What happened to PC gaming?

What happened to PC gaming?

It's for multiplats

Nothing. I still have no reason to buy a console.

and free online

My pc is an emulation machine, multiplats and MMOs.
Who gives a shit about everything else.

Nothing. Am playing CiV5 and browsing Sup Forums right now.

Except for all those PC-exclusive games. But I don't really give that much of a fuck about exclusives, anyway. Even if there were zero PC exclusives, I'd still use a PC to play everything that isn't console-exclusive because using a controller for anything requiring any precision is torture.

They have the best exclusive

Free Online

How are you meant to play games on this when half the monitor is covered?

its there

>800W PSU for a Kepler card
>choking your airflow by pointing the fans towards your side panel

Here is that reply you crave for, champ.

Stop replying to these shitty threads. Why do let them lump you into their petty little shitbox wars..

>free online
>have to pay for the internet

I'd feel bad if I was this retarded


I am waiting for yooka laylee and nothing else to talk about while I loot in my mmo.

It's turned into a Secondary gaming machine.

Primary: PS4, Xbox, and Android

Secondary: Nintendo and PC

Steam has PC so hard by the balls it just feels like I'm loading up the Steam store instead of a PC. I mostly use my PC for rare exclusives worth playing and FFXIV when I have my laptop on the road without my PS4.

Right, because you're only pretending to be retarded. We get it.

He obviously means that multiplayer doesn't require the payment of additional fees on top of basic internet service. On consoles, it does.

im sorry user ill do better next time

It became simple to build your own gaming PC for cheap and make it future proof for the better part of a decade. Development costs for AAA games rose sharply while at the same time development tools like Unity opened up PC gaming to a glut of poorly developed slap-dash titles that - thanks to Steam receive far more attention and cash than they would have otherwise through the Greenlight program, which is frequently abused and seldom moderated.

Steam is a wasteland of shitty games. As a consumer who joined in 2009, arguably during the twilight era of Steam's glory days, I can remember more exciting sales because you knew games on Steam were generally good or at least 'big' titles.

So your money was well spent every time.

Now, with the arbitrary limits on refunds and the whack-a-mole nature of shitty games on Steam, I almost never buy games anymore. Throw in shady business practices in Early Access games on Steam from small nobodies to big leagues like Tim Schafer and the result is a consumer environment that has become oversaturated.

It's difficult to say what the long term effects are, but it seems AAA games as a whole are declining in sales across the industry.

This post makes no sense. The PC is the foundation of the gaming experience. Consoles are just supplements to the PC gaming meal.

I'm raging at my ps4 as it feels more like a ps3.5 than anything else, luckily it wasn't wasted money as my gf plays a lot with it.

Meanwhile I bought a 1100€ prebuild pc I want to cry of happiness. It's hard to resist the temptation of ever improving the build, in my case I'd like to buy a i5 6600k and a 27" 144hz monitor.

oh boy its another platform war shitposting thread to go along with other 37 other same threads

Forgive me, grandfather. I once again feel the pull to the bait