How do we stop women?

How do we stop women?

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a woman made this thread

Join the resistance brother!


stop giving them money and attention. consider cocksucking

You realize it's men who allow things like this to happen by enabling these people.

You don't.

You ignore them and let them crash and burn.

Only thing worse than women are the betamales that enable them.

we already did user


Why the fuck do you care loser?

That's a man, baby

>only 9000ish subscribers
Literally who cares?

this; if it wasn't for these retards with disposable income giving a bitch money because "she a cutie!" we wouldn't have these stupid threads

I like that all she does is cosplay videos but her actual content is boring.

She always sticks the dildo up her ass instead of penetrating her snatch. Also she never rides the dildo like a champ but instead has that shitty fuck machine

Someone post that gif of her looking retarded as she cums.

Organize a protest

Remember that time she masturbated on the internet?

Oh wait. That's every time.

>sending a cam whore gifts
>sending a women anything involving video games

What the fuck? is she like 3 feet tall? The PS4 Pro box is not very big.

>be a woman
>literally given everything
this needs to stop

looks like she's kneeling



>weak men give away their money for virtual puss
>because real women are less desirable than ever
Who to blame, men or women?
Or maybe something else?

Saying ignore them doesn't work because there's a gorillion thirsty ass orbiters just waiting to suck up to them.

not worth even thinking about

Pepe actually voted for Hillary, but nice try.

God damn, the """"""men""""""" who do this kind of shit are fucking pathetic.

they vote for more islam it will take care of them

So I can't be the only one who noticed the very sudden increase of obvious "false flag" threads lately.

What's causing it? Is some SJW e-celeb becoming irrelevant? Are screenshots of this thread going to end up in a Kotaku article?

>Lana Rain

why on earth would you want to stop her?

So does she rub her cunny on the corner of that box or not?
>not masturbating with a gift given to you by your supporters

This is not a lot of money for a career that has such a short lifespan and leaves you with no job experience.
Hell, even switching to porn makes barely any money now, most of the famous ones switched over to camwhoring too.

No idea why people are upset.

Because it's fun to get mad over absolutely nothing

Easy. Stop cucked beta men.

These whores are a symptom, not the disease. They're just smart enough to profit off of society's illness.

Pull up a video of her squirting and stop being angry about it.

Give me an hour, I'll fix her good.

Are you the canadian retard from Sup Forums? stop it trump won

Kill the saudi princes and rich beta orbiters.

Why dont men just use escorts? It's a helluva lot cheaper for a midrange escort than buying a camwhore a ps4 pro

I love how if you are born with two big sand bags on your chest and two meat holes and are okay looking and wear a bunch of make up you can get whatever you want. But if you are born with nut sack and penis you can't.

you can't just say that about my wife buddy. she works really hard to make her amateur cosplay vids. you have no idea what it takes for her ok. she spend days getting scripts and toys ready.

Because I'd rather use other men.

>For too long, we’ve been held back by burdensome regulations on our energy industry. President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule. Lifting these restrictions will greatly help American workers, increasing wages by more than $30 billion over the next 7 years.

>The Trump Administration is also committed to clean coal technology, and to reviving America’s coal industry, which has been hurting for too long.

>Lastly, our need for energy must go hand-in-hand with responsible stewardship of the environment. Protecting clean air and clean water, conserving our natural habitats, and preserving our natural reserves and resources will remain a high priority. President Trump will refocus the EPA on its essential mission of protecting our air and water.

Trump won.

The human race lost.


Hysterical doomsaying is why nobody takes you people seriously.

Both with number of contributing factors.

I'd probably use them if they weren't nasty and there wasn't a risk of getting mugged. I have no idea how to navigate the world of escorts and I'm not sure I want to put forward the effort just so I can get my rocks off occasionally.

Not that guy, but:
>protecting clean air and clean water, conserving our natural habitats, and preserving our natural reserves and resources will remain a high priority

Failing to see the problem here.

>the people doing this shit won't be around to see their great grandchildren fry on the surface of the planet
i wish they could suffer for their crimes

Yeah his speech was fucked. I live in the UK and I'm pretty worried but we got double ass fucked because of Brexit.

I love men.

What kind of fucking loser buys a camwhore a ps4 pro? Did he at least get exclusives videos or some shit?

If by "hysterical doomsaying" you mean "stating facts," sure.

It's a thinly-veiled way of saying the EPA will be crippled.

On the same goddamn page Trump says he'll get rid of the Waters of the U.S. rule. How, exactly, is the EPA going to protect our water if he's also getting rid of the rules created to protect our water?

Easy, shoot all the Sup Forums and /r9k/ retards in the head.

Tfw when i watch her cams.

But most American women voted for Trump. Also, most women aren't American, Trump can't do anything about them.

We have 147 years of data.
Out of 4 billion years.
We're in a warming period after the last ice age.

Stop this shit.

I want that Les Paul. I bet she doesn't even play guitar. It's not fair. All youtube girls play crappy acoustic covers.

So you're saying we need to wait a coiple more million years to do something.

I watch but I don't give monies. I'm not a dumb cuck.

But it's nu-male redditors creating this problem tbqh.

Not sure where you're going with this, fellow regular user but I think you're going a bit far and are overthinking this. It's nothing more than a pure coincidence

>How, exactly, is the EPA going to protect our water if he's also getting rid of the rules created to protect our water?
Are you being retarded on purpose?

Yes, but climate is changed drastically in the last 5 years.

But they are not the ones butthurt about women playing video game

Lana Rain a cute

All porn is cucking because you could be out have real sex. But with women it can be fucking mind games so it's risk vs reward.

>women playing video game
Maybe you should understand the thread before posting in it.

>stop it trump won
Good goy.

Haha I love this one, it gets posted a lot on reddit!

>We have 147 years of data.

We get it you are Jewish. There is no secret Zionist force it's just humans being retarded. The development of human consciousness was a random mistake. All this shit we surround ourselves with is against our true nature.

>promise to do something
>promise at the exact same time to not do that thing

If I'm taking this the wrong way, please, tell me the right way. I'd love to know.

Let me tell you boys something about women

>this is the retard the left drove people to vote for
Imagine the slaughter that would've taken place if democrats dropped the SJW act

>hurr hurr I don't know shit about what I'm arguing about but I'm going to argue it anyway

Are you saying it's pure coincidence?

I already understand that you like black cock in your ass.

>All I have to do to get free shit is crossdress on the internet

Where do I buy wigs?

>the vid where she gets her diddies sucked

Call me when she starts inserting real dicks

Are we pretending to be retarded here? This has all been one meme, right? People don't seriously believe this stuff?


No I'm saying none of it matters in the end. Our consciousness means nothing. The human race thinks its special but it's not. All humans are inherently stupid egotists that destroy the planet. It's all one big ghetto.


The only people to blame for Trump's victory are people who voted for Trump.

Holy shit

>le nihilist meme
Either teenage fedora or jew.

It's not. Im not meming. Sup Forums is a very special board.


gonna need sauce for this

also i'm glad Sup Forums majorly believes in the very real threat of global warming, at least those in this thread


most White* women

>disagreeing with crippling industry and (((carbon tax))) means you don't believe in climate change
Love this meme.

>by 2100

Who gives a fuck we'll all be dead by then anyway

I'm actually a girl and there is literally no way that thing is a real woman.


This has become an acceptable way to deny reality.