Are you an asshole in online play? Do you bully people?

Are you an asshole in online play? Do you bully people?

Yes, its literally all online play was created for.

I want to ram her face

Some people just bring out the worst in you.


At least if they start complaining that they are getting destroyed or complain about balance.

Of course. You don't even need words. Just master game mechanics and shit all over scrubs

Dude I play multiplayer only to be an asshole and a bully. It's the only fun thing left in those kinds of games for me.

>play the token stealth/instagib burst hit&run class/character
>master it
>proceed to gank ONE player the entire match, even going as far as ignoring to finish off nearly dead other players just for the whole server to rage at me

What's happening in that left portion of the drawing?

>Do you bully people?
In modern games it's almost impossible to be considered good without being carried by other people. WoW is full of assholes, but I can't be one of them because I'm not in a top ten guild.

I'm an asshole to people who are unapologetically shit

The only real online game I play is Rocket League so I'll give an example from that

Scenario 1: Teammate misses several passes, fucks up a shot, and is nowhere near the goal when he should make a save. He says nothing about this

Scenario 2: Teammate does the same thing, but apologizes and tries to be better.

In scenario 1 I will berate them for being shit, in scenario 2 I will tolerate it if they are genuinely trying.

>What's happening in that left portion of the drawing?

Forcing people to suck your dick

Kindof , I love messaging GG no re or GG ez just to be a dick

You're exactly the sort of self-righteous manchild who is extremely easy to mess with.

Not really.

But if some punk-ass piece of shit teammate wants to shit all over my playstyle, I just stop trying and throw the game for us.

They don't deserve a fun and enjoyable experience.


sounds like you're shit yourself if you can't carry in rocket league

game's easy to carry in

and yeah, i'm on Sup Forums right now instead of socializing or enjoying life like normies

of course i'm a piece of shit that bullies people at every instance i can

>one guy in a team shatters my fragile ego
>better ruin the game for everybody, that'll show him
Reminder that Sup Forums is a 18+ site.

>expecting people to not be shit
>self righteous

Literally how. It's a fucking bare minimum. If I'm playing a team game I want someone who is either good or at least putting in their best effort. How the fuck is that something to be upset about. Who wants to play with shit teammates in any game?

Don't have to mess with you at all, you just rile yourself up.

It's even better when he's with friends.

Those fuckers can crash and burn alongside their ringleader.

It sounds like you're the shit teammate if you put them in a position where they can't succeed. Try sticking to single-player games, everyone will have more fun.


How does that even make sense? If you're playing baseball and you throw the ball perfectly to a baseman and they miss it, it's all on you, and not them?

Wrong. If you throw a baseball to a baseman and they miss it then your throw wasn't fucking perfect. Stop blaming other people for your failures.

Tfw no red hair goddess gf

Never. Even with trash teammates you can usually have fun by just doing stupid stuff which you normally wouldn't be able to do. If that doesn't suit you and you're still not having fun, then quit.
Only time I'd even consider being mean is actually if someone else bullies, but I usually just start a vote to kick them out. It's just a game man

You're fucking insane m8, sounds like you've constructed an elaborate worldview just to make it so you're never at fault.

now thats my kind of bullying


Proper course.

Makes them feel bad, makes me feel bad, and good people don't respect it. Why would I be mean?

>Free mode, friendly fire off, police off
>Get some sticky bombs
>Find another player
>He gets in a car
>Blow it up
>He goes towards another car
>Blow it up
>He goes towards another car
>Blow it up
>Keep going
>He can't stop me because friendly fire is off

Wrong again. If you keep getting mad at your own teammates for being "bad" then the only person you're trolling is yourself. Games are always about what "I" can do better, not about what "my teammates" can do better. Try going to a team building seminar, it will do all of us good.

>Only time I'd even consider being mean is actually if someone else bullies
This, really. Assholes are usually the easiest and most fun people to troll.

no. one time I was playing mw2 with some friends and there was some 10 year old black kid and one of my friends called him a nigger and kept calling him worthless until he started crying and didn't stop and all of my friends were silent. Im not some sjw fag but making kids cry is pretty fucked.

can you guys add me and all bully me at the same time?

>If I'm playing a team game I want someone who is either good or at least putting in their best effort

How do you know the person fucking up isn't already trying their best?

>teammate doing poorly
>better throw the game because he didn't apologize!!

what a fag

I did back in WoW when skill mattered in PvP. I would always pick out the guy with the best title/best gear/most skill, and target him exclusively while spamming emotes and dropping Flag of Ownership on his body every kill until he ragequit the BG.

Sup Forums is the timid kid who spends his whole school life being bullied and then grows up and tells everyone he was the bully at his school.

