I know I'm very late to the party but this game is a masterpiece.
I know I'm very late to the party but this game is a masterpiece
I'll agree, though a bit reluctantly.
Agreed. GOTY 2015 and most likely GOTG overall (it has no competition in the near future, at least).
too depressing and miserable and difficult to really enjoy multiple playthroughs, the game feels tortuous
I stopped playing when I got abducted and put into a cell in an area where everything one-hit kills me, and the only way out is through a giant thunder crow and no way to return to the hunters dream.
Maybe it was the game telling me I'm too shit to play these games.
Over time, it has become my favorite Fromsoft game. I'm currently at Gehrman on my third play through, doing chalice dungeons for the first time. They're fun if you summon, and the coop player base is still very active.
Yes, definitely it was the game telling you that. If you simply went up the stairs you could have warped out.
There has been sudden mass interest in this game for some reason.
Also how in the fuck does Darkbeast Paarl look like a crow
Probably people disillusioned with the Shit-oh demo looking for a better alternative.
It was big and black furred. Didn't get a good look at it guy.
will bloodborne 2 follow the path of DS II?
halo 3 is much better
Just beat martyr logarias. Are the headstones supposed to have full list of places in them? For awaken above ground headstone, I only have like 6 places. First playthrough here, I feel like I'll miss a lot of things if I don't read wikis
No, the first headstone is the only one that gets close to full. They have less places as you progress (with the last one having ~4 if I remember correctly).
it was both Christmas and the game was on sale
>martyr logarias
did you summoned?
Nope. But the old hunter bone really helped a lot though
>30fps masterpiece
No, it won't exist
>I know I'm very late to the party but this game is a masterpiece.
>I'll agree, though a bit reluctantly.
>Agreed. GOTY 2015 and most likely GOTG overall (it has no competition in the near future, at least).
Sony shills can never stop shilling for their dead console with a 1 dark souls clone.
>No, the first headstone is the only one that gets close to full.
but it does get completely full
cuck pls go
you're using the word wrong, underage
Bold Hunter's Mark, faggot.
Or just walk upstairs.
Bitch I'm 25 and I would have typed out the complete term (PCuck) if I knew it would trigger you so goddamn hard.
>Bitch I'm 25
Except you sound like 15 years old retard. Must be the case with the majority of Sup Forums - your intelligence is terribly low.
>Except you sound like 15 years old retard
You mean:
>using an en dash instead of an em dash
You are the true super-retard.
You got what I mean, retard, it only makes you look more pathetic with your retarded reply to my post.
Then I'll stop replying: by your logic that will make me look cool. :^)