Morrowind thread
Morrowind thread
Sup, N'wahs?
Anyone else here like Morrowind Rebirth? I really like how they made Vivec seem like the Tokyo of Vvardenfell. That, LGNPCs, and Tamriel Rebuilt are the only essential mods for me when I play.
How can any mod be as based as LGNPC?
The combat in this game is fucking terrible. Why can't elder scrolls games have gameplay like the chivalry games or mount and blade?
Last image I'll post. Glad to see Pilgrims finally making journeys across the land to pray at shrines
I actually like Morrowind's combat because it shows the proficiency of the player character, and not the actual player. That's why after you level up your weapon skills and gain experience, your character will not only miss less frequently, but also do more damage, which I like better than just boring percentage increases in damage
Man I beat this game in 2015 last year and it was great. I like how realistic it was when it came to being a guild. For example you had to have the rights stats to advance to be a mage. I liked flying everywhere and being a GOD. I also liked the freedom to go where I want without some annoying yellow path telling you where to go. Lastly I felt like a citizen of vandenfell like my choices matter I did not get the same vibe as the other elder scrolls game. The writing was also really good. It was epic.
I want Morrowind to be real.
I just watched Independence Day Resurgence.
How about you ,outlander?
I'm sorry for your loss
no bumps
should've used this pic instead
RIP based Jiub
So I plan on reinstalling Morrowind soon and finally finishing the MQ and expansions. There are some faction questlines I need to finish too. Should I avoid LGNPC since this is the first time I'll be seriously playing the MQ/expansions? Or is there a version that only changes generic commoners and whatnot into more interesting NPCs?
Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong
Anyone have the post about the guy who only had his armor keeping him alive? It was pretty cool and I forgot to save it.
I got you, fampai
Thanks n'wah
Oblivion was my first TES and I still think this is cool as fuck
Whos the best rapper in Tamriel ?
Crassius Curio
EYE Divine Cybermancy is better
Started playing this game again. I never beat it and I am not using any mods. What are some good mods, especially ones with fast travel? Also can I smith in the game? I found this type of glass substance in a mine from a quest.
Glass and ebony are useless unless you have the Tribunal expansion. Then you get to pay out the ass for someone to make them into armour for you
As for fast travel, git gud and learn where boats, silt striders, and Mage Guild guides can take you. Divine and Almsivi Intervention spells/scrolls will be your friends
Morrowind is far better than Shitrim and Ocrapvlion
It's a proper RPG. Your character missing isn't just him nit hitting the target. The target dodged, parried or you weapin glanced off. But technical limitations couldn't represent that. It's very abstract.
I wonder how Skyrim would've been if they left it as complex as Morrowind and added those animations.
The Fyr
It's up between dagoth ur and kagrenac.