Why doesn't Sup Forums like this game?
Why doesn't Sup Forums like this game?
We do.
Because Halo stopped being decent after 3
Some long time Halo fans have described Halo 5's multiplayer as a "return to form".
They're not long time halo fans
What if they are?
>Terrible campaign that shoves out Master Chief in favor of a boring black Spartan IV with close to zero character, followed by a gang (with the exception of Buck) of equally boring nobodies with zero characteristics, is only 4 hours, terribly written, is linear as fuck and has a terrible cliffhanger ending
>Uninspiring art style that is a clear downgrade from the Halo 5 artstyle done by Blur in Halo 2 Anniversary's beginning cutscene
>Multiplayer was severely lacking in content at launch and was missing several game types that were in all prior Halo games at launch
>No Forge or BTB at launch
>Bad map rotation with no ability to vote
>All BTB maps are cheap forge maps
>Stupid Spartan pose intro/outros during multiplayer is completely unnecessary
>Multiplayer announcer still sounds dumb
>Weapon sounds, while not as bad as Halo 4, still sound fake and cheap especially compared to Halo 2 Anniversary
>REQ System is stupid and makes getting armor an RNG grindfest unless you want to fork over money rather than making players earn armor through achievements
>343 spent too much of their focus on pandering to the e-sports crowd, this ruining the multiplayer experience even further
>Sprint and ADS, especially when games like Doom and Overwatch prove that these mechanics are not needed in a modern FPS
Map voting is bad.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Halo stopped being halo after 3.
ODST was okay.
It's only bad if there's an option to veto.
No voting is worse than veto.
Why is duel wielding, dynamic weapon spawns, and equipment okay but sprint and ads too far?
They're not
Halo hasn't innovated its gameplay in a while. Personally, I found Halo 4 identical (maybe not for the graphics) to the third game when I played it
But I haven't played Halo 5 yet, so, I don't really know if it's "renewed"
But what if they are?
Halo 5 has done the best job of "innovating" the gameplay while making it feel like halo.
>Personally, I found Halo 4 identical to the third game when I played it
I bet you believe theres girls on the internet
This sums it up nice.
They could have at least given us a classic playlist by now.
Personally, I think they are afraid of the classic forumla doing better than their new way, because it will spoil "muh vision of halo" they have.
And the armor in the game is ugly
When I said that I didn't find Halo 4 Innovative, it was a personal opinion. I made it clear, I think
I don't understand how you can think Halo 4 is identical to halo 3.
Do you just want a whole new game?
cortana is a villian now, wtf?
It's the only single player in in the series that I can't replay. It's that boring.
Multiplayer is decent though if you avoid Warzone.
No, It just hadn't sounded too original for me, btw I'm not very into futuristic FPS shooters, so, if it's not something very innovative, I might find it boring
Reply you idiot.
Excuse me, are you Sup Forums?
No? Ok, nice talk.
Sorry, I'm a newfag around here
Fuck no. Casual fps garbage.
dual wielding has been in halo since 2
Give me some non "casual" fps from this gen.
So it's okay because it was already in your first Halo game?
Once we get to halo 7 I can just say "sprint has been in Halo since reach"?
1. Lack of local play, which genuinely is shit
2. Dissapointing story and campaign
The MP is great though and people shitting on it are generally just too butthurt at 343/want them to fail to admit that it's good.
I am
It's not actually ADS, and sprint is well executed here. There's nothing inherently wrong about new mechanics, or else as says, duel wielding and vehicle hijacking would be bad too.
The issue with armor abilities in Reach and 4 and sprint in 4 was that they made it so starts weren't even and sprint made it so you could escape encounters you were losing without needing much skill to evade your attacker. Spartan abilities in 5 are given to everybody and are a part of your core movement abilities and are well executed and either improve or at least don't make the core gameplay any worse. Sprint is fixed by making it so you don't recharge shields while or after sprinting.
So what, are games just never supposed to add new mechanics?
I thought Sup Forums hated it when sequels didn't innovate and wre just rehashes? which is it?
Because those didn't affect the second to second flow of gameplay and didn't fuck up the map design like sprint did. They were additions that added to the core gameplay instead of radically changing it. ADS's problem -- well, just look at this shit.
>So what, are games just never supposed to add new mechanics?
Then why complain about Halo 5's features?
Or are you one of those guys who joins conversation without reading context?
Duel wielding committed a greater sin by inherently destroying any chance of balance in the weapon sandbox. it also contradicts Bungie's precious golden triangle.
