Retro's next game is a third and final DKC side scroller

>Retro's next game is a third and final DKC side scroller

How would you react?

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As long as Wise composes the soundtrack.

>we will never get k.rool ever again because nintendo has a grudge against rare

>How would you react?


Just like I don't want them to be "simply' the "Metroid studio" I also don't want them to be the "Donkey Kong studio"

Will it have Kremlings?

I'd fucking love another one but not for a while. Retro shouldn't have made Prime 3 and they shouldn't make Returns 3. Go back to Metroid or do a new IP or something. Expand my dong later.

I feel the same way about retro and DK now that I did with retro and metroid back in the day

fuckin get off it

do something else

I'd actually be happy to see a retro 2D metroid since that series desperately needs life breathed into it

That would be really lame. I feel they've done all they could do in a side scroller, and it was great, but another game would just be a map pack.
If there is another DKC game by Retro, it should be full 3D.

I'd go bananas

Pretty happy, but I'm also ready for something new from them that isn't DK or Metroid.

>kept Metroid alive until Other M
>revived DK

What other franchise Nintendo is wasting should Retro save?


Are the Kremlins back?

Then I'm hype

Will we see better animal buddies? More variety in the barrel mini games? Maybe a less generic looking cartoon world and something more unique and visually stimulating like Rare Wares Donkey Kong games?

I'd love them to try and do an action game centered around Takamaru.

>third and final DKC
there's already a Donkey Kong Country III

Three seems like a good number before they move on. Three Metroids, three DKs, then something else.

I know saying "Platinum games should make an X game" is a fucking meme, but I'd really wan to see Hideki Kamiya handle Takamaru's series given that he said that franchise is something he'd love to work on, and it wouldn't be a StarFox situation where he'd risk butting heads with Miyamoto.

I'd love to see Retro do something with Kid Icarus. If they wanted to stay in the two series they've already worked on, then DK should definitely go 3D (like Tanabe once hinted at) or Metroid should go back to being 2D.

The new DKC games are some of the best 2D Platformers and Tropical Freeze is easily the best DKC, so I suppose I would be happy?

I'd agree with everyone who thinks they should stop making DKC games
if it wasn't for the fact that unlike the prime series it started off with a somewhat forgettable game
that had neat level design but was missing a lot of the charm from the originals

Then Tropical Freeze came out and it felt like everything Returns should've been and I want them to make one last game that tries to be a conclusion to the Retro DKC games. Also we finally fucking get a possible series of Nintendo games with a David Wise OST
and you niggas wanna drop it off after on entry??

There's no Prime 3 or Hunters that just proves they're getting stale with it
so I don't see any reason not to expect a third game here and judging by the quality of their last game
I'd buy a Switch in a heartbeat if I get a new goddamn DKC game alongside Zelda, Fast RMX, Sonic Mania and Yooka-Laylee.

Fast RMX?

Sequel from Fast Racing Neo.
A series of Wipeout clones made by a small indie studio with ties to Nintendo

There was a Wii U game called Fast Racing Neo and it's a futuristic racer
like F-Zero and Wipeout (although I enjoyed this game FAR more than any wipeout game)

It's made by a small german developer named Shin'en and they've proven themselves several times how incredibly talented they are.
They made another game called "Nano Assault Neo" and ported it to the 3DS (Nano Assault EX) and while it doesn't look like the 3DS should handle it
it still runs at 60 fps, it's incredible. They've been a Nintendo 3rd party since the Gameboy Color.

Fast RMX is a sequel to that game and it's looking really damn good with 30 new tracks.

Also that fucking OST man. (made by one guy)

Oh yeah, that. Saw a glimpse of it during the Switch presentation and thought it was F-Zero.

now they're the metroid and donkey kong studio

Pissed unless the next announcement is that their next game is Metroid Prime 4. I'd still be annoyed, but I'm a patient man.

I thought the ReCore studio was the Metroid studio

They actually had the oportunity to make Prime 4 during the Wii era. Is just that they were tire of Metroid after doing the three Primes + Hunters so they decided to do Donkey Kong instead.
The project they are currecly working is said to be something they pitched to Nintendo (and not the other way around)

ReCore's studio is the Inafune conman studio

literally why would nintendo not just fund these niggas to make a branded F-Zero game with the characters and vehicles and shit???

it seems like such a no-brainer

That was NST, the people who made 1080 Snowboarding and Waverace

Isn't it full of the people who made Metroid Prime?

You either never played the Fast series or never played F-Zero.
While they share aesthetics they play very differently

no? i think only 2 or 3

>You either never played the Fast series
this is correct, I do not own a wii u

Or so they say

They should start making those games again.
They were great

all racing games are the same

I like Platinum a lot, but they excel in combat and replayability which is half of what I'd want. Things get a lot more dicey with level design and exploration when they're involved, and I want to see Retro's take on a game like that.

The series is has games on the Wii and the 3DS too, see

Mark Pacini, Todd Keller, Jack Mathews and others who worked on the Metroid Prime series

I enjoyed the controls a lot more than any Wipeout game I played and the color switch system is very nice. it also doesn't have weapons
I can see why people don't like the whole "collect orbs to fill your boost" shit
but it's incredibly satisfying to boost for like a minute because you keep hitting them just right.

It doesn't have moves like the spinning from F-Zero and therefore different & more straight forward track design
but god fucking damn it for a 25€ game it was worth every cent
and I wish people gave more of a shit about them since their games are definitely up there with other Nintendo titles in terms of quality.

