When speedrunners categorically refer to not-speedrunning as 'casual' play

>when speedrunners categorically refer to not-speedrunning as 'casual' play

I would really prefer if they would call it 'normal' or 'traditional' or 'standard' instead. If not-speedrunning is 'casual' that must mean speedrunning is 'professional'.

Don't make me laugh. Maybe sometimes it so-happens to be the case that top-tier players are able to earn money speedrunning, but they are the exception rather than the rule and there is nothing inherently professional about the act of practicing speedrunning. Likewise there is nothing necessarily casual about not-speedrunning, which encompasses a pretty broad scope of ways of gaming, by the way.

Given the time commitment required to git gud at speedrunning and the excessive repetition involved, most of the time whenever games are being speedran by humans those humans will in fact be playing from a relatively casual mindset themselves. It shows how shortsighted, if not outright arrogant, the speedrunning community is that they fail to recognize that casualness in themselves while continuing to consistently separate themselves from it.

Speedrunning is merely an 'alternative' or 'special' or 'challenge' mode of play. That's it.

The speedrunning community doesn't understand the meaning of words, apparently, or that 'casual' is fundamentally a state of mind and not a categorical approach to video games. We can infer that they view their specific approach to video games - and by extension, they themselves - as superior to all other forms of gaming and gamers whose rich diversity they completely ignore, lumping everything that isn't what they do into a single, inferior group.

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oh gee i wanna play the same game for thousands of hours

Speedrunning is literally autistic.

If non-speedingrunning is now casual-play then we need to refer to speedrunning as autism because who the fuck wants to reset every minute to play the same segment over and over 1500 times to perfect it? Oh.. I just literally described autism.

Dude, what they are saying is this.

There's 2 ways to play the game. You can play the game casually like most people do. Where you just sit back with a drink, playing through the story or playing multiplayer.

And then there's hardcore, where you're on the edge of your seat trying to make sure you do everything perfect, whether it be in a single player game or in competitive multiplayer.
If you play a game to 100% or you play a game to master and perfect it like and speed runner, that's hard core.
If you play a game just to mess around or to just play the story, that's casual.

Have you ever played an instrument or played a sport? You do the same thing again and again until you master it. You shoot free throws in basket ball until you're near perfect. You practice the same notes and the same song on piano until you can play without a mistake.
You play through the same level again and again until you perfect it. It's the same thing.

You sound pretty pleb right now breh desu. It may indeed be on the old spectrum but at least these people have real, genuine passion for at least a few different games. And I mean on a level that goes beyond simply having favorites, which is the stopping point for most people.

People like you, who will play games and thoroughly enjoy them and do fairly well in terms of a standard playthrough. Maybe you will return and replay your most favorite ones every few years or so, and you'll always hold them in high regard. But typically that's where non-autismal interest, if you will, peaks and most people never truly stop following their short attention spans towards the latest new releases.

Which is fair enough I suppose but most people have no leg to stand on as far as belittling speedrunners for taking deeper interest in a particular few of their personal favorite games. In that sense - in terms of the levels of specialization, knowledge and love for their favorites, and ultimately for gaming itself as a hobby - speedrunners actually kind of are in a different league all together. It's the one way in which their incessant claims that everyone else but them are casuals makes sense, somewhat.

I was just about to post that.


>watching, listening to, or caring about what those people say

For what purpose?

>If not-speedrunning is 'casual' that must mean speedrunning is 'professional'.
The opposite of professional is amateur, user, not casual. 3/10 because this feels like a faux aspie sperg but I still replied.

Perhaps but casual in vidya is basically slang for amateur.

This post is as autistic as speedrunning.

You've been living life for assumedly 18 years and 1 hour but you still seem to be playing like an autist :^)

Fuck you nigga. It was wise.

And true. And insightful.


nah i dont mind that. its when they mention "casual players" because they are "runners"
fuckin special snowflakes ill tell ya

>Session Timer

Marathon runs require
>precise knowledge of virtually everything in the game that can be utilized normally
>the knowledge of numerous glitches and game mechanics not revealed during casual play
>the ability to act upon all of this, timing, frame perfect moves
>increased risk by intentionally avoiding things that make the game easier, like upgrades in metroidvanias or taking obtuse ways through dangerous areas instead of being methodical and careful
>playing through the game in a single uninterrupted session
It is evidently much more challenging than casual play which is where the autism meme comes from anyways, "Only autists would really push themselves to such lengths". An argument can be made comparing speedrunners to real profession videogame players but they are still clearly distinct from casual players. Note: Most of the time the term casual is used during events like GDQ it is used in context of the runner performing an obtuse, hard to pull off move that requires advanced knowledge of the game a regular player would never discover, casual can be understood as "as the devs intended" in these cases, and as devs intended games are far easier than the arbitary limits imposed by speedrunning

I can definitely see how speedrunners could develop egos. Oh, look at me, I'm so special:
>i know all the little hidden glitches and tricks, and i know when, where, and how to use them
>i studied the game mechanics and memorized routes and shit
>i play the same game hours a day for months on end i'm so pro and hardcore, vidya is a not a hobby but a sport to me, i'm like an athlete now - no, i literally am one, i'm an athlete of the future... whoa...
>these people who watch me do this boring shit on Twitch reaffirm my previous observation that i'm awesome
And then of course some of them end up going to GDQ events where millions of dollars are raised. Good God, I can only imagine what that'll do to their heads. Plus the whole goal of getting into speedrunning in the first place is to be the best in the world and gain notoriety and shit. It's naturally attractive to narcissists.



