Can we stop pretending this game was bad now?
Can we stop pretending this game was bad now?
giraffe blowjob
giraffe blowjob
giraffe blowjob
this game sucked terribly
I liked Sherry and Mercenaries, that's it.
>terrible at blowjobs
spotted the virgin
It was okay, but I'd rather have RE7 as an Amnesia clone than yet another fucking Hollywood styled QTE ridden action game.
Yes, when you explain to me how the mechanics of this game are supposed to be fun. It feels clunkier than RE 4/5
So bad I knew it was shit and didn't buy it or even pirated it.
>It was okay, but I'd rather have RE7 as an Amnesia clone
But it's not.
We literally have leaked gameplay footage out and you retards are still saying this.
It was awful, all of it.
Ok all awful except Sherry.
>He thinks Capcom wont slip QTE into 7.
Wise man.
Instead of arguing why we think the game is bad,why don't you try to explain to us,why you think the game is good.
The mechanics of RE6 are the pinnacle of 3rd person shooters.
The design however, is terrible.
>The mechanics of RE6 are the pinnacle of 3rd person shooters.
Explain, because none of it feels as tight as RE4 or 5. It has some neat mechanics, but it all still feels sloppy.
And yet Vanquish is still a better shooter.
why do you keep making threads trying to convince us this was """"""'good""""""
It is like a team comic book or a tv show with an entire cast of central characters, instead of a main character with supporting characters like RE4.
You can't really focus on all of them and the over-all story but also the player's sense of progression suffers because of it.
>he thinks it was just pretend
You need to wait a couple of days after RE7 is out to try convice everyone about 6
Sorry to inform you mate but nobody is pretending.
Im calling it dark souls 2 syndrome. Is there a proper term? A sequal is considered bad at launch then another sequal comes out and people go tp the previous sequal and say its not as bad.
just because 7 sucks doesn't automatically fix that fact that RE6 was a QTE filled mess of an action game that was so bad it makes Bayformers look good
Zelda Cycle
>leaked gameplay footage
Show me where you little whoreish slut, tell me - are you lying to me you salacious, cock hungry little cockslut bitch?