>mfw consolefags will NEVER EVER get free online
Mfw consolefags will NEVER EVER get free online
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On the contrary, steamcuck. Switch has free online for the first month :)
switch wont even have games released in the first month....or year :)
>free for the first month
>implying a month is the same as being free forever
keep crying kiddo
Sony and Microsoft do that too
ever heard of free trial?
But don't you have to pay for the internet service first to even play on PC?
But don't you have to pay for the internet service first to even play multiplayer on PS4 which then costs even more money?
>free online the first month
>not a single multiplayer game released the first month
this we're all cucks
>tfw the only populated games are CS and overwatch
mfw pcfags discover that the new high-performance "game mode" in Windows used by all future games requires a fee to play online.
>Street Fighter 2
Not a single game.
Also, it's free online until fall.
What means also Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 and Arms
That's a funny joke.
Why are we still here user?
at least we get 5 free games every month and they're better than 90% of Steam indie junk
That meme is only true if you're a sourpuss that ignores every good thing that happens.
>tfw there's nothing you can make fun of so you get so desperate that you need to make alternate reality predictions in order to """""BTFO""""" PC users
this is actually sad
>oh yeah, w-well I bet THIS will happen! haha, imagine what it would be like! l-le goldenface dot jaypeg...
>pays money to have something
>pays money for something
>it's free guyz
Oh show me what games are great in 2016 then user.
How many do you want?
Exactly, that's the point.
So it can be argued that online is free on consoles and that we pay for the monthly games.
You got a source on this pal?
>used by all future games
You mean used by future AAA titles no one in their mind should give a fuck about?
You pay for it because you want to play multiplayer games not because of the shovelware that they throw in your face.
Just tell me 5.
no you cannot, you cannot have one without the other. you pay to get online access, end of.
>titanfall 2
>dishonered 2
>dark souls 3
>ff xv
>xcom 2
>civ 6
>total warhammer
bitch please
>we pay for monthly games
Aren't you just renting them though? after a month they get ripped from your account.
Meanwhile, once I buy a game on steam, I'm legally allowed to DL a rip of it for my own personal use not connected to any service.
Nobody is going to use that. It doesn't even do anything.
tfw waiting for perfect saturn and PS2 emulation so you can ignore modern games forever
>Meanwhile on PC
I'm still waiting on good n64 emu, Saturn is coming along nicely
>optional deal that doesn't lock multiplayer away from people
top kek
My dick 5 times you fucking faggot.
The only reason forced online payment is justified is because of the free games we get every month. Otherwise, no one would bother defending this.
If you removed online payment, a lot of gamers would then complain that free monthly games are gone. That's 60 free games a year.
The way I see it, it's forced DRM.
Fine. I'll concede then. I don't like those but I'll agree they aren't terrible.
Industry is still kinda shit though, thanks to paid online, DLC out the ass and every single game of those being for $60.
They aren't fucking free if you give them money.
>Tfw your no longer a poorfag and you bought a ps4 pro with 20 games and $60 psn.
>using "forced online payment" and "free" in the same sentence
sonyggers suck cock THIS much
I'm not that guy, but Total War: Warhammer is the only game which could be unequivocally considered great. DOOM, TF2, and DS3 are up for debate.
>the order 1886
>no black hand
>doom game on a console
You went from being a poorfag to being an idiot, congratulations.
I don't think you understand just how bad some of the games you bought are.
>Aren't you just renting them though? after a month they get ripped from your account.
>Meanwhile, once I buy a game on steam, I'm legally allowed to DL a rip of it for my own personal use not connected to any service.
Pointless thing to argue about because most games bought are never finished, and the ones that are finished are only played through ONCE.
You can brag whatever you want about Steam, but most vidya people buy there are NEVER played. The stats showed this. And Steam doesn't care about backwards compatibility. If you change your computer in any way, they'll just shrug.
i literally cannot fathom the idiocy of some human beings as to defend getting RAILED in the ass by companies to an extend of ruining their own face.
fuck humanity, we've lost without rationality
>infamous second sun
Please stop shitposting
Yes, you can because it's just another fancy DRM strategy which companies are pushing on us.
>Pointless thing to argue about because most games bought are never finished
nice shifting the goal posts.
>played through once
>steam doesn't care about backwards compatibility
because its not their job to care, they don't enable backwards compatibility on anything. Shit like backwards compatibility is delegated through Windows, Intel and all that shit, I can still play games from 20 years ago and steam has nothing to do with any of it.
>No Bloodborne
You had one job.
no, you cannot mr. IQ of an orange. can you play online without using money? please restrain yourself
PC acts all tough until a ps4 exclusive comes out
"C-can we get a port...?"
>mfw I've lived long enough to see console fags get eternally BTFO
>mfw I signed that petition and I own a ps4 so I'll be playing it anyway.
Wait... Are consolefags not only required to pay for games but they also have to pay to actually play the fucking thing?
Do they also have to pay to store and to dispose of their games? In how many other ways are these retards allowing themselves to be exploited?
Fucking idiots allowing jews to milk them out of their parent's money without even realizing it.
PJ 64 runs ok if you don't try to run it with shitty integrated gpus though. Almost no bugs even on an nvidia 750 ti.
You are deluded if you think you can get good n64 emulation on a igpu.