>Note: Most of the time the term casual is used during events like GDQ it is used in context of the runner performing an obtuse, hard to pull off move that requires advanced knowledge of the game a regular player would never discover, casual can be understood as "as the devs intended" in these cases, and as devs intended games are far easier than the arbitary limits imposed by speedrunning
Yeah, except that's not what the word 'casual' actually means. By definition. Not only should the speedrunning community not be allowed to get away with twisting the meanings of words, or carelessly misusing words, they shouldn't want to do that since it tarnishes their own public image. And nobody should apologize for them or attempt to justify, or otherwise defend their poor choice of words in any way, for they are objectively in the wrong.

>autistic enough to watch speed runners enough to pick up common speedrun parlance
>believe you aren't as autistic as speedrunners themselves

and you shouldn't be allowed to get away with being a faggot, yet here you post

>mfw there are games i have picked up purely to speedrun
>mfw get to call normal players 'casuals' when they've been playing for 20+ years because I can beat the game in a few minutes and they take hours
>mfw only been playing for a week

Why do I feel like this entire post was taken straight off of reddit?

they should call CISgender people normal too, but instead we get called cis which sounds like sissy, when in fact they are the sissies.

I literally laughed my balls off when i finally googled what CIS means. 'Someone who identifies as who they were born as'.

"Okay... So, normal then."

Dozens of words in videogames are "twisted" for different meanings, and many of the same words adopt different meanings in different genres or environments.

English has no official regulating body and is a clusterfuck anyways, there's nothing wrong with people fucking it up.

this triggers my deep underlying crippling autism

Probably because you go there often and have a sense of what it's like. I wouldn't know if it sounds like that or not because I don't go there.

Google it if you you want, you'll see it's all original content written by me. Just now. For the sake of Sup Forums.

Yeah, well, the truth is the truth no matter how gay it sounds. I can't help it.

so brave

Heh, yeah. CIS is honestly a normaphobic hateword that is offensive to sane people. It should be mocked along with the people who use it, whenever it is used.

Do any of you fags actually speedrun or do you just shitpost about it?

wow thats a big snake

>Not only should the speedrunning community not be allowed to get away with twisting the meanings of words, or carelessly misusing words, they shouldn't want to do that since it tarnishes their own public image

Dude, who cares what a bunch of turbo nerds are doing in their own time? If they want to believe speedrunning is the most hardcore thing in the world, they are free to do so, and you and me both are free to ignore their existence completely.

While I do believe some speedrunners deserve some respect for their dedication, becoming good enough at speedrunning is no different from becoming high level in a fighting game, its up to you if you want to spend months training yourself in a single game, day in day out, but know your only reward will be e-dick sucking among your niche cycle, 99% of the people who play videogames will never care a single fuck if you managed to squeeze a second more on your run.

the truth is that you are more autistic than the autistic speedrunners themselves

Okay. So what is your argument for why they should keep using ambiguous language when there exists numerous alternatives they could begin using instead, several of which I have already presented right here in this very thread. As far as I can tell there is no good reason not to update their lingo, and at least one good reasons why they should (public image).

This is the only game I have ever "speedrun" but it was more out of loving the game than trying to compete at running.

I like watching speedruns and taking some of the techniques to make the game more fun.

Congrats on not falling into this pitfall of a hobby while trying to have more fun with video games.

That's how it starts user. I thought I was just playing Sonic Generations every day to have a good time and before I knew it I was playing to get a good time.

>Dude, who cares what a bunch of turbo nerds are doing in their own time?
The psycho-semantic police, that's who!

>That's how it starts user. I thought I was just playing Sonic Generations every day to have a good time and before I knew it I was playing to get a good time.
Speedrunning's a hell of a drug.

Do they take deeper interest in the game, though?
Is speedrunning truly the only way to take deeper interest in it?

Sure, its one way to manifest a love for a game, but to imply that the only way you can enjoy a game to its fullest is to spend thousands of hours meticulously playing it over and over again is just absurd.

I like speedrunning, but when the runners start abusing glitches, it sort of loses it for me. Are you really "beating" a game if you skip 99% of it?

I've played through Dragon's Dogma 4 times now. None of which have been speedruns (even on speedrun mode) but to say that someone enjoys the game more than I do because they decided to try and beat it in the least amount of time doesn't make any sense.