>ADS's problem -- well, just look at this shit.
Are what? It behaves identical to scope on precision weapons and in practice ADS on automatics isn't used all that much, except maybe the AR at mid range sometimes.
It doesn't even feel like halo anymore.
Halo died after Reach.
>after Reach
>Duel wielding committed a greater sin
I can't even begin to understand how somebody can argue this. Even if dual wielding made some weapons useless, it was easily ignored and had nowhere near the impact sprint did, in terms of gameplay and map design.
Balance in Halo is a meme. CE is beloved and was a multiplayer sensation even when it was unbalanced as hell. In the name of balance Bungie replaced the BR with a useless piece of shit that sucked out all the fun out of Reach. You can have the most balanced game in the world, but if the gameplay is shit the game is shit.
>Are what?
It looks like a fucking COD game, that's what.
>glory kills
>non arena mp
We don't. I can speak for everyone too, fag
>it was easily ignored
Yeah just ignore all the useless weapons, because I want to play Halo BR: BR Edition.
>CE is beloved and was a multiplayer sensation even when it was unbalanced as hell
CE is well balanced compared to halo 2 and 3.
Every weapon except the needler is useful and has a niche.
>It looks like a fucking COD game, that's what.
Nice screenshot, really emphasizes the superficial similarities. You can't play Halo 5 like CoD and even if you tried you'd get destroyed. The games are vastly different due to gunplay and damage, map style, map pickups, etc.
>Sprint is well executed here
Yes, after. Dumb frogposter
>ree 343 ruined halo! Halo 5 sucks because of sprint and boost!
>n-no reach armor abilties are different and reach is great halo game praise bungie!
Explain how it isn't then.
>Then why complain about Halo 5's features?
I'm not, I think 5's features are well handled. I guess one of us got confused.
>CE is well balanced compared to halo 2 and 3.
>magnum is the single most effective weapon in the game
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Actually you don't.
Like I said every weapon except one in CE has a use.
The same can't be said for Halo 2 or 3.
Did you actually play 2v2 CE? Or are you just parroting le magnum meme?
I watched someone go through the intro and first level, and the only thing recognisable as Halo were a couple of covenant cruisers in the background
>The same can't be said for Halo 2 or 3.
except that's wrong.
It's essentially the same setup but with the pistol now being kind of worthless, and having more options for mix-ups.
You also seem to be assuming that everyone played CE at a high level or some shit.
I don't mind sprint or ADS but you're talking out your ass.
So you didn't recognize cortana, grunts, jackels, or elites?
The only guns that are worth picking up are sniper, rockets, shotgun/sword, and br.
In CE you have things like plasma stun, quick camo, and different melee speeds.
there were some fuckers foot-skiing down a mountain punching boulders and shit. fighting lots of glowy robots. whatever guns they had were just floaty bits of metal and crystal or something.
maybe I wasn't giving it my full attention
>because I want to play Halo BR: BR Edition.
Plenty of people do though considering how popular SWAT is, and how much more popular Halo 2 and Halo 3 were compared to Halo 4 and Halo 5, both casually and competively.
I would 1000% rather play Halo: BR edition, because that's still fun unlike the abomination that is 343's Halo.
>there were some fuckers foot-skiing down a mountain punching boulders and shit
They were fighting covenant.
>plasma stun is still just as functional in Halo 2
>plasma rifle is a lot more functional as a means to reduce shields in cqc
Like I said, more mix-up options. To call CE the most balanced is just straight up wrong.
I'd rather play CE, dumb babby.
Sorry I forgot the br clone.
>plasma stun is still just as functional in Halo 2
But that's wrong.
>To call CE the most balanced is just straight up wrong.
Nope. You can enjoy Halo 2 user but CE is more balanced.
Did you play the campaign at all?
I literally felt insulted playing it. It was no longer Halo.
I was so disappointed I didn't ever play the multiplayer but I hear it's ok. I sold my xbone because I was so insulted by MCC and halo 5.
I do want to get a xbone s once it's cheap as shit when scorpio releases since I imagine it'll be about as garbage as the ps4 pro.
Been playing Halo since LAN OG Xbox days. Get lost troll.
CE without question has better balance then 2 and 3 but the balance in CE wasn't exactly good, either. The Mangum is still too versatile.
The only Halo game with actually good balance is 5, while CE and Reach have eh but not terrible balance like 2/3/4
uh, yeah this is all true
what's the problem here?
TFW you'll never see the sexy versions of Sangheili because of their shit art style.