If I'm playing with certain friends yeah. If I'm by myself with randoms, I usually just mute everybody unless I need to communicate to teammates.

I try to be nice and talk to people normally but it really depends on the game. Yu-gi-oh, Fighting games and Total War team battles bring out all my supressed anger when I have to deal with :

Some shitter playing cancer with the sole goal of playing decks who's sole purpose is to make you watch them set/summon floodgates and win T1. I make sure to tell them to throw their deck in a fire and then follow along after I beat them when I side my counter cards.

Just makes me extremely salty when I lose to Eddy, Lars etc or some faggot with 90's era internet spams one attack that can't be countered due to lag.

>Total War
Total War made me hate teaming with random players. I always when playing in a team write to my ally telling him what i'm gonna do and ask him to do the same but half the time the fuckers completely disregard any communication from my side and just zerg rush into 2x the troops while my army has to run and exhaust itself because the retard won't wait for me or take into account that my entire army is built around long range troops. I make sure to cuss them out and since I'm well known I also ban/kick them from any clan or competitive game that I'm in.

This. I'll dish out some bants if I'm playing with friends that can take it, but there's a lot of people in my new guild that can't take bants or criticism.

If I'm playing with randoms, I just mute everything.

I'm only ever an asshole to tryhards who try to harangue the team in team games. Don't care about people who are bad at the game, don't care about people who grief/teamkill, but people who ree and try to manage the entire team get my dander up.*

*With the exception of games like Battlefield or Natural Selection where there's a commander role and someone's staring at a map.

>well known
IKTF tho

>well known
>Just makes me extremely salty when I lose to Eddy, Lars etc or some faggot with 90's era internet spams one attack that can't be countered due to lag.

Well known in Total War competitive circles isn't exactly movie star fame. Basically everyone knew I was among the best players online at any given time and I make it clear that I don't do team games with shitters. Since everybody wants me on their team they kick the shitters

top bullying

Yes it's so easy to play co op games like shit.

>Americans think banter is bullying

I just love to play with guys like you that start whining at the first fault or perceived fault that I make.

Oh I'll be apologetic enough, drowning the chat with "sorry" when l'll keep missing and ram you on purpose.

I used to love mounting my elephant and wolly mammoth and back-pedaling 'dat ass' into the faces of other players. Also sometimes I would comment on girl characters outfits - if one was even slightly revealing I would call the player a slut and begin lecturing them about how they were therefore going to go to Hell IRL. It was hilarious.

No. i don't talk to people in online games, let alone harass them.
I bully my friends though, but thats only bcoz i love them c:

>those tranny man hands

I just mute my teammates then bombard them with a steady stream of insults if they suck.

The only competitive game that I play is the TLoU MP, and there's clearly a mode for people who are alone, new, or just suck: the "No Parties" mode. For god's sake, it's the first fucking option. You have to d-pad down to select the "Parties" mode.

I gotta stop bullying my niece.

I'll get you eliminated then carry, all while destroying your bloody colon

You are literally retarded. I'm sure you're triggered because you couldn't catch a baseball if it were thrown underhanded

>missing on purpose
Yeah right faggot. If you could make a goal you would

Not really, I only bully people if they're being assholes to other people, unless a guy sounds effeminate and cute, then I make fun of him and flirt with him no homo

this is a good edit
i want to fuck her and hold hands with her after

I don't BM unless people do it to me first, then I beat them and laugh in their broken faces

goddamn red heads are fiiine

thanks man

>Are you an asshole in online play?
Fuck yes.
>Do you bully people?
No. Bullying requires upsetting someone multiple times without their permission.
By joining the server, and continuing to play on the server despite (or perhaps because of) the funposting, the player is giving their consent.
There can be no consensual bullying for the same reason there can be no consensual rape.
I don't e-stalk people or follow them server to server, so I cannot be a bully.

no worries bruh

Only non-whites.

Incorrect way to play Dota 2:
5 players co-operate to raze the base of the other 5 players

Correct way to play Dota 2:
10 players are in a free-for-all. You gain 1 point for making someone butthurt, and lose 3 points for becoming butthurt yourself. Most points wins.

Fuck yes.

My attitude towards teammates is simple. If you suck you get called out for it like the shitter you are.

If you talk back and start telling me that it's only a game and how you only have time to play an hour because you need to take care of your grandma's dog I'll make sure to ruin your game just as you have ruined mine.