How long til I turn into a tranny? I wanna get out before I hit that point.

Yeah, but look how fast you can go!

Personally, I'm a speedrunner and I'm browsing a gender bender thread on Sup Forums right now, so it's too late for me.

But I really don't care what they do or say. If they have some bullshit opinion about it, I can confidently ignore it. Why would I care what a neet who plays the same game all goddamn day thinks about how I play games? I have actual work to do and a gf to fuck.

Just refer to speed running as autistic play.

Except that there's something desirable in playing a sport or learning an instrument. Playing the same game over and over until the illusion breaks and there's just the excitement of top-speedrun-high-score is slow death.

>It's the same thing.

>It may indeed be on the old spectrum but at least these people have real, genuine passion for at least a few different games

Speedrunning a game isn't a passion for the game. Games are finite illusions, they get boring, you move on to something new and better. Playing a "favorite game" past this point is so typically autistic/inhuman, even replaying games is questionable because so much of the excitement is unhinged after a playthrough.

>see feminine name has WR or close
>check their twitter
>"pronouns are she, her and madam"

Knew it lol. Women never have enough talent to get gaming records.

Fucking every time i check...

speedrunning is pretty casual tho

>let's play piss-easy kid games fast, that'll make us hardcuck gamurs!

>Playing a "favorite game" past this point is so typically autistic/inhuman, even replaying games is questionable because so much of the excitement is unhinged after a playthrough.
In other news there are and have been, for centuries, academics willing to devote themselves to thoroughly analyzing individual creative works of all different kinds of art in great detail. There's plenty of people who have written formal essays about the meaning of the Mona Lisa and shit. But I guess that's all just autism, right?

You don't even believe in replaying video games. You know nothing.

>being good at a video game is the same as being good at a musical instrument or sports


I imagine that's why they try to claim gaming is a "sport" now.
>Reeeee if I tell people playing CS competitively is a sport, I'll be just as cool as Chad!

In the case of speedrunning it's dumb because it's an arbitrary self-impossed challenge slapped in kiddie games, but there are games that genuinely have replayability and self-improvement in mind.

>3 hours
>SPEED run

No, the opposite of "professional" is "amateur".

Speedrunning is still amateur. It's just enthusiast amateur.

who gives a shit about speedrunners

I don't get the appeal of speedrunning, like wew you can glitch the game to complete it fast, fucking cool.

>giving a shit about what speedrunners have to say

I like legit speedruns where someone has mastered all the skills of a game and can get through it in an hour or so.

Glitch runs where they clip through the ceilings to beat Fallout in 18 minutes can suck a dick.

>Do they take deeper interest in the game, though?
Above average for sure.

>Is speedrunning truly the only way to take deeper interest in it?
Certainly not, that was one of my points. I'm glad you see this as well.

>Sure, its one way to manifest a love for a game, but to imply that the only way you can enjoy a game to its fullest is to spend thousands of hours meticulously playing it over and over again is just absurd.
Definitely, it's also equally ridiculous to act like that type of enjoyment is worthy of special distinction from all other, so-called 'casual' forms of enjoyment; it's not self-evidently true, I seriously doubt there's any evidence at all to prove it, and I for one struggle to imagine how the speedrunning community arrived at such a conclusion by any means other than egotism or some other flaws of character.

>I like speedrunning, but when the runners start abusing glitches, it sort of loses it for me. Are you really "beating" a game if you skip 99% of it?
Technically yes, but not really.

>I've played through Dragon's Dogma 4 times now. None of which have been speedruns (even on speedrun mode) but to say that someone enjoys the game more than I do because they decided to try and beat it in the least amount of time doesn't make any sense.
Agreed m8. You get it.

i agree, mastering the game is actually interesting, not "hurr watch me break the game and meme through these walls"

It's your time, you play the game however you want. Just don't pretend that playing the same video game nonstop to set some kind of Internet record makes you better than me. And playing Dark Souls doesn't become a sport just because you can do it really fast.

The irony here is that they do play for living, so making them professional

One day, I will decipher this image.

I fucking hate speed runners.

Speedrunning in a nutshell is the most decadent hedonistic behavior humans have conceived so far. Rather then learn another language, travel, or increase monetary worth, or even have a physical tangible hobby. There are people out there trying to best 2 seconds on Contra.

Why is Bonesaw banned from AGDQ?

If you type that exact text onto youtube you will get your answer

Too ready

The definition of casual seems to have changed, just like the definition of thicc means ssbbw now.

says someone who has not done such himself and stays at Sup Forums

This whole thicc meme is feminist propaganda, they're subconsciously conditioning the youth to resign themselves to fucking fat bitches in the future. Grassroots social engineering...

>It is evidently much more challenging than casual play

More challenging is ALL it is. Meanwhile everything else in the game has been reduced to a joke. The adventure. The immersion.
All ruined.

And even then, even the most complicated videogames are nothing compared to how complicated LIFE is. Videogames are more than mere challenge for aspies.