Takamaru's original game wasn't about exploration but was about finding your way thru fortified castles full of ninjas, demons and aliens.
Also, Kamiya made Okami


> DKC themed around very natural environments
> DKC2 themed around more surreal,
> DKC3 themed around Western/North American environments
> DKCR themed around a semi-plausible ecosystem
> DKCR: TF themed around every natural environment possible, with viking shit

There's no real theme left for the franchise to explore.

o u t e r s p a c e

Kamiya did make Okami, I'll give him that, but I honestly don't know how much staff carry over there was from Clover to Platinum.

I'm not saying I'd be against Platinum getting Takamaru either, just curious what Retro would do with him and action games in general.

surely you have a better imagination than that
most of them have jungles and beaches
even DKC2 had pirates and even a fucking carnival world

Sure these games definitely have different design philosophies behind them
but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be up to it.

I myself don't think they should make an F-Zero game just yet but they deserve their spotlight nonetheless
and it's frustrating to see people saying the switch has no games until Splatoon while RMX comes out like 24 or so days after launch.

>Kongs are still power ups
>Rambi is still the only animal buddy
>Physics are still trash
>Stage design is still fall apart platforms
>Bonus rooms are still "collect 100 bananas in the time limit"

Nah, I'm good.

I like Fast. The game is high quality, I got happy when it appeared on the Switch's press conference.

>People want the best platformer series of all time to be thrown into the trash

Why does Retro need to stop making DK? Metroid stopped getting games because it's C-list and they got bored, but DK doesn't need to be that way

Honestly they shouldn't try to market it as F-Zero, or as an F-Zero inspired game or even as a successor.
The games feel entirely different, and F-Zero veterans would be rightfully pissed.
Still, it should get more exposure.
Also, people here only consider someting to be a "real game" if it's an AAA exclusive. A shame, really.
Because Fast is fucking great

>physics are still trash
They make more sense than the original games you retard.
Yes those felt great to play but just because the new games have more weight to them
which by the way is one of the best aspects to the Retro games
doesn't mean it's trash, far from it.

>Animal buddies
Animal buddies were always just an excuse to shake up gameplay here and there
and while it'd be nice to see more, the level design in the Retro games is absolutely fantastic
and Rambi being the only one really doesn't hurt the games at all.

Also I'd take the new swimming controls over the shark or the stupid fuckin' bird anyday
and if you like the springy snake so much go play that cancer in Mario Galaxy instead.

>stage design is still fall apart platforms
this has got to be bait at this point ffs

Be careful with your words.
Metroid Prime still holds amazingly well today, and is of better quality and with more care and atention to detail than the shovelware with expensive art assets that passes as AAA games these days

It would be nice to see Enguarde again, though. Especially if they do underwater levels again.

>People want the best platformer series of all time to be thrown into the trash

But Retro doesn't make Rayman.

>Metroid Prime still holds amazingly well today

ehhhhh.... for the most part. If you replayed it you'd see that it's a bit archaic. Samus herself is kinda clunky and the bosses are all super slow and shallow as a result. The later games also got more and more linear

That's not the original Super Mario Brothers

That game is fucking awful though. Most 2D Marios are painfully average.

>a fucking run button

>this has got to be bait at this point ffs
The gripe about bonus levels is completely true, to be fair. It's easily the worst part of the Retro DKCs.

I don't know how they didn't stop halfway through making them and think "these are getting a bit stale, perhaps we should try something different?"

I wouldn't mind.
They did 3 Metroid games, so doing 3 Donkey Kong games isn't that much of a stretch at all.

That's not the Sonic Genesis trilogy

There's not a single fast futuristic racing game on a single Nintendo platform ever since the Wii
and if they say "hey this ain't F-Zero but it'll stop the bleeding" then what the hell is the problem.

Yes I played F-Zero GX for countless hours, especially recently thanks to Dolphin netplay
and I do miss a lot of the things from that game but as a Starfox fan I WISH we could get new Rogue Squadron games
and that people would tell me "that's the most Starfox you're gonna get"
because it feels Starfox enough, especially since the games are fucking fantastic.

We are talking series here (you know Super Mario 1, 2, 3)

There's nothing quite like F-Zero, what is a shame

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze has a run button too, user.

Considering I didn't like Tropical Freeze, no II wouldn't.

The game is full analog. There's no run button

I will give you the bonus levels.

Thankfully those are not required to unlock all the levels in the game so I simply don't even care.
Honestly I fucking despise any straight forward platformer that makes me wanna get good at it to breeze through levels first
but then I need to hold up and do little minigames just to get the mcguffins because "muh hidden levels".

Leave that shit to 3D platformers where running towards a straight path isn't encouraged in the first place.

How about you combine whatever it takes unlock extra hard levels with alternate pathways that require good reaction time and skill
Oh wait that's exactly what Tropical Freeze does.

yes there is, stop lying or don't use the goddamn fucking analog stick in a 2D platform jfc

Also why the hell are people shitting on run buttons in 2D platformers what the fuck

>playing a 2D sidescroller with an analog stick

they grew up with analog sticks

This thread is fucking dead.

God I hate this place

I thought someone said their next game is a new IP


I dunno, Steampunk or some shit

c a s t l e v a n i a a e s t h e t i c s


>precise movement

How the hell is the ambiguity behind pushing a stick for minimum input at all more precise than tapping a fucking button you mongoloid??


So you're just retarded then?

But for what purpose?

I only play platformers with a flightstick.

nice counterargument you fucking retard

>Retro destroyed Metroid
>Now they're destroying DKC

Like pottery

Nigga, I refuse to play any game that can't be played with Virtual On's dual arcade sticks setup