Get a 1050/460 if you are poor.
You have to pay for internet on pc, dipshits.
>nice shifting the goal posts.
No, because this makes sure the system isn't abused.
>I can still play games from 20 years ago and steam has nothing to do with any of it.
Not for most games. Also, will you say this same thing 10+ years from now on?
"I PMed you the fix"
"nvm I fixed it"
"here just download the solution from this link, bro" (link is broken and user hasn't logged on in years)
"this question was already asked, dumbass. I'm not giving you the answer. Just search for it yourself."
>microsoft litterally giving every xbone exclusive
>wii u emulator finished just in time for zelda
>ps4 getting nothing but vrshit for the next few years
post yfw we won.
Well consoles are kind of the ripoff way of playing games. Specially modern consoles. I can kinda understand the handhelds though. You damn well ain't bringing a PC with you.
Or are you? Modern gaming laptops kinda work.
user , most modern iGPUs can run well PJ 64....
There it is.
>Buying a game that is impossible to beat due to artificial difficulty.
It would be a waste of money in my opinion. Never cared for the souls games to begin with since there all advertised and shilled as being too difficult.
good job missing the point
I'm not defending forced online payment, jackass
Yeah, you pay for games nobody wants and to access your internet you're already paying for. You consolecucks are even dumber then i thought.
>1605 supporters
Why are you posting evidence that pracically no mustards care when you're trying to prove that they're desperate for a port?
Are you black?
>a game's popularity via people playing it means it's good
>caring about stats
>thinking computers aren't backwards compatible, let alone pinning this solely on steam
You want miracles from potato hardware.
b-but what about the 2-3 good video games that aren't on PC :^))
>mfw Nintencuckies trying desperately to latch onto PC
>Not for most games.
Not even gonna read past this.
Don't fall for this, gentlemen. This is what the console gamers fell to.
>PCfats will never have awesome first party games like BotW, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, and mario odyssey
>instead they get ports of garbage games like neptunia, tales and atelier
yes you are, entirely. everything you have said has required one to own a paid internet agreement from sony in order to access your games in question. it's a bad deal and you and your ilk swallow it whole like inbred whores
you have to pay twice. pc users, once.
I don't play video games, I come here to shitpost.
I always pirate if I want to play anything, which happens once a years at best.
You're alright
>he doesn't know
>literal sonygger
Why does that matter?
It's not just this game dumbass
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
You're greedy cunts
Just surprised,
especially compared to the petition to remove a negative uncharted 4 review from metacritic having 10,000+ supporters
>>Not for most games.
>Not even gonna read past this.
Which I explained what I meant right after if you bothered to fucking read
>No, because this makes sure the system isn't abused.
No that is a direct goal post shift. You went from arguing about the artificial DRM on the game affecting the game being played to "it doesn't matter they weren't finished anyway" Which doesn't have anything to do with the subject of the DRM, its a goal post shift because you want to talk about something else.
the number of times a game is played through is irrelevant. Online games don't usually have a "I played through everything time to start over again". Its completely irrelevant and again its still a game and steam has nothing to do with the internal performance of said game on market other than their platform which hosts it.
>not for most games
No for pretty much every game. Any game requiring DOS can be used on DOSBOX. Any game requiring simplified and well developed emulators like PS2X or what ever play a huge majority of the games flawlessly. Sure there isn't really a good dreamcast emulator but a majority of games on NES, SNES, N64 all from those eras are absolutely useful, usable and playable. Saying because you can't play a few games when the obvious majority of games ARE playable is highly erroneous and cherrypicking.
>will you say the same thing 10 years from now?
Idiots like you asked this question 10 years ago and here we are and it STILL works. Yes Windows is highly unlikely to stop using x86/x64 and its highly unlikely that they'll stop supporting hardware and software that revolves around it. This means any software (even if an emulator for a different arch) will still be usable.
>muh fix
these things have contingencies and are highly documented you're making excuses which goes back to how you're directly implying that if one game doesn't work well (like Armored Core 5 on PS2) then the entire emulator by default is useless and broken which is absolutely false.
>DOOM on console
>The Order 1886
>Infamous: Second Son
>AXE can
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that there aren't many people signing them either.
>PCfats will never have awesome first party games
>proceeds to list cinematic experiences like BOTW and Xenoblade
haha are you faggots poor why aren't you spending thousands of dollars on redundant hardware so you can get around deliberate vendor lock-in haha haha
acfag is that you?
>most games
No it works for virtually ALL games for well developed platforms. Almost ALL the PS2 games work, almost ALL the N64 games work, I can say for certain that ALL the wii, NGC, Gameboy and the like emulators work.
You're fucking retarded with this baseless generalization
>the petition to remove a negative uncharted 4 review from metacritic having 10,000+ supporters
Did that actually happen?
>yes you are, entirely. everything you have said has required one to own a paid internet agreement from sony in order to access your games in question
In the PS3 days it was free. Too bad they followed Microsoft.
>it's a bad deal
I agree, but many gamers would disagree because of all the free games they get every month
>and you and your ilk swallow it whole like inbred whores
I spoke against forced online and I still do.
But unfortunately, the majority does swallow it like inbred whores. So what else am I supposed to do because I alone can't change it?
Because it means you have no taste, inherently.