds really accurate too, sadly.

Seems like SS is one of the least popular FE on Sup Forums in terms of gameplay/levels

what would you do to improve it?

Add a Seth Mode.

The thread isn't talking about what position they where born into or not, merely their alphaness.

You gotta admit Xander was a pretty cool guy in that regard.

Alm was never a mercenary and he is a royal.

The only thing that kept Xander from being a true alpha like Ike and Alm is the fact that Fates is constantly sucking the Avatar's dick and makes every character do so as well.

true, but him being a royal doesn't come into play until the end of the game,and his class isn't even Lord (goes Fighter -> Hero IIRC)

Bias. They wanted to portray Hoshido Corrin as strong while making Nohr Corrin look as weak, pathetic, and idiotic as they could possibly make him.

He does tell Corrin to man the fuck up multiple times though.

>Do some mission in conquest
>Corrin is all boo hoo and shit
>Get her married right after
>Insanely bloodthirsty in the paralogue

It was really jarring.

Alm is a royal dumbass. He's the Prince of the evil kingdom.


Ephraim is the most alpha mother fucker

It still irritates me just how much they screwed up his character and the story of Fates. The premise is pretty good. It shouldn't have been hard to build a decent story around it.

>I'm so tired of mediocre to absolute shit writing in the new FE titles.
when the gaiden remake comes out i am going to savor the tears from these people.

>he thinks it won't be ruined and meme filed

It shall be me laughing at you.

>Ephraim is the most boring mother fucker

you misunderstand. i think the opposite will happen, they will be completely faithful to gaiden, and i will savor the reaction from the GBAfags.

Literally only the last one is correct.

I can't wait to understand what the fuck Duma actually looks like because they're going to actually have to create coherent artwork for him in Echoes.