No seriously. Name ONE fucking open world game that wasn't 80% recycled content to pad the length

No seriously. Name ONE fucking open world game that wasn't 80% recycled content to pad the length.

Out of an entire genre, I am merely asking for ONE (1) example.

I'm fucking waiting.

I thought so

Other urls found in this thread:

BotW of the Wild


Might and Magic 6

GTAV. There word and gameplay are so genuinely fun they don't even need to pad it out with 120 of the same shit like zelda.

Niggas will still spend hours having fun with the ai, with cheat codes on.

Also the few repeated objectives they do have are fun and not over done or out of the way, just hitting a random ramp which is fun for the player is an objective, but you wouldn't know it until you've already done it.

It was closer to 95%

BotW is shaping up to be a masterpiece

>tamable horses
>tamable dogs
>friendly NPCs with AI to fight enemies
>MonolithSoft (Xenoblade, Xenobalde X) helped on development for the world (so you know it'll be littered with secrets and an insane amount of hand-crafted detail)
>enemy AI that's actually good (e.g., lighting up their wooden clubs with a fire Link created; throwing nearby barrels at the player; avoiding bombs when they spot them; etc.)
>4 colossal sheikah mech beasts to slay, each with a dungeon inside
>120 shrines with a unique mechanic each, some of them pretty dang large as well
>decent physics engine that can simulate various effects
>mechanics that actually work together within the world (for example, if you want to make a fire, instead of opening a menu to "craft fire"; Link chops down any tree, cuts it into wood pieces, carries the bark in his hand, drops it anywhere on the ground, drops flint on top of the wood, strikes it with any metal melee weapon - boom, fire)
>actual challenge for the first time since LoZ 2 - guardians alone deal a whopping 6 hears of damage
>dynamic weather, temparature, and wind that influences the world as a whole and what equipment the player needs (e.g. if Link gets too cold, you'll need to eat food that warms you or wear thicker clothing)
>sick slow-mo effect then drawing your bow and arrow whilst falling
>fire creates and updraft for your glider
>elemental arrows (so far, we've seen Fire, Bomb, Ice, Lightning, and Sheikah(?) - although we do not know what the last 2 do)
>can climb quite-literally anything in the world - trees, buildings, mountains, even large enemies can be climbed (such as the Steppe Talus rock monster in the Great Plateau)
>no bullshit 2-hour long tutorial anymore, just straight into the game

all this and we still haven't seen gameplay within towns, nor any of the dungeons (aside from a tiny teaser of presumably a sheikah mech dungeon, possibly another dungeon that was set in Death Mountain as well)

The Witcher 3

Thanks, Shill. I'll try it out for free on Cemu once it comes out.

fine by me, I don't care if you buy it or not, I just want people to know what features it has since many are uninformed.

GTA San Andreas

>once it comes out.
Haha, you mean 6 months afterwards with audio issues

>>enemy AI that's actually good

>with audio issues
Where did this meme come from?

he's a lookout bokoblin, he was calling for the other bokoblins in the area.

why is it so quiet?

Ocarina of Time?

Shenmue 2, although the progression is kinda linear

Have you tried turning up your volume?


yes, but it's way quieter than everything else.

do chuchus even have AI? They're like the goombas of the zelda universe

MGS5 was pretty decent at it

Link was clearly charging a spin attack and the Chu Chus stopped to svoid it. You are dumb as fuck.

Ultima 3 & 4.