If you listen and let me take charge of the overall game strategy and are able to follow basic commands then i'll act chill and offer to teach you after the game.

so in other words you have no friends

>My attitude towards teammates is simple. If you suck you get called out for it like the shitter you are.

that's so mean.some people legit can't gelp being bad. whether it be because of brain problems or the reason you listed. you are taking the game too seriously, and instead of having a good time like you are meant to, you're being a faglord and ruining other peoples fun

I abstain from online play. it has nothing to offer me

absolute sociopath tier

The fuck is up with the dick sucking on that sign?

Is that how you bully people nowadays?

Fuck I'm old.....

>that's so mean

Lmao I'm not the guy you replied too but fuck off

Ah yes, the good ol' lunch break blowjob, forgot about that classic bullying technique.

gabi would ruin saku, imo :(

gabi garcia is actually a biological woman, she just abused steroids for decades

>matchmaking is inherently a little rng
>essentially like rolling a slot machine with a percentage displayed for the chance of a good payout
>you pull the lever
>you get a bad result
>you feel your effort was wasted
>get upset
>repeat without learning anything over and over
>go on websites to vent your frustration
You're like those autists who hurt themselves when they see things they don't understand, then get madder because they are hurt and hurt themselves more because they can't understand why they even hurt themselves in the first place but they're still in pain, until an adult has to come along and physically restrain them until they calm down because they can't help themselves.

>words hurt


man the best thing about not being shit at rocket league is that the higher the rank the less petty bullshit there is. No squabbling because there aren't as many mistakes, and mutual respect so flaming is generally not that bad

enjoy the shitfighting plebians

only foreign people on my team

if the only thing you have to contribute is "team de mierda! , ctm! cyka bylat" you bet your ass im gonna fucking bully your dumb fucking faggot face

>some people legit can't gelp being bad
Fine, don't play in a competitive mode.

>that's so mean
You basically came to this thread because you want to get bullied, faggot. You definitely need your boipussy sodomized

You have brain problems, nerd? I'm sure you have all that experience with autism because you rode the short bus

i just don't like how mean-spirited that is. you're picking on someone for trying to enjoy themselve playing a fucking video game.

fuck off rengar

>Can't help being bad
Did you miss the part where I said I offer people free lessons? The thing about being good in a game is that you can carry the team if the team doesn't actively work against you. If they are willing to put down their autistic pride for a second and admit their bad (Therefore listening to a veterans players commands on what to do) then it's as simple as a few hours of 1v1 lessons and they go from shitter to average. The reason why I only teach people who will accept this fact and listen to my commands is because someone who can't admit their shit will never get good because they will always believe that their losses are caused by things out of their control and that they aren't actually bad. They just got unlucky, I cheated/played cheaply or the lag was too much.

>you get a bad result
I make fun of the retard and have a laugh when he froths at the mouth

>you get a good result
I have fun

>you get a shitter who's willing to learn
I make a new steam friend and the guy stops being a shitter.

If som eone on my team is already in a bad mood I do enjoy making it worse.

i don't say anything unless someone says something to me first.

>peaceful until somebody fucks with us
>an entire military outfit descends and proceeds to widen his asshole enough to park a truck in
Then we follow him around after he goes passive until he leaves

>play games online
>not an asshole

cmon now famerlamerdingding

i only bully 1 person tho and he enjoys it ;)

>get bullied at school
>come home
>bully people online

yes, but only because i struggle to communicate non aggressively

Is that infiltration with a wig?

Dota is my main game so i mean, bullying is a core skill in dota.

Shit-talking is video game culture so of course i do. Anyone who doesn't is either probably being bullied or the silent autist type.

I'd bully her. With my dick.

Yes, but not all the time.

>When L4D was new
>I always make sure to get to the safe room first
>Just start opening and closing the door so no one can get it

Fuck this was always the funniest shit, people go unbelievably angry over it. It was bad enough if you just waste their time, but the buttdevestation if they would die because of it was amazing.

am i the only one here who's actually NOT an asshole online? is Sup Forums really full of underage spergs who take out their frustrations on others in online games?

If everyone is friendly then I am too. If someone gets mad then I mess with them and try to make them more mad.

>if one person acts like a retard or gets upset, its your goal to go out of your way to make them look even more a retard or to enrage them even further

>i-i was only p-pretending to be retarded!

I'm only an asshole to people who I feel deserve it. Usually if they're being mean to others, have a retarded name/avatar, put "I'm a gay transexual" in their bio (happens more than you'd think), or I made them mad before hand by playing the game and they start raging in chat.

Vote to kick this asshole from the thread?

I like being mean to people who do not deserve it because i can get away with it and if i ruin their experience, that's something like """"fun"""" to me

stay mad betas

Alpha != Sociopath


I'm only mean when I post here

Ho boy, look at that tiny """"e-peen"""

Have a bad day a school, sweetie?

who is this bitch she has a punchable face